Panther Commando

Chapter 2123: Things turn to stars

The old master waved his hand and stopped Wan Lin from speaking. Then he looked up through the sparse woods outside the small courtyard, and looked at the bare top of Lingxiu Mountain outside the forest without saying a word. His originally bright eyes suddenly became empty. . After a while after reading the book?k?a?h?u?, he sighed, "Alas! What a beautiful home, now it's ruined, ruined!"

The old man looked up at the crumbling and dim top of Lingxiu Mountain, his two white eyebrows were tightly raised together, he suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the hand of the Wanjia old man with a gloomy expression, shook it vigorously and said, "Brother, Look at it, look at it! How can our beautiful home be like this?" The old man's deep words were a little choked, with deep sadness.

At this moment, a dazzling morning light suddenly sprinkled on the mountains, and the golden sunlight dispelled the darkness in the mountains. The dark woods were also suddenly covered with a layer of emerald green color, bursts of birdsong suddenly sounded from the mountains, and the breeze was refreshing with the breath of green grass.

The old man of the Wan family raised his gray head and looked at the suddenly bright mountain top, a light flashed in his eyes, and the originally tightly wrinkled brows immediately relaxed. Want to read the book? book k?a?hu.

He raised his finger and pointed to the top of Lingxiu Mountain outside the forest, turned his head and said emotionally to the old master: "Brother, look at this sunny summit now, is this still your perennially cold summit? Brother, you Take a good look, this is the sunshine of spring! It has sprinkled the warmth of spring on the top of your Lingxiu Mountain, and it has driven away the gloomy cold that shrouded the top of the mountain. It is telling you that the spring of Lingxiu Gate has finally come. !"

The old man raised his hands and gently moved the invisible air in front of him, as if he was feeling the warmth of the spring sunshine, and then continued earnestly: "Spring is the season when all things breed, but the top of Lingxiu Mountain is yours. But there has never been spring, it is shrouded in a cold atmosphere all year round. Now, the sunshine of spring is shrouded in your mountaintops, shining on you who are wrapped in thick fur all day long, this warm sunshine is in Let me tell you: the spring of Lingxiumen has come! Brother, this is the grace of God, at this moment, what is there to be discouraged and discouraged?"

Speaking of this, the old man of the Wan family suddenly took the old head and took a big step forward, and his voice suddenly became vigorous and passionate: "The top of Lingxiu Mountain used to be cold in all seasons, and birds and animals have disappeared, but now it has become sunny, Spring is in full bloom, Lingxiu Mountain is changing the world! You Lingxiumen will live in such a sunny and beautiful mountain from now on, and you will get rid of the harassment of the cold and cold air. What's wrong with this? What can you be discouraged about? Depressed?" He suddenly raised his hand and slammed the old head on the shoulder!

"Pa", with a crisp sound, the old man of the Wan family slammed **** the shoulder of the old head with the palm of his strong inner strength. ??Reading??Books??...Old Sect Master, Sect Master Xie, and the wise men around them who were originally downcast, shook violently as if they had been empowered.

They raised their heads suddenly, looked up at the rising sun in the eastern sky, and then stretched out their hands to feel the warm spring sunshine, and suddenly there was a kind of never-before-seen warmth in their icy eyes. look. For the first time, they seemed to feel that the sun on this mountain top could be so bright and warm.

The old master squinted his eyes and looked at the golden sunlight shining on the top of the mountain, and whispered in his mouth: "Yes, the sun on the top of Lingxiu Mountain has never been as warm as today, never as bright as today, and It has never been more comfortable than it is today! It has changed, it has really changed, even the sun we see every day has changed.”

His originally cloudy eyes suddenly became brighter, he withdrew his gaze towards the air, shook the hand of the old man of Wanjia vigorously, looked at the other party and said emotionally, "Brother, you are right! We will live in this warm sunshine forever, and we will no longer have to be harassed by the cold poison, and we will no longer have to wear thick fur all day long! Today is the day when our Lingxiu Gate is destroyed, and the spring sun shines on our Lingxiu. A day at the gate, this is indeed a day for Lingxiu Gate to change the day, a day for all our Lingxiu disciples to be born again!"

When the old master said this, he suddenly turned his head to look at the top of Lingxiu Mountain outside the forest, and his voice suddenly became high: "Lingxiumen will not die, and the kung fu of Lingxiumen will never be lost! The Lingxiumen founded by our ancestors must still be I will live in this beautiful and beautiful mountain for generations to come!"

This voice with deep inner strength was like a drum beat, which shook the tree canopies around it, and the powerful words slammed into the hearts of every Lingxiu disciple, and every Lingxiu around. At this moment, the disciples all straightened up suddenly, and with their bright eyes, they all looked up at the top of Lingxiu Mountain, which was covered with golden sunlight, without blinking.

The rising sun in the east is slowly rising, and the golden sunshine fills this beautiful mountain area. The strong and passionate voice of the old head reverberates over the top of Lingxiu Mountain for a long time.

"Hahaha!" The old man from Wanjia laughed in relief. He raised his right arm and took the left arm of the old master. He walked out of the small courtyard in the forest and came to the front of the cliff. The old man walked out hand in hand, followed closely behind by Sect Master Xie, Sect Master Shao, and the fully armed brothers of the Wan family. Everyone hurriedly clasped their fists and bowed respectfully. UU Reading

A few people walked to the center of the empty field in front of the cliff. The old head held the hand of the old man of Wanjia tightly with his left hand, and raised his right hand to all the Lingxiu people present and said loudly: "Did you hear? Today is our Lingxiu Gate's destruction. That day is also the day our Lingxiu Sect is born again!”

The old master said passionately, then looked up at the mid-air and suddenly whispered: "Xianyuntan has a long shadow in the sun, and things change and stars move a few times in autumn."

After the old man whispered the verse, he looked up at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky for a while without speaking, a tear flashed in his eyes, and his heart seemed to be filled with emotion.

After a long while, he retracted his gaze from the sky, turned his head to look at the surrounding Lingxiu disciples and disciples Sunmen and said loudly: "It's true that things have changed a few times! The time has passed in the transformation of things, and the responsibility of our Lingxiu Sect to guard the treasure has been completed! Therefore, you all remember this day firmly for me. From now on, there will be no cold poison eroding your body, and you will never again. You don't need to be wrapped in thick fur all year round to keep out the cold, and you don't need to exchange your life for a profound cold art!"



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