Panther Commando

Chapter 2124: Origin and Origin

?The old master's voice with deep inner strength is full of passion, and the surrounding mountains are echoing his vigorous voice over and over again. www/xshuotxt/com.`

Everyone from the Lingxiu Sect has straightened up, and they stared blankly at their old Sect Master, and the vigorous voice echoed in their ears over and over again. The sudden drastic changes in Lingxiu Mountain made these simple and sturdy martial arts practitioners lose their senses for a while, and they all seemed to be in a dream.

The eyes of the old master flickered. He looked at the dumb-like disciples. He knew that they could not adapt to this sudden change for the time being. He wondered how they would continue to cultivate themselves after the extremely cold environment that they had been relying on to practice their exercises disappeared. martial arts?

The old master looked at each of the disciples, and suddenly looked up at the blue sky, "haha" and laughed, and the agitated laughter shook the mountains.

The strong cold air dissipated into the air from the old man's laughter, and the surrounding air suddenly became bone-chilling with the laughter, and everyone shivered in the sudden cold air.

Just when everyone was shocked, the deafening laughter suddenly stopped abruptly! The old master suddenly raised the arm of the old man of the Wan family high, looked at his doorman with bright eyes and said loudly: "All cheer me up! The coldest holy relic that we have enshrined for generations in the cave is gone, and our fate with the holy relic is gone. Yes, but our good brothers from Lingxiu Sect, Wan’s clan, are still there! The origin and fate are gone, and our fate with sacred objects is exhausted, but the fate between our Lingxiu Sect and the world-famous Wan clan has come, but Lingxiu Sect has not. When it’s over, your cold arts will continue to practice!”

He took the old man of the Wan family and took a big step forward, and then said: "This is the head of the Wan clan, the most mysterious sect of internal power in martial arts since ancient times, and it was when he was in danger of our Lingxiu Sect. He sent many disciples to protect our homeland; it was he who taught us the secrets of the Wan family's supreme inner family without hesitation. ??.??`"

The old master suddenly became excited when he said this, and his tone was also very excited: "Now, I have re-created the cultivation method of our Lingxiu sect's cold art according to the guidance of Wan's sect. This is a method without cold poison. Intrusion, a brand-new way of cultivating cold arts. From now on, all the disciples of our Lingxiu Sect will no longer have to worry about the cold poison eroding our lives, and no longer have to worry about the appearance of many orphans and widows in the clan!"

At this moment, the old head was so excited that Bai was trembling. He suddenly released the arm of the old Wan family around him, knelt on the rock in front of the cliff with a "pop", raised his head with his hands together and prayed loudly into the air. stand up. ??.??`Seeing the appearance of the old Sect Master, the people around Lingxiu sect also knelt on the ground with a "puff" and "puff", and they were all whispering their unique prayers from the Lingxiu Sect.

Wan Lin and the others silently looked at the scene in front of them. They couldn't understand what the old master was praying? But I know in my heart that these Lingxiu people are thanking God for their mercy, and thank the Wan family for their great help!

Sure enough, when the old master finished praying, he stood up with a happy face, and shouted loudly to the Lingxiu disciples around him who were kneeling on the ground: "The arrival of the Wan family is the blessing of our ancestors and the mercy of God. The fate of Shi and our Lingxiumen has arrived! Hahahaha, God has given me such an old man for such a long time, just want me to personally teach you Lingxiumen's new Hangong cultivation method, so that our unique Hangong will continue to exist. The world; let the martial arts of our Lingxiu Sect continue to occupy a place in the Chinese martial arts forever!"

The old man's words were like a spring breeze, which immediately blew into the hearts of the dejected sages! At this time, they realized that the drastic changes at the top of Lingxiu Mountain suddenly gave birth to the new generation of Lingxiu Sect. This is indeed the gospel of every one of their Lingxiu Sect!

At this moment, the eyes of all Lingxiu people were red, and they involuntarily took a big step towards the old master and the old Wanjia, looking at the eyes of the old Wanjia with sparkling tears, each of which was dark There was a look of gratitude and excitement on his face!

They are all men from Lingxiu Sect. They have followed their ancestors and practiced Han Gong since childhood. They are aware of the harm caused by Han Gong, but they did not shrink back and silently accepted this harsh reality. But in their hearts, why don't they yearn to overcome the harm caused by cold work; why don't they want to live a long life like the old master, and why don't they want to live a life of old age.

Now, at the critical moment of their Lingxiu Sect, the Wan clan not only helped them annihilate the intruding enemies one by one, but also brought out the inner strength and spiritual methods that were never easily shown in the martial arts sect to save their lives. Their own Lingxiu Sect helped them create a new method of cultivation of Han Gong, which avoided the erosion of cold poison and extended their once short lives. This really gave their Lingxiu Sect a new life. And let them, who have practiced cold kung fu since childhood, live the complete life of a normal person!

The old master looked excitedly at the surrounding doormen, released the hand of the old Wan family and took a step forward, then turned around and suddenly said loudly: "Let's thank the benefactors of Lingxiu Sect, and thank the Wan family's family members. Great kindness!"

Before he finished speaking, the old man knelt on the rock with a "pop". The twenty-odd sages who gathered behind him suddenly pulled out the long machete around his waist with a "dang bang". Behind the old master, he held the flashing waist knife in both hands and stretched his arms forward, prostrating himself on the ground facing the old man of the Wan family and Wan Lin and the others behind him.

A gratified smile appeared on the face of the old He bent down and lifted the old head up, and said repeatedly: "Hehehe, the gift of my elder brother is too great, You can't stand it!"

The old master slowly stood up with the hands of the old Wan family, and said with a serious face: "Brother, you Wan family can afford it! You saved me Lingxiu, how can you not bear it!"

He said, suddenly put his right hand into his arms, slowly took out an antique hardwood box, and carefully opened the lid.

A ray of blue light suddenly spewed out of the box, and the icy cold air instantly enveloped in front of the cliff again. The five-body sages raised their heads and looked at the flickering cold light in horror. These ordinary sages didn't know , There is such a small cold pearl in his Lingxiu Sect.

The old master turned his head to look at his disciple, and his tone suddenly became extremely deep: "The big gem in the cave really does not exist, but we still have these small cold beads, so the Lingxiu Gate is not finished! This is still The treasure of the town that our spirits have enshrined and passed down from generation to generation!"



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