Panther Commando

Chapter 2091: The fierce battle in front of the cliff (1)

Saito immediately became nervous, knowing that this might be someone patrolling the forest edge. He quickly turned his face to look up the surrounding tree trunks, determined the direction of his travel based on the flashing marks on the side trunks, and then quietly got up and stooped to the side of the forest. After bypassing the area marked with the organization's formation, he turned around and ran towards the top of the mountain along the dense forest.

The forest was silent and dark at this time. Saito rushed behind a tree by the forest like a ghost, and was about to look out of the forest, when a cold light flashed out of the corner of his eyes, a dark shadow suddenly flashed out from behind the tree on the side, and the long machete in his hand "Wuuuuuuuuuuu" "With a thud, he waved to his waist!

Saito is shocked! The right hand slammed out to the side, and a shuriken in his hand flew out, "Whoosh", a cold light flew towards the side shadow like a lightning, and he quickly rushed to the side of the forest.

The silhouette of the silhouette reacted very quickly, the knife light swung forward suddenly raised, and a cluster of sparks burst out from the cold light, "Dang", a crisp metal crash suddenly sounded in the silent jungle.

"Come on, the **** is here!" A shout with inner strength followed, and the huge voice echoed in all directions in the dark forest!

The shadow on the side knocked down the hidden weapon that Saito attacked, shouted a warning at the same time, kicked the woodland under his feet, and rushed towards the figure of Saito in front of him like an arrow from the string, his right arm stretched, and the machete in his hand was straight. He slid behind Saito's back.

Saito rushed out and heard the sound of the opponent knocking the hidden weapon, and then heard the wind blowing from behind, and rushed to the side. . The sound of footsteps was heard in the surrounding forest, followed by whistles, and there were rapid footsteps in the direction outside the forest.

Saito's heart sank, and he immediately realized that the Lingxiu disciple behind him must be a martial arts expert. He actually knocked the hidden weapon he threw out at close range, and followed him like a shadow. If he changed direction just a little later , that sharp machete has been inserted into his body!

He quickly drilled into the gap between the two big trees in front of him, followed by the side of his body, and the other two shuriken in his hand slammed out to the figure behind him, and then his right hand pulled a grenade from his shoulder to the outside of the forest. He threw it away, then turned around to raise his assault rifle, and swept out the dark shadows rushing out of the jungle behind him.

"Boom", a violent explosion sounded suddenly at the edge of the forest. In the sudden burst of fire, two black shadows rushed from outside the forest were flying to the side, and a piece of blown up gravel and broken pieces were flying in the air. The branches and leaves, the crystal-clear gravel flashed dazzling red light in the firelight, and the big trees by the forest swayed violently in the violent explosion shock wave.

The originally quiet and dim top of Lingxiu Mountain was suddenly awakened by the sudden sound of explosions and rapid gunfire, and bursts of shouts and whistles suddenly sounded with the explosion. Saito didn't wait for the fire to go out, and he ran out of the forest with an assault rifle. At this time, he had been discovered by his opponent, and he could only bite the bullet and forcibly rushed to the top of the mountain.

He rushed out of the dense forest and rushed out to the side. The assault rifle in his hand spewed a fiery snake around, and his eyes quickly swept across the empty field outside the forest.

A crystal cliff in front of the side is flickering with flickering firelight, and a figure is rushing out of the dense forest on both sides of the cliff. Bright scimitars are flashing dazzling red in the fire from Saito's muzzle. Light.

Saito's body, which was saved sideways, has not yet landed, "whoosh" a hot wind swept past his left cheek, followed by another hot wind whistling past his right helmet! The sniper bullet that flew through the air with a piercing sound made the pupils in Saito's eyes shrink to the size of a needle, and the beating heart almost burst out of his throat: Sniper! The other party actually ambushed a sniper on the top of the mountain!

Before he could fall to the ground, the muzzle of the gun suddenly lifted, and a string of fiery snakes flew towards the top of the mountain. Fly in front of you.

Saito had already tried his best at this time, he turned to the side suddenly in the air, cold light flashed in his eyes, the muzzle of the gun was suddenly pressed down, "Da Da Da", and a string of bullets whistled towards the surrounding forest. fly away. At the same time, several feather arrows whistled past him, and slammed into the tree trunk behind him.

Saito quickly rolled to the side when he landed, kicked a tree stump on the edge of the forest with his feet, jumped out to the side, raised his right hand, and a round grenade flew out of his hand. He flew straight to the top of the mountain dozens of meters high.

At this time, he must get rid of the lock of the mountaintop sniper as soon as possible! Just now a sniper on the top of the mountain was actually in his rapid movement, and the gun did not leave his head, which showed that the opponent was definitely a brilliant sniper.

At this moment, Saito's movements were lightning fast, and his body rushing out of the forest flashed quickly at the edge of the dark forest. After throwing out the dense forest, he swept away a string of bullets at the figures rushing around, and then swept past his brain. In the hot wind that followed, it was determined that there was a sniper on the top of the mountain, and immediately raised the muzzle of the gun and swept it upwards.

He has realized that the most dangerous opponent now is the sniper on the top of the mountain, so he must first use the firepower to suppress the firepower on the top of the mountain as soon as Otherwise, he has no room to move at all.

Saito, who was tumbling on the ground in a hurry, just threw a grenade upward, "whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh", "whoosh"... The shrill wind sounded again from the surrounding area, and a feathered arrow whistled from the surrounding forest. fly towards him.

Saito's face was already pale, and his feet slammed on the crystal rock in front of him, and his body slid toward the forest behind him with a "swoosh". In such a dense rain of arrows, he couldn't rush at all. The empty field in front of the cave.

A feathered arrow whizzed past him, and the sharp arrows slammed into the rock in front of him, and clusters of sparks splashed on the hard rock.

Just as Saito slid out of the smooth rock into the forest, "Boom", there was a loud noise on the top of the mountain, and the grenade he just threw to the top of the mountain immediately exploded with a dazzling ball on the top of the mountain. The light of the fire illuminated the whole mountain top of Lingxiu in a flash of red.

The towering long sword on the top of the mountain suddenly reflected a dazzling red light in the explosive fire of the grenade. The cold air suddenly enveloped the entire mountaintop, as if it was angrily trying to extinguish the heat wave that suddenly appeared in this icy space!

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