Panther Commando

Chapter 2096: smoky*

Just as Takahashi Jiro screamed and flew up, the steel fragments that flew out of the grenade exploded with countless crystal rubble, whistling towards him, and the sound of "crack crackle crackle" sounded from him like fried beans. , his body exposed outside the bulletproof vest was instantly inserted by countless shrapnel and gravel, and a bright red blood mist appeared from the body still in the air like a blood gourd, spraying the tumbling forest on the ground. His face was red with blood.

Takahashi Jiro's body was covered with a blood mist, and in the powerful shock wave of the explosion, he slammed into the cliff on the side, slammed into the smooth cliff next to him, and then fell from the crystal and icy cliff to the icy rock. Up, curled up and lay motionless on the rock reflecting the blue crystal light, the surrounding body was instantly stained with blood, and until death, he was holding his lower body tightly, and his round eyes were full of horror. look.

When this kid invaded the Lingxiu Mountains, he used dirty things from his lower body to harm a young girl, but he never dreamed that he would be kicked to smash by his opponent at this time, and then followed by another. He was blown apart by the grenade thrown by his third uncle.

In anger, Lin Zisheng kicked his opponent away with one leg, endured the severe pain from his left arm, and rolled out to the side with the shock wave of the explosion.

He dodged the shrapnel and rubble flying in the air, rolled quickly to the assault rifle Takahashi Jiro threw to the ground, pressed the assault rifle with one leg, yanked the bolt with his right hand, followed by grabbing the body of the gun and tucked it under his arm. , slammed down the rock with both feet, and slid toward the entrance of the cave along the smooth rock reflecting blue light. Raising the assault rifle with one hand, he was about to pull the trigger to the shadow that was rushing towards the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, Lin Zisheng, who usually appears to be polite, his face was covered with blood stains that Takahashi Jiro spewed out when he was dying, his eyes widened with anger, like a fierce god, he was clinging to the smooth rock under him, and he was facing the man who was pounced on the hole. Shadow rushed away.

He has put his own life and death aside, and there is only one thought in his mind: he, the leopard team member, must not watch the opponent rush into the cave. Reckless!

At this moment, on the crystal cliff reflecting the pale blue moonlight, a column of blue light suddenly flashed, and a small black shadow in the air rushed straight towards the black shadow at the entrance of the cave like a shooting star.

Lin Zisheng was overjoyed, knowing that Xiaohua and Leopard Head had rushed out of the jungle, he quickly released his trigger finger, threw away the heavy assault rifle in his right hand, and knelt up on one knee with a support on the ground, his left arm weakly. He slumped to his side, swung his right hand on the side of his thigh, pulled out the pistol on his leg, rubbed it **** the holster, and hit the bullet with a "hula" sound, raised the muzzle and aimed at the shadow in front of him.

He saw a flash of blue light just now, and he realized that Xiaohua and Leopard Head had already charged, so he quickly released the assault rifle he was holding with one hand. At this time, he was holding the gun in one hand while he was injured, and he didn't have the accurate head in his hand at all, so he didn't dare to shoot blindly, so as not to accidentally injure the flowers and leopard heads.

Just as Lin Zisheng raised his muzzle, the dazzling blue light in the air had arrived in an instant, and with a loud roar of "Ow", the blue light had swept past the dark shadow beside the cliff like lightning.

The black shadow who had already rushed to the entrance of the cave let out a scream, and immediately staggered in front of the cliff, and then rushed into the entrance of the cave. A bright red blood spurted out from his right shoulder, followed by a round circle. The thing fell from his right hand to the ground, and the sound of "hiss" was spewing out of the ball the size of a fist with a puff of blue smoke.

Lin Zi, who had just knelt up and raised the muzzle, suddenly saw the ball falling to the ground, and was shocked: "Grenade!" He didn't care to shoot, he kicked the rock behind him with both feet, and his body was clinging to the rock. Throwing forward, his right hand threw away the pistol and stretched forward sharply, grabbing the smoke grenade!

The dark shadow that rushed from the west side of the mountain was Takahashi Jiro's third uncle, Takahashi Moriki. He just took the opportunity to attract the Lingxiu guards guarding the back mountain by the gunshots from the front mountain, and suddenly rushed out of the north forest. Quickly run along the rock below the top of the mountain from the northwest toward the front mountain.

He took advantage of the confusion and no one noticed his whereabouts, and flew around to the cliff in the south where he was fighting fiercely. At a glance, a mountain pass mercenary in special equipment was fighting a group of people with machetes, and his nephew was fighting in front of the cave. The opponent who was thrown in the air was knocked to the ground and rolled violently on the rock hugging the opponent.

He immediately rushed along the cliff to the entrance of the cave, his right hand vigorously threw a grenade at the few Lingxiu disciples who were rushing towards him, six or seventy meters away from the side of the forest.

He had clearly seen the situation in front of him in a glance, and immediately realized in his heart that the mercenary and his nephew had attracted the attention of all opponents, and he could just rush into the cave to grab the treasure. As long as he enters the cave to get the treasure and rushes out of the cave, and threatens to destroy the treasure with a grenade, the other party will definitely not dare to act rashly. , get rid of these tough opponents around and escape into the nearby mountains.

Just as he was about to rush to the entrance of the a blue lightning suddenly flew out of the forest, and a small black shadow rushed in front of him with a azure blue luster, and an earth-shattering roar shocked him. He nearly fell to the ground.

At a glance, he saw that what was rushing like a meteor was actually a small cat-shaped animal. Its wide open mouth was exposing two rows of sharp teeth, and the long nails on its four claws were flashing with cold light. in front of.

Takahashi Moriki was startled, kicked his feet on the ground and slammed into the hole in front of him, but just as the blue light flashed from his head, a sharp pain came from his shoulders, and a puddle of blood spurted out of his shoulders. The holding grenade immediately fell upwards, and the safety bolt of the grenade hooked with the fingers was pulled out as the grenade fell, and a puff of green smoke immediately spewed out of the grenade.

Takahashi Moriki was shocked! Resisting the severe pain in his shoulders, he slammed into the cave in front of him. He knew that at such a close distance, he would not be able to avoid the fragments of the grenade explosion at all. The cave with hidden treasures in front of him could be used as his refuge. In such a critical situation, the treasures in the cave were His shield to save his life.

At this moment, Takahashi Moriki suddenly saw a figure rushing towards him with the blue light, and the black figure on his side that rolled with Takahashi Jiro in his arms also jumped from the ground like lightning, rubbing the ground and rushing towards him. The grenade was falling to the ground.

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