Panther Commando

Chapter 2089: coldness in my heart

Saito and Takahashi Jiro ran very fast in the forest, and the cool air in the forest came out from the dense forest in front of them. At this time, their hearts were as chilly as this gradually increasing gloomy and cold aura.

Saito moved forward quickly, thinking about the blue light that killed Yoshida. At that time, he saw this blue light twice in the forest. Once he was running in front of Yoshida and Takahashi Jiro. When the blue light flashed, he only heard a cold wind passing behind him, and then he heard it. Yoshida's scream.

When he quickly turned around with the gun, he saw that the blue light had plunged into the dense forest in front of him, and the blue light had already flashed away. small objects.

The second time I saw this blue light, it was the blue light that suddenly rushed towards his head from the side of the forest. Although he flashed the attack in time, Yoshida, who was carrying his back, was cut off his neck. This time, he was clear. Chu Di saw that this was a small animal with blue eyes, and when Yoshida was swept by this small animal, he cut off the vital part of his neck with his sharp claws.

Saito thought about the shape of this small animal carefully in his mind, as if he had a familiar feeling about this small thing in memory. While vigilantly observing the movement in the surrounding forest, he focused on searching in the memory bank. Suddenly, the word "leopard" suddenly popped out of his mind!

Saito's body trembled violently, his fast running steps slowed down, and a cool air burst out from his back spine immediately: "Damn, it's really that leopard commando following, I was worried at first. It was them. I didn't expect these old enemies to come! No wonder the four subordinates of the second group were killed yesterday afternoon. But how could this famous special force suddenly appear in this deep mountain and forest middle?"

He turned his head to look behind him, and suddenly there was a look of panic in his eyes! He is an old man of Yamaguchi Security. Although he has not directly fought against this leopard commando, he has heard of the bravery of this unit in the International Special Forces Competition, and he knows that Yamaguchi Security has fought against this unit several times. Dozens of his companions fell under the guns of this mysterious commando; and the most striking sign of this mysterious leopard commando is that there is a mysterious cat-shaped animal in the team. It is said to be ferocious!

Saito did not expect that this mysterious little animal would suddenly appear in this mysterious forest at this moment. From this, it can be speculated that the opponents who just shot behind them must be members of this famous commando!

His heart suddenly shrank, and waves of cold air suddenly penetrated from his sweat pores, hitting the bottom of his heart, and waves of icy chills immediately rose from the bottom of his heart.

He was running in a hurry just now, all the skills of his body were working at full strength, but he felt that the temperature in the forest was getting lower as he went up the mountain, and he didn't feel very cold. But now he suddenly felt this chill from the bottom of his heart, and his body shook violently unconsciously.

Saito quickly stopped, his left hand supported a tree trunk beside him, and the assault rifle in his right hand trembled violently with his body. Takahashi Jiro, who was behind, saw Saito's appearance, quickly ran over and took out a small white porcelain bottle from his arms, poured out two fire dragon pills and stuffed it into Saito's mouth.

At this time, a cold air was coming from the forest near the top of the mountain. Takahashi Jiro thought that Saito was shaking violently simply because of this cold air, and he did not understand what he was thinking. I just thought that he was simply unable to resist this extremely cold breath.

In fact, the symptom that Saito suddenly appears now is that the cold air from the outside world and the cold air generated in his heart blend with each other, so that his body can no longer resist this internal and external cold air, which caused this kind of cold air. Trembling violently.

Takahashi Jiro immediately took out a fire dragon pill and stuffed it into his mouth. At this time, he also felt the cold air that penetrated the forest in front of him. He had realized that he was now approaching the top of the mountain, otherwise the cold air would not suddenly appear in this forest. aggravated. He turned his head and looked at Saito worriedly. He was really afraid that at the critical moment when he was about to reach the top of the mountain, he would suddenly suffer from physical exhaustion and would not be able to withstand the bone-chilling cold.

Saito gasped violently for a while before his trembling body gradually calmed down, but his face was as pale as a piece of white paper. The right eye without night vision goggles turned quickly with a look of horror in his eyes. .

"Isn't it better? We're close to the top of the mountain! You should be fine after eating Fire Dragon Pills." Takahashi Jiro looked at Saito and asked in a low voice. At this time, he still thought that Saito was simply afraid of this bone-piercing cold.

Hearing Takahashi Jiro's question, Saito shook his head lightly, and shook his body vigorously, as if to shake the chill out of his heart, and then raised his assault rifle and aimed at the dark jungle behind him. I am indeed very afraid of those leopard players who are extremely combative chasing after them.

At this time, he did not tell the little Takahashi in front of him that the Panther Commandos might be chasing after Takahashi Jiro's cousin died when he assassinated the leader of this special force, Leopard Tou. He told the origin of this force at this time, which is very likely to stimulate the heart of this little Takahashi, and make trouble with this little Gao. Bridge will lose his mind in the upcoming battle, and I am afraid that he will be implicated and his life will not be saved.

The dense forest behind him was silent, and no one could be seen. Saito raised his gun and turned his head towards the mountain. He then turned his head and took a deep look at Xiao Takahashi beside him. It's a dense forest, get ready!" After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath of the chilly air, pulled the bolt lightly with a "crash", lifted his foot, and ran forward again.

Takahashi Jiro looked at Saito, who was suddenly depressed, with a little surprise, stretched out his hand and gently pulled the bolt to the top of the bullet, and ran forward. At this time, he really didn't know what this mercenary with rich mountains and jungles was thinking? But he had realized the impending danger from Saito's sudden depression. Now that they are about to rush out of the jungle, they are greeted by a **** battle of life and death!

According to Saito's original plan, once they rushed to the top of the mountain, Saito and Yoshida took cover outside the cave and took the opportunity to rush into the cave to grab the treasure. But now that Yoshida was suddenly killed, the task of covering outside the cave could only be left to Saito alone. No matter in terms of firepower or number of people, they were reduced by one-third, and the task of capturing treasures had become even more difficult.

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