Panther Commando

Chapter 2088: belated gear

Saito was shocked. He didn't expect Yoshida to be so badly injured by the blue light that flew over the road. He quickly took out the bandage and tightly wrapped Yoshida's wound, followed by holding Yoshida behind him and burrowed into the forest in front of him. But he didn't run very far with Yoshida on his back, the blue light suddenly rushed down from the thick tree canopy on the side with a cold wind, and went straight to Saito's head.

Saito was shocked, his body slammed forward, dodging the light and shadow, but Yoshida, who was carrying him, suddenly let out a shrill scream.

He ignored Yoshida behind him, let go of his hands behind Yoshida's back, grabbed the assault rifle hanging on his chest, and swept towards the forest where the light and shadow flew. At this moment, the blue light flew past him. He had already seen that it was a small animal. The blue light was exactly the light emerging from the eyes of the small animal. Jiro Takahashi, who was not far away, was also at this time. Quickly pulled the trigger.

Two strings of bullets roared and shot into the dense forest on the side, but the sudden flash of light and shadow could no longer be seen in the dense forest on the side. At this time, Yoshida also landed on the forest floor with a "pop" from behind Saito, lying on the ground. The ground was silent.

Saito quickly squatted down and looked at the ground. Yoshida fell on his back on the forest floor, his head was already immersed in a large pool of blood, a stream of blood was spraying out from his neck, and his small round eyes were in shock. look. Saito looked at his capable subordinate, and his heart skipped a beat.

He was very aware of Yoshida's skills. When he touched the trap in the forest just now, he quickly withdrew from the trap in a fraction of a second, but unexpectedly, his neck was wiped off by a blue light that flew past.

A burst of anger suddenly rose in Saito's heart, and he raised his eyes to look behind him, but then he reached out and closed Yoshida's eyes with a sad face, took a deep breath to calm his emotions, and then stood up and raised his gun. Aiming at the dark forest, he whispered to Takahashi Jiro beside him, "Quickly change the equipment on Yoshida!"

Takahashi Jiro was stunned for a moment, then reacted. At this moment, he was overjoyed in his heart, but his face was full of grief. He walked over and saluted Yoshida's body. He squatted down and closed Yoshida's wide-open eyes, and then hurriedly threw away the assault rifle he had captured. Rifle, quickly took off Yoshida's bulletproof vest and helmet and put it on, picked up Yoshida's assault rifle and tactical backpack and carried it behind him, turned his head to look at Saito and said in a low voice, "Okay!" He then stood up with a gun. .

He did not have any protective equipment on his body, and even the assault rifle in his hand was not a weapon he was familiar with in the past, and it was not easy to use. At this time, Yoshida was killed in action, which just happened to provide him with a full set of weapons and equipment. This belated equipment can indeed provide a guarantee for his subsequent actions.

Saito turned his head to look at Yoshida, who had also been stripped of his full body equipment. Seeing his thin body lying alone in the cold forest, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, and then he ordered Takahashi Jiro in a low voice: "Go! "He lifted his foot and ran towards the dense forest in front of him.

Before his apprenticeship, Yoshida, his capable assistant, died first! This cast a shadow over Saito's heart. But at this time, the arrow was on the string, and the gunshots of Kameda and his two groups of cover were heard from time to time on the hillside below. He had to speed up and continue to head towards the top of Lingxiu Mountain!

The two ran for a few kilometers in panic in the dense forest. Takahashi Jiro suddenly realized that the two of them had lost their sense of direction. While running, he quickly reached out and touched the thick tree trunk beside him. He immediately stopped and turned to face the fast. Saito, who caught up with the front, whispered: "The direction is wrong. We are now heading towards the dense forest to the east, not the direction up the mountain."

Saito was startled, he quickly stopped and raised his gun to look behind him, and then said hurriedly: "Quickly determine the direction to go up the mountain! Damn, I said why there are no organs in this forest? It turns out that this side is far away. The focus of the opponent's defense."

He cursed in his mouth, but he was secretly grateful that the two of them had deviated from the direction of going up the mountain, not only avoiding the terrifying organs and hidden weapons in the forest, but also avoiding the ambush guards in the forest. It was a blessing in misfortune to confuse the special forces who were chasing after him.

Hearing Saito's order, Jiro Takahashi quickly stopped and looked at the tree trunks around him, then quickly pointed to the side and replied, "This way!" His hand stopped him and said, "When you touched those organs in Yoshida just now, did you find anything unusual around you?"

Takahashi Jiro was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that Saito was asking if there were any signs near the office in the forest? The people of Lingxiu's clan set up organs in such a big dense forest, and even their own people have to guard against accidental injury. This is where they live and live together. There must be some marks around the organization that they can identify.

He carefully recalled the scene when he was running in the forest at that time, and suddenly said: "By the way, when I was running beside the organization, I seemed to see some light blue spots flashing on the surrounding tree trunks." When he said this, he blinked his small eyes twice, and then said: "Yes, this kind of blue dot is the kind of blue light emitted by the small pebble we saw last time when we went up the in the secret road in the forest. He said, and suddenly realized: "Yes, this kind of luminous pebble embedded in the tree must be an area with organs!"

Saito raised his gun to guard against the dark jungle behind him, and replied in a low voice: "Yes, I also saw a faint blue light flashing before my eyes in a hurry, so I asked you just now. Come on, go up the mountain! It should be not far from the top of the mountain, we must get the gem before dawn, otherwise we will lose all our efforts as soon as the sky brightens." After speaking, he raised his hand to look at the time, turned and turned towards the direction that Takahashi Jiro just indicated to go up the mountain. run away.

Takahashi Jiro immediately followed, and couldn't help but praise Saito's old mercenary's psychological qualities. Just now, at the moment when the treasury formation in the forest was shattering, this mercenary was still running and noticed the faint light spots on the tree trunks. This is really not something that ordinary people can notice. If it wasn't for him As a reminder, I had already forgotten those secret memories I just saw in the panic.

The two quickly ran towards the top of the mountain. At this time, the two had realized that time was becoming more and more urgent for them. Once the sky was bright, the two would not have the ability to break into the cave on the top of the mountain with many defenders to win the treasure. The number of their group was originally very small, but now Yoshida, a very powerful team member, was killed by an unknown small animal, which has greatly discounted their originally weak combat power.

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