Panther Commando

Chapter 2090: Approaching shadow

When Takahashi Jiro secretly sneaked into the mountain last time, he once learned about the situation on the top of the mountain from the mouth of the little prisoner of Lingxiumen. He knew that the top of the mountain was the powerhouse of the ancient sect of Lingxiumen, and he also concealed that the Lingxiumen people rely on to increase their skills. The rare treasures, so they will not allow outsiders to approach Lingxiu Mountain, let alone have outsiders enter the top of the mountain.

Therefore, Takahashi Jiro predicted in his heart that the guards at the top of the mountain would definitely be the gatekeepers of Lingxiu Gate, and there would not be too many soldiers and policemen with guns. Even if there are those military police now, it is estimated that this ancient sect will never allow too many outsiders to enter the top of the mountain.

But he also knew in his heart that there were no military policemen with guns on the top of the mountain, and there must be many martial arts masters gathered there. Without foreign aid, can the two of them deal with so many habitual swordsmen with bows and arrows? Martial people, that is also extremely dangerous.

At this time, Saito was running in the dark forest, turning his head to glance at Xiao Takahashi beside him, and saw that he was wearing Yoshida's tactical bulletproof vest, and all kinds of weapons and ammunition were placed in appropriate places according to the requirements of the special forces. The position seems to feel a little comfort in my heart: Although Yoshida, the right-hand man, has died, this little Takahashi seems to have a good fighting ability, and he should be regarded as a good helper, and he will not drag himself down at the critical moment.

The two ran for a few kilometers in the dark jungle. Saito, who was in front of him, slowed down and carefully identified the direction, and then slanted to the south of the jungle. Takahashi Jiro saw his movement and immediately followed. go up.

When he saw Saito's sudden change of direction, he immediately understood Saito's strategy: the two of them were alone, so they could only rush out of the dense forest under the southern cave by surprise. If they continued to follow the current running route, only It is possible to rush out of the dense forest from the eastern hillside, and there must be some distance from the southern cave.

Once the two of them rushed out of the forest in the east, it would be equivalent to exposing their target. At that time, the two of them would definitely be entangled by the Lingxiu people guarding the top of the mountain in the east, and the surrounding defenders would definitely swarm. Opportunity.

At this time, the two of them could only take a quick and quick way, rushing out of the forest closest to the cave in the south, and under the cover of Yoshida, they rushed into the cave unexpectedly, grabbed the treasure in one fell swoop and rushed down to the top of the mountain, otherwise the two would not be at all. There is no chance of winning.

In the dark jungle, the silhouettes of Saito and Takahashi Jiro were like two ghosts, flickering on the sides of the thick trunks, and inserted directly from the dense forest in the east to the dense forest in the south.

Just as the two of them approached the forest to the south, almost simultaneously, they noticed that a faint blue light suddenly flashed from the thick trunk on the side. The two of them immediately understood that this place was close to the top of the mountain. There must be organs and traps on the edge of the dense forest around the top of the mountain, and there must be a large number of Lingxiu disciples holding bows and arrows on the edge of the forest.

Saito ran behind a tree trunk in front of him and suddenly stopped with a dignified expression, turned around and beckoned to call Takahashi Jiro who was following behind him, then raised his hand and made several gestures in sign language.

Takahashi Jiro stared at Saito's gesture, and immediately understood that he wanted to rush out alone. He first used firepower to attract the attention of the enemy, and let himself suddenly rush out from the side and enter the cave.

He looked into Saito's eyes and nodded deeply, knowing that Saito really didn't have any intention of sending himself out at this time. Once the two rush out of the jungle, Saito will face several times, dozens of times the enemy, trying his best to cover himself and rushing into the cave quickly, which obviously puts the burden on his own shoulders.

At this time, there was a crazy look in Saito's eyes. He knew that success or failure was already in front of him. Whether he could successfully obtain the treasure and rush out, it would depend on the last hammer sale of the two of them!

Saito saw that Takahashi Jiro understood what he meant, and raised his foot to run forward. Xiao Takahashi grabbed him and took out the small porcelain bottle containing the fire dragon pills from his pocket. He poured out two and handed them to Saito. He also took out two and stuffed them into his mouth. Nodding, he bent over with his assault rifle and ran to the side of the forest.

Saito put the pill in his mouth, followed the bright spots on the black tree trunk in front of him, and ran quickly to the south slope, handing the assault rifle to his left hand as he ran, and quickly feeling his right hand in the hidden weapon pocket around his waist. A few shurikens came out, his eyes were fixed on the dark jungle in front of him, and his body flashed and ran forward behind the big trees.

Saito has been in battle for a long time, and he has long understood in his heart that it is very important for him and Takahashi Jiro to hide and approach the cave entrance under the mountain in front of the entrance surrounded by opponents. At this time, he had to cover Takahashi Jiro rushing into the cave by surprise, and quickly grab the treasure and rush out of the encirclement. This was their only hope of success. Once they were entangled with their opponents, the two of them would definitely not escape this mountain alive!

Saito's small eyes flashed with clusters of cold light, and his movements were like a beast that was quietly approaching its prey in the dark night.

Just as Saito took the cover of darkness and rushed behind a big tree dozens of meters away from the edge of the he suddenly saw a blue light flashing above the tree trunk in front of him. Saito was startled, the right foot that was about to stretch out in front of him immediately retracted, and he turned his head to look at the side of the forest.

In the crevice of the forest, a shadow glowing red in the night vision goggles crouched under a tree trunk a hundred meters away, holding a long scimitar gleaming with cold light in his hand. At this moment, he turned his head and looked towards Saito. .

Saito was startled, and just about to retract his head, he suddenly remembered that the other party did not have night vision equipment. As long as he was still, the other party could not see him in such a dim forest.

He then looked down at the forest. Several crossbow arrows were fixed under the roots and crowns of several big trees, and several sharp feather arrows were tightly fixed on the drawn bowstrings. There were flashes of cold light, and it was coldly facing the dense forest beside him. Once the mechanism was activated, the flying arrows could just form a firepower network that interlaced up, down, left, and right in the forest. Filled with long sharp arrows like a hedgehog, no escape!

Saito stared coldly at the agency in the forest, turned his head and looked at the surrounding figures again. At this moment, he suddenly heard a faint sound of footsteps in the distance, followed by a few figures flickering in and out of the gaps in the tree trunks in the distance, and the slight footsteps gradually came, Several dark shadows were approaching Saito's side.

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