Panther Commando

Chapter 2092: The fierce battle in front of the cliff (2)

On the spacious rock in front of the cliff, there are people moving, and black shadows are rushing out of the dark dense forest, and a sharp arrow roars to the edge of the forest where Saito is located. The shadow hit by the bullet shot, but the surrounding Lingxiu disciples still held bows and arrows and machetes in their hands, and rushed to the edge of the forest where Saito was standing without fear of death, shouting something from their mouths.

Saito quickly rolled to the edge of the forest, raised his hand and pushed the trunk on his side, and his body slammed out to the side. "Pfft" a bullet swept past him again with a sharp piercing sound. All the hairs on Saito's body stood up. Unexpectedly, the sniper on the top of the mountain could escape the explosion of the grenade so quickly, and quickly locked his position with a gun.

As he moved quickly, he quickly pulled out a spare magazine in his left hand and inserted it into the gun body, the assault rifle in his hand was suddenly raised, and "Da Da Da" shot out a string of flames at the top of the mountain, and his body quickly rushed to the side. The trunk of the tree, the assault rifle in his hand swept out a semi-circle around the surrounding, and in a blink of an eye, he rushed to the side of another tree trunk and quickly raised the muzzle. Spitting out, a grenade whistled and swooped down on the cliff ahead that reflected the muzzle flash.

"Boom", a large piece of rock suddenly flew out from the hard cliff, and the entire top of the mountain was shaken by the violent explosion, and several Lingxiu doors that were rushing from the edge of the cliff were immediately fragmented and shattered by the flying bombs. The stone hit, screamed and rolled on the crystal rock, and the rest of the people rushed to the ground in panic.

At the moment when the explosion flame on the cliff was about to go out, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the dense forest near the east side of the cliff, and then under the cover of the explosion flame, it rushed towards the cliff below the top of the mountain, and then clinging to the rock wall. Go straight to the hole that flickered in the firelight.

A few Lingxiu disciples, who had just escaped the shrapnel and gravel from the explosion, looked up and saw this dark shadow heading straight for their hidden hole. They jumped up from the rock and raised their scimitars to the black. Shadow chased.

Right at this moment, the shadow turned sharply while running fast, "Da da da", a string of bullets whistled and swept around, and a few Lingxiu people who had just climbed up fell to the rocks.

Saito had just rolled into the forest and fired a grenade when he suddenly heard gunshots from the side, and immediately understood that Takahashi Jiro had rushed out of the forest from the side. He suddenly jumped out of the forest again, the assault rifle on his chest "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da" swept a string of bullets towards both sides.

He knew that Takahashi Jiro saw that he had attracted the Lingxiu people who were guarding around him, and immediately rushed out of the side forest and went straight to the cave in front of the cliff. Now he must cover Takahashi Jiro and rushed into the cave.

At this moment, a shout suddenly came from the jungle behind Saito, and seven or eight black shadows rushed out from the jungle. Holding a gleaming machete, he slammed towards Saito.

Saito was shocked, knowing that the Lingxiu disciple in the dense forest had heard the gunshots and rushed out. He turned around quickly, and pulled the trigger in front of a few black shadows rushing towards the side, but at this moment, in his hand The assault rifle suddenly made a "click" sound.

Saito's heart sank suddenly, and the bullet in the gun had been emptied at the critical moment! His body flashed, and his left hand was about to touch the spare magazine inserted in his waist, when a black shadow suddenly appeared on his left side, and a gleaming machete slashed straight towards his left shoulder with a squeak. At the same time, a black shadow also rushed out of the forest on the right, and the same cold light waved towards his waist!

Saito's eyes flashed, and he didn't care to replace the new magazine. He turned around and raised his assault rifle to meet the cold light from the left. "Dang", a crisp metal collision sounded, and the cutting knife Suddenly flew into the air.

Saito knocked off the opponent's steel knife, and rushed towards the person coming from the left. He avoided another swinging machete behind him, and rushed into the person's arms quickly. The wrist of the person holding the knife was twisted to the side with great force. With the sound of a "click", the other party let out a muffled grunt. The scimitar in his hand immediately released, and his body staggered and rushed to the side.

Saito grabbed the opponent's long machete with his left hand, followed with his right foot, kicked the opponent's crotch with a "slap", and kicked out a few people who were rushing towards the direction, followed by The scimitar in his left hand raised sharply, just in time to meet the light of the knife that came from the right side again.

"Dang", a cluster of sparks flashed from the two sharp blades, and the two scimitars slammed apart to the sides in the strong collision of each other, Saito turned around, and the right assault rifle suddenly swung up, ruthlessly. He smashed out the other two Lingxiu disciples who were rushing in front of him.

At this moment, he knew that the other party was rushing with knives, and he had no time to change the magazine of the assault rifle, so he simply smashed the assault rifle in his right hand at the shadow rushing in front of him, to buy himself some breathing time.

At this moment, Saito's figure was as fast as lightning. A few slashing swords had already flashed past in a few rounds, snatched one of the opponent's weapons, and then threw out the assault rifle without bullets in his right hand, forcing it away in one fell swoop. The two opponents rushing to the front, the right hand had already held the left-hand machete in the hand at the moment when the other party dodged, and suddenly met a machete from the side.

A crazy light appeared in Saito's hands and feet quickly dodged sword lights with cold winds, and his body was interspersed left and right among the few Lingxiu disciples who came around, the scimitar in his hand was lightning. Like a block to block a sharp blade.

At this time, he didn't have time to draw out the pistol tied to his leg, and he understood that in close combat in the shadow of the opponent's sword, light and sword, he could instead avoid the bullet of the sniper on the top of the mountain and the sharp arrows around him aimed at him.

In the blink of an eye, six or seven Lingxiu disciples with machetes were already rushing around Saito. The sharp machetes slashed towards Saito with a cold light, and the machete in Saito's right hand waved like lightning. , the left hand has already pulled out the saber on his leg in an instant, one long and one short knife light closely surrounds his side, and bursts of "dangdangdang" metal collisions sound like raindrops.

At this moment, Saito suddenly felt a bone-piercing cold rushing towards him, followed by a vigorous, icy voice: "Go back, let me go! I'll clean up this bastard!"

In the gleaming sword light and sword shadow, the sudden cold sound was like a cold air coming from the ground, and it slammed into Saito's heart, and the hand that blocked the sword light suddenly stopped. For a moment, it seemed that the blood in the whole body suddenly solidified with the cold voice.

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