Panther Commando

Chapter 2095: kill the brat

With a quick glance, Saito didn't see whether the person who came was his subordinate Kameda, but the person who came suddenly threw grenades at those holding machetes in front of the rock wall, which proved that the black shadow that suddenly appeared must be own people!

At this time, Saito seemed to have seen a life-saving straw in the undulating sea. His already desperate heart was full of hope for life. He immediately smashed the grenade in his hand at the opponent, and used the opponent's knife to dodge. Opportunity, he turned around and threw himself to the side.

The black and thin old man who appeared in front of Saito was the head of Lingxiu Sect, Xie. With a cold breath.

He rushed out of the dense forest from the small courtyard in the forest, and saw that several of the doormen hadn't captured Saito. He immediately held his identity and ordered his men to retreat. He pulled out the machete around his waist and rushed towards Saito.

At this moment, he used his cold art to strike the opponent with a palm, and then saw the opponent flash his palm sideways, and suddenly there was a thing with blue smoke in his hand, raising his hand and smashing it in front of him. He immediately realized that this was what caused the explosion just now, hurriedly kicked the rock with both feet, and threw his body diagonally to the side, shouting at the same time, "Get out of the way!".

"Huh", the smoke grenade flew past the head of Xie, and flew straight to a young sect a dozen meters behind him. The surrounding Lingxiu people heard the shout of the leader and rushed to the surroundings, but the young man behind the leader Xie was still standing on the rock, staring helplessly at the round thing flying in the blue smoke. Overwhelmed, as if stupidly motionless.

Just now Saito rushed out of the jungle and threw out such a round guy. The firelight and huge power of this small guy really made these Lingxiu disciples feel fear in their hearts. At this moment, when the young disciple saw this terrifying thing flying directly towards him, he was immediately overwhelmed with fright, and stood on the rock staring helplessly at the whistling grenade.

Just at this critical moment, a blue beam of light suddenly shot out from the forest on the side, and two black shadows, one large and one small, rushed out of the forest like lightning. As if crossing the stunned Lingxiu doorman, he volleyed into the dark shadow in front of the cliff!

At the same time, another tall figure flew towards the grenade that was smoking in the air like an arrow from the string. The person stretched out an arm in the air, and hit the green smoke like an iron rod. Smoke on the grenade.

"Pa", the grenade that was about to hit the Lingxiu doorman suddenly flew diagonally upwards and flew straight into the forest on the side. At this time, the shadow was also holding the dazed Lingxiu doorman to the ground, and it landed on the ground. Rolled over to the side rocks.

"Boom", "Boom", the grenades thrown by Saito and the shadow in front of the cliff exploded almost at the same time. With the violent explosion, two groups of flames exploded from the front of the cliff and the dense forest on the east side of the cliff respectively. In the dazzling firelight, the blue light that was flying towards the black shadow at the entrance of the cave like a meteor flew to the front of the cliff, and with a shrill scream of "ah", the black shadow that was rushing towards the cave slammed to the side, A puff of bright red blood spurted upwards from his shoulder immediately.

With the firelight and the rubble flying all over the sky, the black shadow that had just hit the grenade and knocked down the Lingxiu doorman suddenly jumped up from the rock and rushed towards the dark shadow in front of the cliff like lightning.

At this moment, three more black shadows were thrown out from the dense forest, and a slender whip shadow flew up at the one in front, and hit Saito's waist with a slap. The slender whip tip quickly entangled Saito's body, and a force slammed him to the side.

Just as Saito flew out with the whip shadow, "bang bang bang" and "da da da", two series of gunshots suddenly sounded from the edge of the forest, and two rapid firelights suddenly rushed from the two figures who had just rushed out of the dense forest. The bullet spewed out, and the whistling bullet went straight to Saito, who was flying in the air.

Saito's body in the air suddenly trembled in the light of the fire, and the two small eyes that had just been full of hope suddenly showed a look of despair, and then the body lost its luster with the falling body, and a stream of red blood flowed. Columns spew out from the falling body.

"The brothers of the Wan family are here!" "Go on!" "Kill these bastards!"... The Lingxiu disciples who were lying on the surrounding rocks to avoid the shock wave of the explosion saw several figures suddenly rushing out of the forest, Immediately, the crowd cheered and shouted, and with a strong support, the rock jumped up from the ground, waving a long machete and rushing towards the cliff.

From the blue light that crossed the air, everyone knew that this was the magical little animal that was inseparable beside the Wan family brothers. Now that the blue light appeared, followed by a few black shadows rushing out like flying, they immediately understood. This is the Wanjia brothers who brought people to rush up at a critical moment!

At this time, the Lingxiu disciples who were a little panicked by the fierce gunfire and violent explosions of their opponents, now see the Wanjia brothers leading people to suddenly bravely save, and they immediately shouted and held as if they had a shot in their hearts. The knife rushed up.

At this moment, Lin Zisheng, who was tumbling on the ground holding his opponent, had already removed the remaining impact of his jump. The moment he stopped on the rock in front of the cliff, he flipped the unconscious opponent onto himself with his right hand. The looked around quickly, and saw a black shadow flashing in front of the cliff to the west, and then saw the opponent throw a grenade to the side with his right hand raised.

Lin Zisheng's heart sank, and he immediately realized that another enemy had sneaked into the top of the mountain. A burst of fire shot out from his eyes. With a flick of his left shoulder, he wanted to raise his left hand to throw the opponent out, but just as his left arm moved, a piercing pain rushed straight towards him. Brain comes.

He suddenly remembered that his left arm had been broken when he attacked the opponent just now, and a burst of anger suddenly appeared in his heart. He pressed hard against the shadow's crotch.

At this moment, the grenade thrown by the shadow suddenly exploded on the rock under the cliff in the west, "Boom", and with the burst of fire on the rock on the side, Takahashi Jiro, who was pressing on Lin Zisheng, flew into the air at the same time. , Takahashi Jiro, who had just recovered a little consciousness from the violent tumbling, suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his lower body, and a few jets of blood spurted out of the ears, nose and mouth on his face, and his flying body was just for Lin Zisheng on the ground. Block the flying shrapnel and debris.

Takahashi Jiro, who had already broken several bones by Lin Zisheng jumped down from the sky, suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from his lower body in a trance. Bending, his hands unconsciously hugged his lower abdomen.

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