Panther Commando

Chapter 2093: volley down

That icy voice went straight into Saito's heart, surprising him! At this time, if the surrounding machetes took advantage of the situation, he would not have the ability to dodge at all, and his whole body would not be chopped into several pieces by these sharp machetes!

Fortunately, the surrounding Lingxiu disciples heard the shouts coming from behind them, and they all immediately pulled back the machete that they slashed down vigorously, and then took a few steps back.

At this time, Saito had already recovered, and the two sharp blades, one long and one short, were quickly drawn back, and they were guarded in front of him, and he looked up and looked forward. He already knew in his heart that the voice of the incoming person was majestic, and this person must be a powerful figure in Lingxiu Sect! Otherwise, these people with knives around will never give up such a good opportunity to kill the enemy and suddenly withdraw their knives and retreat.

Sure enough, a gray-haired old man was standing in front of him, a bone-piercing cold radiated from his seemingly thin body, and a long scimitar in his right hand flashed with a light blue light. The pale white cold air was forcing out from the knife, and the two icy eyes were like two sharp ice picks, stabbing straight into his heart.

Lingxiumen's Han Gong master finally appeared! Saito looked at the other party's icy eyes, and suddenly let out a sigh in his heart. When he was fighting with the opponents around him, he had already felt a chill, but he still had fire dragon pills left on his body. He didn't feel any particular discomfort because of the medicinal power, but the old man who suddenly appeared in front of him made him feel a chill from the bottom of his heart.

Saito took a deep breath, the saber in his left hand was blocked in front of his chest, and the machete in his right hand suddenly raised to point at the old man in front of him, his eyes swept around quickly.

At this moment, Saito's eyes suddenly saw that Takahashi Jiro had rushed from the side of the cliff to the entrance of the cave, the assault rifle in his hand sprayed a rain of bullets to the side, and was rushing a few Lingxiu with a knife. The doorman was swept to the ground, and his feet rushed towards the center of the cliff.

At this time, on the pale blue cliffs erected as high as a huge screen, a ferociously shaped hole was looming in the center.

Saito is overjoyed, as long as Takahashi Jiro rushes into the cave, he can take out the treasure, and then he can hold the treasure to blackmail the other party! This treasure is the treasure of this ancient sect. They will never let this treasure be destroyed by their own hands. As long as they persist until Takahashi Jiro gets the treasure, then they and Takahashi Jiro can hold high grenades and Treasure out of the siege!

At the moment when he was overjoyed, "Hey", a black shadow suddenly appeared on the high cliff. Takahashi Jiro reacted, a loud bang had already sounded from Takahashi Jiro's helmet, and the other party's figure immediately smashed on Takahashi Jiro's body, and the two fell down in front of the cliff and rolled violently.

It was Lin Zisheng, a sniper of the Panther Commando, who suddenly volleyed down from the high mountain. Since nightfall, he has been lying vigilantly behind a rock on the top of the mountain near the south, holding a gun and staring at the dense forest under the cliff. Not far away is a Lingxiu doorman with a bow and arrow, and the other sides of the mountain are also lying on each side. With a few Lingxiu disciples, monitoring the direction of each dense forest.

In the middle of the night, the sound of gunshots and whistles in the forest had already reached Lin Zisheng's ears. He had already judged from the sound that Leopard Head must be leading people to chase a few mercenaries in the dense forest, so he kept lying down. In the sniper position above the entrance of the cave, raise the gun and stare closely at the dense forest below the top of the mountain in the south. It is close to the cave and must be the direction of the enemy's key attack.

When Saito rushed out of the jungle just now, the corner of his eyes swept across this ghostly shadow. The gun that was originally aimed at the side of the forest was about to turn to aim at the opponent, but at this time the opponent's chest was already It sprayed out firelight and swept towards a few Lingxiu disciples on the edge of the jungle.

Lin Zisheng quickly moved the muzzle of the gun to face the shadow and pulled the trigger, but the opponent moved very fast, the figure jumped to the side while pulling the trigger, and the bullet he shot flew past the opponent's head.

He immediately moved the muzzle and quickly pulled the trigger twice at the opponent's figure, but the opponent was not only extremely fast, but also had a wealth of combat experience, and the flashing position actually avoided the several snipers he shot. Bullets, when he moved the muzzle to continue to lock on the opponent, a grenade had already flown towards the cliff.

Lin Zisheng was shocked! I didn't expect the opponent to move so fast, and when he saved from the forest, he had already judged that there was an ambush on the top of the mountain. After rushing out of the dense forest, he shot and forced the surrounding Lingxiu doormen, and then threw a grenade towards the dim top of the mountain.

Lin Zisheng didn't care to continue shooting, he turned around and just shot an arrow to the side, and was staring blankly at the flying grenade, and rushed towards the man from Lingxiu, hugged him and rolled behind the rock on the side.

"Boom", the grenade flew up to the top of the cliff and exploded suddenly. Lin Zisheng pressed the Lingxiu people tightly under him. When he felt the shock wave of the explosion flying by, he immediately jumped up from the Lingxiu people and put his head on the top of his head. The falling gravel rushed towards the sniper rifle on the side, and immediately pulled the trigger at the opponent's figure after jumping on the gun.

At this moment, the figure on the edge of the forest moved very fast, swaying from side to side like lightning in the dark edge of the forest, not only dodging the sniper bullet fired by Lin Zisheng, but also suddenly shooting a grenade at the cliff~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Lin Zisheng hurriedly hid his body behind the rock, and immediately extended his gun after the blast wave passed, only to find that the other party was already tightly entangled with a few Lingxiu disciples. He simply couldn't lock onto the target.

Just as Lin Zisheng was anxiously aiming at the fiercely fighting crowd, trying to find an opportunity to snipe his opponent, there was a sudden burst of intense gunfire under the side cliff.

Lin Zisheng was startled, and quickly stuck his head out to look down the cliff. A black shadow was suddenly rushing out of the forest to the east, and while firing his gun, he rushed towards the cave along the cliff, and he happened to shoot under the straight cliff. In the dead end, it was impossible to raise a gun to aim at the opponent who was moving fast against the cliff, and the opponent had already rushed to the vicinity of the hole at this moment.

The opponent's movements were extremely fast, and Lin Zisheng didn't have time to take out other weapons to confront the enemy. In desperation, he suddenly stood up from behind the gun. His head and feet were like a crane swooping down from the sky. He slammed down, and the black shadow below rushed straight into the air.

It was Takahashi Jiro who was rushing down the cliff. At this time, he focused all his attention on the Lingxiu disciples on the surrounding forest and rocks. He didn't expect anyone to dare to volley from the top of such a high cliff. !

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