Panther Commando

Chapter 2084: tianluodiwang

"Whoosh", a sharp arrow flew past Takahashi Moriki's side from time to time, slamming into the tree trunks around him. Senmu's hair stood up.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki couldn't bear to turn his head to see how many people were chasing behind him. He knew that he must not stop at this time. Troopers behind.

While running towards the dark forest in front, he raised his left hand to grab a grenade, and quickly inserted his fingers into the safety bolt, ready to throw his killer back when the enemy was approaching and as a last resort.

But he knew in his heart: he only had two grenades on his body, and he must not use them until the emergency of life and death. Once he uses it now, when he reaches the top of the mountain and meets a strong enemy, he will be helpless with his bare hands! In this fierce battle, the saber that he held tightly in his right hand could not play a role in self-defense at all.

At this moment, there was a sharp whistle from behind Takahashi Moriki, and it was obvious that the Lingxiu disciple behind him sounded the alarm while chasing quickly. With this sharp whistle, echoing whistles echoed in the depths of the pitch-black jungle, and there were bursts of fast running sounds from the front, back, left, and right jungles.

Takahashi Moriki's heart sank, his actions have alerted the opponent, and now the dense forest is running fast in all directions, one after another with bows, arrows and machetes, he will soon be surrounded by this dark jungle. middle.

He knew that he was in danger, and he had to find a way to break out of this encirclement as soon as possible! He raised his whole body skills and swayed from side to side among the trees in the forest and quickly ran forward, closely following the Lingxiu disciples dozens of meters behind him, pulling the bowstring from time to time in pursuit and shooting feathered arrows, sharp arrows one by one It whizzed past him with the sound of breaking the air, and the surrounding tree trunks sounded from time to time the sound of "poof" and "poof" sharp arrows inserted into the trunk.

The color on Takahashi Moriki's face has changed, and the figure of the running figure flickered behind the trees, and his eyes with night vision goggles stared at the surrounding tree trunks. At this time, he is not worried about the chasing soldiers behind him. As long as the time is a little longer, he is confident that with the ninja kung fu of the Takahashi family, he will definitely be able to throw away the opponent behind him. Moreover, the opponent does not have night vision equipment, so in such a dark forest It's impossible to catch up with yourself at all.

At this time, what he was most worried about was the constant whistling around him and the hurried footsteps that gradually surrounded him. The whistling sound that kept ringing was obviously informing the surrounding companions of his current location, and the hidden Lingxiu disciples were running towards him in the forest.

Takahashi Moriki rushed forward desperately, and suddenly found that a light blue light suddenly flashed on the tree trunk not far ahead, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes that had become anxious, it must be in the forest. The arrangement of the organs is located! With a flash of his body, he suddenly turned around and ran towards the shining tree, turning his head to look behind him as he ran.

In the shadowy tree trunks behind, the figure of the chasing soldiers behind him can no longer be seen, but the sound of fast running footsteps and the constant whistling sounds are getting clearer and clearer, and the fast running footsteps in the forest are like knocking on one side The drums of war hit Takahashi Moriki's heart, making him feel suffocated.

At this time, Takahashi Moriki's heart was filled with joy and sorrow. He was so happy that he had temporarily let go of the chasing soldiers behind him. He was so worried that the surrounding Lingxiu disciples were approaching, and the encirclement was shrinking!

Takahashi Jiro temporarily relaxed in his heart, he slowed down the pace of running, and tried to reduce the noise made by the running under his feet. He knew in his heart that the other party didn't have night vision goggles. If he wanted to continue to track him in such a dark forest, he could only rely on the sound in the dense forest. As long as he didn't make a sound to alarm the other party, the other party would definitely not find him 100 meters away. .

But he also knew in his heart that the crisis did not end there, and he was still surrounded by opponents! He was discovered by the opponent just now, and the opponent had already sounded an alarm to indicate where he was. The people around him were searching the forest from all directions, and he was still surrounded by the opponent.

With a nervous expression on his face, he ran to the big tree that was flickering with faint light, and immediately squatted down and looked up at the surrounding tree trunks, and immediately found that there were also faint spots of light flashing under the canopies of the surrounding big trees.

He immediately stood up, ran quickly to check the bright spots on the surrounding trees, and suddenly found that the structure seemed to be very large, and he sighed in horror: "Damn, if I didn't find these flashing markers, If you slammed into this organization, you can't escape even if you have nine lives!"

He stopped and turned his head to look behind him, and suddenly found that the footsteps that he had been following behind him just now had been running towards the side of the forest, and he seemed to have lost his trace. He followed and looked at the surrounding woods again, and the sound of running footsteps still echoed in the distant woods, and the running direction seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Takahashi Moriki nervously walked to a big tree with a mark, his eyes suddenly flickered, and then he squatted under the pitch-black tree, carefully scrutinizing the arrangement of the organs in the array next to him.

He stared at it for a and suddenly found in the dark that several small tree trunks with the thickness of the wrist were standing in the gap between several thick trees like a curved bow. The branches and leaves at the top of the trunks It has been shaved bare by sharp tools, and one end is tightly bent by a thin vine, and the trunk of the wrist is also tied with a taut thin vine, which stretches towards the canopy of the surrounding trees. Go; the forest is densely distributed with thin vines that are tightly stretched.

Takahashi Moriki nervously followed the vines and looked up into the canopy. Only then did he realize that on the thick branches below the canopy, blocks of rocks of different sizes were hanging high, and each rock was connected to those thin vines.

His eyes and pupils shrank to a black spot, and he cursed in horror: "These Lingxiu disciples are too vicious! Damn, if he enters the formation and touches any thin vine, it is tantamount to entering. An eighteen-level hell! Not only were there wooden sticks swept away vigorously on the ground, but there was also this piece of howling flying stones on the top of my head. At that time, no matter how high my kung fu was, I couldn't escape this **** net!"

He looked at the battle in front of him and his heart was beating wildly! The mechanisms here are obviously arranged in different ways, some are crossbow arrow arrays, some are trap arrays, and some are such powerful rock formations in front of them. As long as you accidentally enter these organs, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

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