Panther Commando

Chapter 2111: Search to no avail

?Mu Hong and Liu Haibo turned their heads to look at the crowd around them and understood what Wan Lin meant. Yikanshu·?k?a?hu·In the depths of this mountain, it is impossible to evacuate so many participants in a short period of time, and the gangsters may be hidden around. At the end of the road, the other party is very likely to take sudden actions to harm these innocent people.

Liu Haibo and Mu Hong nodded solemnly, Liu Haibo said: "Alright, we are responsible for stabilizing their emotions for the participants here, and the conference will continue with the established schedule. Then we will not delay you, do you need anything on your side? We assisted? Just say it, this is the place where our Chinese martial arts talents gather. I really don’t believe that **** dares to do anything wrong! Damn, dare to come here to make trouble, so many martial arts people can take one kick and one kick. This king's egg is trampled into meat sauce, courting death!"

After he finished speaking, he bowed his hands to Wan Lin and Lingling, turned around and pulled Mu Hong and said, "Junior brother, let's go, let Brother Wan and the others go first, and then have a good chat with Brother Wan after cleaning up that bastard." He took Mu Hong and strode to the front of the stage.

Wan Lin nodded gratefully as he watched the two old men leave. Without their cooperation, it would be difficult for them to restrain the large number of participants on the lakeshore. Once the crowd gathered in the meeting place panicked, it would not only create an opportunity for the gangsters to take advantage of. , even with so many people running in panic, there will be a large-scale stampede accident. At that time, a few of them could never control the situation. ?? Let's go, let's take a look around" Wan Lin immediately said to Lingling, followed by raising the top of his shirt with his right hand and gently touching his waist, he took out two steel rods from the hidden weapon pocket at his waist. With the needle between his five fingers, he turned around and strode towards the side of the mountain.

At this time, the participants who came from the campsite on the hillside on the side of the lake bank had already sat down in groups of three or five on the grass or stones around the wooden platform, and more than a thousand people of all sects and sects gathered on the lake bank. What are the participants of the meeting whispering about? The sound of "buzz" echoed on the shore of the lake.

Wan Lin and Lingling walked towards the side of the mountain while paying attention to the crowd sitting on the ground, and listening to the discussions of the crowd in their ears. From the sound of discussion that the two heard intermittently in their ears, they already knew that everyone was whispering about the abnormal sound they heard last night.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the faces of everyone, and the faces of the people around him seemed very calm, and he didn't panic about the abnormal things that happened last night. He finally let go of his dangling heart.

He was originally worried that the loud noise from Lingxiu Mountain last night would cause panic among the participants here. If these participants were emotionally unstable, once a few of them fought fiercely with the fleeing mercenaries, these panicked people would definitely hinder the actions of several of their own. Read a book? …

Wan Lin immediately turned his head to look around, and said to Lingling in a low voice, "Fortunately, people did not panic. After all, these participants are martial arts practitioners, and their courage is relatively large. Calm down".

When Lingling heard Leopard Tou's words, she also retracted her gaze from the surrounding crowd and replied in a low voice, "These martial arts practitioners usually hold swords and dance sticks, so they are naturally more courageous than ordinary people."

Wan Lin nodded and turned to look for the traces of Xiaohua and Xiaobai. He knew in his heart that if they wanted to find this gangster on the shore of a lake with such a large area and so many people gathered, it was really like looking for a needle in a haystack, hoping that it could only be placed on two leopards with a keen sense of smell.

But he also knew in his heart that on the lakeshore and the surrounding hillsides, which were full of traces of strangers, there were two leopards with sensitive senses, and it was very difficult to find the enemy.

His eyes swept across the surrounding hillsides quickly, and saw that Zhang Wa's group of two, three, and four had already walked from the surrounding hillsides to the foot of the mountain. Several people were in groups of two men and women, and they all looked like a pair of senior brothers and sisters participating in the meeting. While watching the surrounding movements vigilantly, several people walked down the hillsides in all directions slowly, without causing any distraction. people's attention.

But Wanlin saw the figures of several people walking from the hillside, and his heart sank: Several groups appeared on the hillside from all directions, which means that several groups did not find any enemy on the hillside, and the enemy was most likely already in the mix. In front of this dark crowd.

He hurriedly turned his head and looked around. There were dense crowds of people sitting on the lakeshore, and bursts of whispers echoed on the lakeshore. Everyone was still talking about the abnormality that happened last night.

Wan Lin's face became extremely heavy. If the other party was really hiding in the crowd, it would be very difficult to find him. If it is handled improperly, it is very likely that the surrounding crowd will be injured. This kid not only has guns, but also explosives such as grenades!

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped up on the wooden platform in the middle of the lakeshore, and Mu Hong's loud voice followed: "This afternoon, we will continue with yesterday's schedule, and the following will be carried out by little brother Lin Hu from Tai Chi branch and little brother Zhang Qing from Wudang. Boxing skills."

Following his voice, two figures in black and one in white suddenly jumped out from the audience, and two teenage boys in black and white training suits jumped neatly onto the wooden platform. The two of them first clasped their fists and saluted Mu Hong on the stage, followed with strides to the center of the wooden platform, stood opposite each other, and saluted Mu Hong.

Mu Hong immediately said loudly: "It's still the old rules, it's mainly about the practice and exchange of tricks. Everyone clicks until they reach it, and they must not hurt people wanton. Okay, let's get started." After that, he turned around and handed the microphone in his hand to the host. He jumped off the wooden platform and strode towards the referee's bench in front of the platform. As he walked, he raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Wan Lin in the distance, with a worried look in his As Mu Hong jumped off the wooden platform, two figures in black and one in white moved quickly on the platform When they got up, the voice of "bang bang bang bang" also came out, and everyone in the audience looked up to the stage with wide eyes. The voices that were whispering all over the place just now suddenly disappeared, and the entire lakeshore seemed to be filled with a tense atmosphere at this moment.

Wan Lin glanced at the attentive crowd around him, then silently turned his head and pulled Lingling, walking together towards a huge rock near the foot of the mountain. The crowd sitting on the grass around the two looked at Wan Lin and the two walking by in surprise, and then turned to look at the stage, wondering why these two young people didn't pay attention to the stage. Instead, go farther away.

Wan Lin and the two walked under the rock near the side of the mountain. Wan Lin pressed the rock with both hands and jumped up, then stretched out his hand to pull Lingling up and sat down together, then raised the binoculars hanging on his chest and looked around, Lingling also Take out the telescope and look in the other direction.

As the New Year is approaching, Bamboo Fragrance Bookstore wishes all friends a New Year's greeting: thank you for your strong support over the past year, and wish you a happy New Year, all the best, a happy family, and a prosperous New Year!



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