Panther Commando

Chapter 2086: crazy eyes

Takahashi Moriki took a few deep breaths, and only after the medicinal power had spread all over his body and his hands and feet became flexible, he stuck his head out from behind the tree and looked into the forest ahead.

Through the sparse trees in front, a dim light blue luster faintly penetrated from outside the forest, and the luster seemed to carry a thick chill. Takahashi Moriki's heart was beating violently. He had gone through life and death in the forest, and now he is finally approaching the edge of the forest!

Takahashi Mori looked out from behind the tree and looked out of the forest. He was very excited. It seemed that the light blue light that penetrated faintly outside the forest was the luster of the coldest gem that Takahashi Jiro mentioned. There was a greedy thief in his eyes, as if the gem that was already close to him was right in front of his eyes.

He stared blankly outside the forest for a while, then took a few deep breaths to calm his excitement, retracted his head from the tree and sat down slowly, leaning back against the tree trunk, took out the kettle and drank two sips of cold mountain spring water, then took out Putting a compressed biscuit in his mouth, he quickly chewed it, and then leaned his head against the thick tree trunk, closing his eyes and running the secret femininity of the Takahashi family.

He knew that once he rushed out of the jungle in front of him, he would face a fierce battle with swords, lights, swords and shadows, so he had to recover his strength before walking out of the jungle, and try his best to complete this final sprint in the best physical condition. Otherwise, it would be a problem whether he could escape from this cold and strange place alive, let alone go to the cave to win the treasure.

He quietly rested for half an hour under a tree near the edge of the forest. After feeling that his physical strength had recovered, he raised his wrist and glanced at his watch. At this time, the hour and minute hands on the watch pointed to five o'clock in the morning.

Takahashi Moriki took a deep breath, and stuck out half of his head from behind the tree to feel the bone-piercing cold air from outside the forest. He raised his hand and took out the small porcelain bottle in his pocket, from which he took out another red fire dragon. Putting the pill in his mouth, he turned his head and looked into the dense forest behind him.

The depths of the dense forest were still dark, and Takahashi Moriki stared coldly at the dense forest behind, and said to himself, "Just now, those Lingxiu people who guarded the forest have already discovered their whereabouts, and they must have reported the situation to the people on the top of the mountain through special means. Guards, it is very likely that a large number of archers have been arranged outside the forest to wait for them to come out of the forest, and there are also those military policemen with guns, if they climbed the top of the mountain at this time, it is tantamount to the wolf entering the tiger's mouth!"

He thought to himself, and turned his head slowly back to look outside the forest. A faint blue light outside the forest was penetrating through the gap between the trees beside the forest along with the cold air. He stared at the faint blue light, in his heart. Suddenly thinking of the scene of the top of the mountain that his nephew Jiro had introduced, he took a deep breath and said in his heart, "The top of the mountain is right in front of you, and the moment of life and death is finally here!"

He raised his eyes and looked into the sky through the gap in the canopy above his head. Several stars were shining with light blue light in the sky. He narrowed his eyes and quietly looked up at the twinkling stars, and suddenly felt the twinkling stars What are you telling him?

His heart suddenly jumped violently, he rolled over and knelt on the icy forest ground, turned around and folded his hands in the direction of his country R, ​​and slowly knocked his head to the ground.

He kowtowed three times in succession on the forest floor, then put his hands on his heart and looked up at the air, praying over and over in his heart: "The ancestors of the Takahashi family, just when I was about to fall into the trap, was You bless me and escape from danger! Now please bless me, the descendant of the Takahashi family, and bless me to obtain this treasure in the mountains as I wish, and my Takahashi family; bless me to carry the treasure safely and leave this terrifying place. Lingxiu Mountain!"...

He knelt on the ground and prayed three times in a row, and suddenly there was a gleam in his eyes. He supported the tree trunk beside him and slowly stood up from behind the tree. With his saber, he held a grenade tightly in his left hand, and when he raised his foot, he was about to run towards the edge of the woods thirty or forty meters away.

At this moment, a burst of gunshots suddenly sounded, "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da", followed by some strange whistling sounds, followed by "whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh" on the top of the mountain A few red rockets were fired, and then a dazzling red light exploded in the air. The top of Lingxiu Mountain was instantly enveloped by a bright red luster. The red luster sprinkled into the forest through the dense canopy and reflected in the dark woodland. Pieces of bright red spots appeared, like a piece of blood shed in the air, giving people a shocking feeling!

As the rocket rose, there was a burst of shouting in the dense forest behind Takahashi Senmu and the top of the mountain outside the forest, followed by the sound of rushing running in the silent jungle. Takahashi Moriki was startled, quickly put away the grenade and saber, hugged the tree trunk with both hands and climbed up, then hid his body in the thick branches and leaves under the tree canopy, stuck out half of his head and quickly looked around.

In the dim light, dark shadows suddenly appeared in the surrounding dense forest. Each of them was holding a flickering scimitar in his hand and ran towards the side of the mountain, and his mouth was not bursting with strange sharp screams. Voice. The direction of the back mountain outside the forest is also flashing in the faint blue light with black shadows running, and they are also running towards the front mountain.

Takahashi Moriki was overjoyed, the gunshots must be that his nephew Takahashi Jiro and those Yamaguchi mercenaries have rushed out of the are approaching the entrance of the mysterious cave in the front mountain!

"Da da da", "da da da"... The bursts of gunshots sounded like a burst of urgency, followed by an explosion followed by "Boom", and a red flame burst into the top of the mountain. The dim blue light was immediately shrouded in a fiery red, followed by a flash of red light, and the icy blue light that was looming, seemed to be suddenly stimulated and became very strong, and the forest edge became blue. A very strange feeling.

"Jiro, good work, as expected of the descendants of my Takahashi family! The third uncle is here!" Takahashi Jiro's eyes shot a crazy light, and he jumped down from the tall tree trunk and took out the grenade and saber. , stomping on the woodland with one foot and rushing towards Lan Yingying's forest outside.

At this time, he had already judged from the hurriedly running figures that the Lingxiu guards on the back mountain had not undergone military training, and they must have swarmed to the front mountain during the sudden sound of gunfire. Now there should be no one here to warn this piece has been closed. The mountain behind the cave entrance. Even if there are, there will never be many people, so he boldly rushed out of the dense forest near the top of the mountain.

Takahashi Jiro raised all his strength and rushed forward quickly, but he rushed forward like lightning for more than ten meters, and suddenly saw a blue light flashing from the tree trunk in front of him, he was shocked! The rushing body suddenly stopped.

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