Panther Commando

Chapter 2126: vanished cold stone

In fact, Wan Lin and several others were a little puzzled. At that time, the enemy did not enter the cave to pose a real threat to the treasure, and it was impossible to touch the mechanism in the cave, but why the cave was suddenly closed? And why did that cold treasure suddenly disappear?

At this time, several people already knew in their hearts that the cold treasure in the cave was definitely gone, otherwise the temperature on the top of the mountain would never have suddenly become so warm. www*xshuotxt/com?.??`

The old master waved his hand and said to a few people, "You sit down, I said this has nothing to do with you, you listen to me slowly." Xie head and Xie also quickly stood up, raised their hands to Wan Lin Several people pressed onto the chairs.

The old master immediately looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "I know that you all have a mystery in your heart. I don't know why the gem in the cave suddenly disappeared? Will it suddenly collapse?"

He looked up at the top of the mountain outside the window, and continued in a leisurely tone: "Actually, the sword and giant eagle on the top of the mountain are supported by the cold air scattered by the most cold gem in the cave, otherwise these two pieces are so peculiar in shape, and How can two such heavy boulders stand alone on the top of the mountain for hundreds of years?"

The old man said this with a long sigh: "Oh, now the huge black eagle and sword on the top of the cave have suddenly collapsed, and the cold air around the top of the mountain has also been swept away, which means that the gems in the cave are no longer there. Disappeared from the hands of our Lingxiu Sect..? `The origin and fate are all gone, and we and this treasure bestowed by God are finally over!"

He raised his head and saw the eyes of Wan Lin and the others, and knew that they were still surprised. This gem was not taken away by the enemy, but since it was no longer in the cave, where did it go? He then slowly recounted the whole story.

It turned out that there was a huge crater under the location of the gem in the cave, and the cold meteor that fell from the sky just landed on this crater. At that time, the meteor collided violently with the volcano with huge energy. The coldest meteor collided with the fiery magma, which immediately caused a huge explosion like the sky and the earth cracking.

The violent explosion smashed the rocks and meteor fragments from the mountain into the huge crater, burying the crater that was originally blazing with fire in an instant, and the heat of the explosion quickly melted the meteor fragments and rocks into a crater. The crystal clear whole, and the strange scene of the top reflecting the dreamy colors, as well as the strange black eagle and the sword on the top of the mountain, also suddenly formed at this time. ?.?`

The meteor was shattered by the violent impact, and the coldest gem in the center of the meteor, at the moment when it condensed on the top of the mountain with huge energy, knocked the newly condensed mountain body into a cave, and hit a crystal below the top of the mountain. The fragments of the hall of the mountain came out through the mountain, forming another exit on the opposite side of the mountain.

The coldest gem left in the center of the cave just stayed on the crater that had been covered by boulders. Its coldest breath firmly quelled the raging flames in the volcano, and immediately enveloped the entire Lingxiu Peak in an icy cold. in the world.

The old master said this, looked at the stunned Wan Lin with a solemn face, and then said in a heavy tone: "At that time, after the three gangsters rushed into the cave and were driven out by you, I have activated the mechanism in the cave. This The mechanism was used by our ancestors to close the cave when Lingxiumen was in danger. In fact, even if I didn't activate the mechanism left by my ancestors, no one could take the most cold gem from the cave. Under the gem It is the flaming crater, once you pick up the gem, hot magma will immediately burst out of the cave, and all the creatures in the cave will be wiped out in an instant!"

The old man shook his gray head with a gloomy face, and then said: "Let's not say that the gem is an outsider, even we can't take it. When our ancestors found this cave, they just found a few gems from the cave wall. The cold beads scattered after the violent impact are two of them for you. However, the cold air on these cold beads is much weaker than the gem in the cave."

"When I closed the cave, I wasn't worried about the gangsters taking the gems, because no one can steal the gems. But once someone moved the gems violently, it would immediately cause a volcanic eruption that was suppressed by the cold air of the gems. At that time, not only the cave would If it is destroyed in an instant, our Lingxiu Mountain will immediately become a sea of ​​fire. This is our homeland, and I must not let anyone destroy our homeland! So I activated the mechanism left by my ancestors at that time. If you touch the gem, the organ will immediately seal the entire cave, and the people in the cave will be smashed into meat sauce by the boulder we set up on the spot!"

The faces of Wan Lin and the others turned pale when they heard this. They didn't expect that taking away the gem in the cave would cause such serious ecological consequences! Not to mention that the gems will be destroyed at that time, even the entire Lingxiu Mountain area will be devastated by the huge volcanic eruption; this beautiful Lingxiu Mountain area will also be immediately covered by the gushing hot magma, turning into an uninhabited hell.

At this time, several people also suddenly understood the reason for the violent shaking of Lingxiu Mountain at that time. It turned out that the gem suddenly fell into the volcano below at this time, and the cold breath just neutralized the hot magma below, extinguishing the Active volcanoes that have been burning underground for hundreds of millions of years.

At this moment, several people were amazed in their hearts: It turns out that this gem has such a huge effect, and the icy aura it exudes not only helps the Lingxiu people to practice the cold kung, but also suppresses the following The hot magma prevents the magma from spewing out of the hole and hurting innocent people.

Now it seems that this coldest gem that descended from heaven has indeed blessed all the creatures on this land. The loud noise from the mountain last night was the coldest thing that descended from the sky. The temperature was violently merged with the hot magma in the ground. Active volcanoes continue to bless all living beings on this land.

It is no wonder that not only the Lingxiu Mountain was shaking violently, but also the huge lake below the mountain was violently rolling.

The old master saw that Wan Lin and the others had understood the whole story, and went on to say: "Actually, two days before your arrival, I had already received the foreshadowing of my ancestors. At that time, I closed my eyes and practiced the exercises in the cave. The image of the founder of the sect suddenly appeared in my mind. In the dark, the ancestor pointed to the gem and said in a low voice: 'Every man is innocent and guilt! Alas, the origin is the way of heaven, you have to do it yourself and continue to flourish I'm a genius!' At that time, my mind was empty, and I looked at the ancestors in the sky in astonishment."



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