Panther Commando

Chapter 2085: close to the top of the mountain

Takahashi Moriki stared at the ancient battle in horror for a moment, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He turned his head and listened to the hurried footsteps in the surrounding woods, then quickly pulled out a bundle of ropes from his backpack, and then he leaned behind the tree and carefully connected the rope in his hand to a tight vine in the front. superior. This was originally a climbing rope he prepared for when he encountered dangerous terrain in the mountains, but he did not expect it to come in handy here.

He immediately stood up, bent down and carefully pulled the rope around a few big trees outside the organization. on a big tree.

With a sneer on his face, he stood up close to the big tree, turned his head to listen to the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer in the surrounding woods, got up and drilled into the dense forest on the side.

At this time, the sound of fierce footsteps was echoing in the dark jungle. Takahashi Moriki had already judged from the sound of footsteps that at least a dozen people in the forest were approaching from all directions of the dense forest towards the surroundings of this machine formation. Obviously, these Lingxiu disciples knew from the whistle that he was in this area, so they immediately surrounded this area.

Takahashi Moriki was ready, mentioned the Takahashi family's ninja kung fu, and ran quickly into the dark forest on the side, staring nervously at the gap between the tree trunks in front of him as he ran, listening to the sound of footsteps coming from the front. , at any time to judge the distance between yourself and the other party.

He had just run more than 100 meters away when he suddenly stopped in front of a thick tree trunk, jumped up suddenly, then hugged the sides of the tree trunk with both hands, and bent his legs around the tree trunk and quickly moved up the tree trunk. Climbing, and in a blink of an eye, he has already climbed to the bottom of the tree canopy more than three meters high, followed by holding his breath, turned his face and stared at the dim forest around him.

The sound of footsteps came from the forest in front, and a black figure holding a long machete quickly ran from under the tree, and then two black figures came out from the woods on both sides, all holding curved bows. Running towards the forest behind Takahashi Moriki, the three of them disappeared into the dark forest in a blink of an eye, only the sound of footsteps still echoed in Takahashi Moriki's ears.

Takahashi Moriki hugged the tree trunk tightly, turned his face to look at the forest behind him, a grin on his face. It didn't take long, there was a sudden scream from the dark forest behind, and then I heard a fierce wind sound in the dense forest, and the sound of flying stones hitting the trunk of the tree echoed in the forest like a mountain and a tsunami.

Takahashi Moriki's eyes flashed, his body slowly slid down the tree trunk, he raised his hand and touched the condensed resin on the tree trunk to identify the direction, then turned around and ran up the mountain.

There was a gloomy smile on Takahashi Moriki's face. He turned his head and glanced back while running. The dense forest in the distance was already shrouded in fog, and the swift and violent flying stones roared and hit the surrounding tree trunks, causing a dense canopy of trees. The dust in the middle flew up, and the forest was filled with dust and mist, and it was impossible to see the state of those Lingxiu people at this time.

He turned his face away and put away the sneer on his face, raised his speed and drilled into the dense forest in the direction of the top of the mountain. He knew that he had exposed his figure just now, and he had attracted all the guarded Lingxiu people to the area just now, and there would be no more guarded Lingxiu people around. As long as he pays attention to the marks on the tree trunks in front of him at all times and avoids straying into the trap, he will no longer encounter major dangers in this forest.

At this time, the roaring sounds in the dense forest had gradually ceased, and a call with a strong local accent was coming from the dense forest behind Takahashi Jiro.

Takahashi Jiro watched the dense forest in front of him galloping, while listening intently to the voice behind him. From the bursts of hurried calls, he heard that the other party was calling each other's partners, but there was no screaming in the voice.

While noticing the movement in the forest in front of him, he cursed in frustration: "Damn, it's a pity! The line that he set up was outside the organization's array. It seems that the other party stumbled on the line that he set up just now, causing the organization The battle was suddenly launched, but such a powerful mechanism did not hurt their people. However, the sudden start of the battle has caused the panic of these chasing soldiers, and served the purpose of hindering these chasing soldiers from continuing to track them, otherwise it would be really difficult for them. Get rid of these martial arts practitioners who are familiar with the roads in the forest."

He couldn't help but secretly feel complacent about his masterpiece, and he ran faster and faster under his feet. At this moment, he suddenly found that the trees that were densely covered in the forest suddenly became sparse, the gaps between the forests gradually increased, and there were some chopped tree stumps scattered in the forest around, and the temperature also changed. It descended sharply, and a bone-piercing chill suddenly hit him.

Takahashi Jiro couldn't help shivering in the biting cold, but his heart was suddenly filled with joy. He knew that he had already approached the top of the mountain without any risk, otherwise these chopped tree stumps would not have appeared in the forest. These tree stumps are obviously the traces left by the Lingxiu people at the top of the mountain. It is estimated that they cut down the big trees at the edge of the forest to take the trunks for construction materials, or to use them as heating materials on this icy top of the mountain.

Just when he was happy to approach the top of the mountain, he suddenly felt a chill in his his whole body trembled involuntarily. Startled, he hurried to hide behind a tree on the side, and quickly brought up the feminine inner strength of his Takahashi family, trying his best to resist the sudden chill.

But at this time, the cold air from the forest in front of him invaded his body like a shadow. It melted in his heart again, spreading the icy cold air to his whole body, and his body trembled violently in the sudden cold air.

Takahashi Moriki was shocked! Knowing that his stamina has been seriously depleted after running for a long time, and now he is trying his best to raise the feminine inner strength in his family, but he can't resist the cold aura. Two red pills were shoved into his mouth.

He immediately took a deep breath, intensified the circulation of the infuriating energy in his body, and dissolved the medicinal power of the Fire Dragon Pill as soon as possible. Not long after, a heat wave suddenly rose from his abdomen, and his shaking body gradually calmed down.

He looked in horror at the direction of the top of the mountain outside the forest, and exclaimed in his heart: "My dear, the cold here is exactly as Jiro said, it is so cold and piercing! If there is no deep inner strength or this kind of Chiyang pill, outsiders will be When you come up, your whole body is frozen, and it is impossible to make a difference!"

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