Panther Commando

Chapter 2112: lakeshore gunshots


At this time, the audience who were far away from the stage were all holding binoculars and watching the movements of the two young men on the stage attentively. ??.??`co?m It didn't take long, the two young men on the stage suddenly took a step back on the stage, saluted each other with their fists folded, and then walked down the stage. Following the host's voice, two more sect disciples jumped onto the wooden platform, saluted each other and moved their hands.

Wan Lin hurriedly glanced at the movements of the people on the stage, and thought to himself: "It seems that Mu Hong and their organizing committee have really worked hard, and it is strictly forbidden to use excessive moves in the competition to avoid excessively fierce battles between the two sides. So far, this is actually a demonstration of the combat moves of various schools in the competition. This way of confrontation can indeed achieve the purpose of mutual learning and skill exchange.”

He thought to himself, but his eyes looked around. Suddenly, Lingling next to her raised her binoculars and whispered nervously, "Leopard head, look over there!" She raised her hand and pointed to the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin hurriedly raised his face and looked at the binoculars. Two old men, one tall and one short, appeared in his binoculars immediately. Grandpa and the old master were walking slowly out of the bamboo forest on the side of the hill, followed by Xie a few meters behind him. , the three of them are slowly walking down the green grassy hillside.

Wan Lin was startled, and suddenly stood up from the rock and was about to walk sideways. ??`He knew in his heart that the two old people must be worried about the participants below, so at this time, after the fog dissipated, they walked towards the lake.

Just when he was about to jump off the rock anxiously, he suddenly found on the hillside not far from the two old men, Wang Dali and Wen Meng were about to walk around the two old men, apparently they also found the two old men, they hurried over. Guard.

Wan Lin immediately felt at ease, raised his hand and pulled Lingling, who had also stood up, twisted and jumped off the rock, walking slowly along the side of the mountain to the foot of the side of the mountain, turning his head to stare at the side of the mountain as he walked.

At this moment, there was a sudden burst of panicked dog barks on the hillside near the campsite of the martial arts conference. Wan Lin quickly turned around and looked at the side hillside. Several big trees on the hillside were shaking violently, and a few were chained to the side. The bulldogs on the tree trunks on the hillside are roaring wildly. At this time, the big dogs are all bowing their heads, and the dog chains around their necks are taut, all looking down at the grass on the side. barking.

Wan Lin was startled, knowing that Xiaohua or Xiaobai must be around there. He was about to turn around and run towards the side hillside, when he saw Xiaohua's eyes suddenly jumping up from the grass with blue light, with a burst of anger in his eyes. Towards a few vicious dogs.

"Wang **** wang" The few bulldogs that had just barked violently let out a whimper, turned their heads and jumped back, their thick tails all caught between the legs in the back, and the dog chains on their bodies were tugged a few times. The big tree shook violently. ??.?`

Apparently, Xiaohua was spotted by these ferocious dogs as soon as Xiaohua searched the grass. A few ferocious big dogs just found small animals in the grass, but they didn't know what was inside, so they immediately barked provocatively. Immediately angered the mountain king, he immediately rushed towards several bulldogs from the grass.

Wan Lin didn't look good. If Xiaohua rushed over and had to clean up a few bulldogs, then they would be separated from the owners of these dogs. He hurriedly gave a whistle, and Xiao Hua, who was in the air, heard Wan Lin's call, turned around and fell to the side of the hill, his fiery eyes stared at the panicked big dogs, turned around and ran back to where he was just now. The grass jumped up and ran to the side along the hillside, sniffing the hillside with his head down as he ran.

Wan Lin's heart moved, and he looked up at the direction Xiaohua was running, and saw that it was running on the hillside towards the hillside where Grandpa and the others were walking down. Wan Lin's expression suddenly changed, and he whispered into the microphone: "Protect Grandpa and the old master!" After saying that, he suddenly jumped up and ran down the foot of the mountain like a stream of smoke toward the foot of the mountain where Grandpa and the others were walking down. Lingling beside him was startled, she suddenly pulled out the pistol from her waist and followed.

Obviously, Xiaohua found the other party's trace near the camp, and is now following the trail and running towards the hillside of Chamian. The fleeing mercenary must have appeared in the grass where Xiaohua sprang out just now. After fighting with Wen Meng in the mountains, this kid was attacked and injured by Xiaobai who arrived later. He must have come here to find food or medicine at the campsite.

But now this kid is running down the hillside to the side of the mountain, and it happens to be running towards the hillside where Grandpa and the others are walking down. As a result, the two old people are very dangerous.

At this time, Zhang Wa and a few people who were still walking towards the surrounding hillside suddenly heard the order of Leopard Head, and when they turned their heads, they saw Xiaohua running towards the hillside Congnian with blue eyes on the hillside, pulling out their waists one by one. The pistol rushed towards the hillside where the two old men were.

The figures of several people rushed to the side in the mountains. The two young men who were competing on the wooden platform saw the sudden situation at the foot of the mountain. The two of them unconsciously stopped their movements and stood up straight. , turned to look up the distant hillside.

The audience on the lakeshore saw that the two people on the stage suddenly stopped communicating, and all of them turned their faces and looked back in surprise. At once, a few figures flew like black smoke. Everyone was shocked. Don't know what happened?

On the hillside in the distance, two old men and a young man were walking slowly down the hill. It was noon at this time, when the sun was shining brightly in the mountains, and the gray-white heads of the two old men shone with silver-white light in the sunlight.

Just when Wan Lin and the others got up and ran towards the hillside where the two old men a black shadow suddenly sprang out from behind a huge rock on the side, followed by the right hand suddenly raised upwards, "Papa. "Two crisp sounds of the gun body suddenly sounded, followed by the shadow and rushed to the side of the two old people.

The sound of gunshots suddenly sounded on the calm lakeshore, and the black crowd sitting on the lakeshore suddenly stood up from the ground, and their faces suddenly became tense, and everyone could see that there was a sudden appearance of a gunman!

At this moment, Mu Hong, who already knew the truth of the matter, suddenly stood up from the referee's bench under the wooden platform, raised his feet to the table in front of him, followed like a big Peng bird, and swung his arms from the table. Jumping up, he immediately jumped onto the wooden platform a few meters in front of him.

Mu Hong, who jumped up on the wooden platform, grabbed the microphone in the host's hand and shouted loudly: "All participants sit down immediately, don't move rashly, don't move rashly! Sit down, all sit down for me!"

The loudspeakers arranged on both sides of the wooden platform immediately sounded Mu Hong's loud voice, and a huge "hum" sound echoed throughout the mountain.



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