Panther Commando

Chapter 2127: Ancestor's warning

The old master talked leisurely, his eyes looking out the window seemed very blurred: "At that time, I looked at the image of the ancestor in the sky in surprise, and was about to open my mouth to ask the ancestor to show the meaning of the words, but the ancestor saw me at this time. With a dull appearance, he shook his head gently, and the figure has gradually disappeared. www/xshuotxt/com"

"I saw the ancestors gradually disappearing in the dark, and I was very anxious. When I got up, I wanted to stand up and catch up. But at this time, the ancestors in my mind suddenly turned into pieces of pale blue light and shadow, slowly moving towards the surrounding holes. It disappeared from the wall and disappeared from my mind in a blink of an eye. I was shocked at the time, and I had a premonition that something big was going to happen to the Lingxiu Sect!

The old head sighed and shook his white hair lightly. He then turned his head to look at the old Wanjia, and said with deep regret on his face: "I have fully understood now that the ancestors were predicting to me: Lingxiu Sect is about to be in disaster! A warning from our ancestors. Isn't 'Bai Bi's sin' just reminding me that someone has already coveted our treasure?! The origin is scattered, which means that our fate with this treasure originated from the opening of the sect Ancestor, but scattered in my generation? Alas!"

The old man of the Wan family has been looking out of the window in contemplation, quietly listening to the old master's remarks. At this time, he heard the remorseful words of the old master, turned his head and said: "Brother, there is nothing to regret. The warnings of the ancestors at that time were obscure and incomprehensible, this is the will of God. The origin and the dispersal, this was originally something that we ordinary people could not control, and it was also something arranged by God in the dark. How can the mystery of this be that we ordinary people can do it? Infiltrate?"

The old man Wanjia said, turned his head and continued to look out the window, and said in a deep voice: "Looking at the current situation, this coldest gem has fallen into the hot magma of the crater, which can just reduce the temperature in the volcano and prevent The volcanic eruption charred this beautiful mountain."

The old man said that he suddenly stood up and pointed to the top of the mountain outside the house: "Okay, this treasure is in the ground, and it continues to protect the Lingxiu people who have lived here for generations, and protect the beauty of this beautiful piece of land for generations. All the creatures in the mountains, this gem is indeed worthy of the **** of your Lingxiu Gate! Your ancestors told you to 'be good at yourselves and expand the Lingxiu Gate', which is instructing you: the Lingxiu Gate is not over, and the Lingxiu Gate will continue to grow!

Old Master, Master Xie, and Chao Xie heard the deep and wise words of the old Wanjia, and their eyes lit up. They all stared at the top of the mountain outside the window, carefully recalling the meaning of the old man's words.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others finally understood the whereabouts of the gems in the cave. It is no wonder that after the drastic change on the top of the mountain last night, even the bone-chilling cold air on the top of the mountain disappeared. Centuries-old strange gems have been integrated into the boundless hot magma underground during the upheaval at that time. No wonder the entire mountain was shaking violently at that time, and the rumbling sound was exactly the loud noise made by the icy gems falling into the hot magma.

The old head looked out the window for a while, then suddenly turned his head and laughed, then said loudly: "Okay, the Wan family really has extraordinary knowledge! That's right, this is the day of our Lingxiu Sect's freshman! To be honest with you. Said, when I heard the news, I had no masters at the time, and I had the idea of ​​​​severing my meridians and leaving with the treasure. Thanks to you, otherwise our Lingxiu Sect would be really finished! Look at you again. Look at my son and my successor, it is said that if Brother Cheng and Brother Lin were not around, it would have been finished on the spot!"

Everyone's expressions changed after hearing this. Wan Lin and the others raised their eyes to look at Sect Master Xie, whose beard and hair were all white. Their hearts could not help but tremble. At that time, the head of Xie witnessed the drastic changes on the top of the mountain with his own eyes. In the blink of an eye, his hair and beard were all white. This is the manifestation of physical and mental collapse after being severely hit.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others were a little scared, and recalling the changes like a landslide and fissure at that time, it really made these Lingxiu people who have lived here for generations feel a breakdown.

The old man of the Wan family looked at the suddenly aged face of the head of Xie, shook his head lightly, and sighed: "Alas, good luck makes people! Who would have thought that Lingxiu Mountain would undergo such a big change overnight. , Fortunately, you are all still safe and sound! Forget it, let's not mention this, everything that happened yesterday has become history, and today is the first day that your Lingxiumen stand in the Chinese martial arts with a new look!"

When the old man said the back, his words suddenly became vigorous and powerful, and a burst of true qi burst out with the vigorous voice of the old man. The whole wooden house trembled in the vigorous true qi, and the window lattices made a "humming" sound. vibrato.

"Yes! Today is the first day when our Lingxiu Gate reopened. Lingxiu Gate will not fall, and Lingxiu Gate will still be a unique martial arts sect in Chinese martial arts!" With a slap on the table, he stood up, and said loudly with a chill in his voice, and both white eyebrows were erected in the powerful words!

Following the sonorous and powerful voice of the old master, Master Xie and Xie Chao also stood up abruptly. These three grandfathers and grandchildren represent the past, present and future of Lingxiumen, and dazzling eyes appeared in their eyes at this time. All the light, they seem to have seen the brilliant and splendid tomorrow of Lingxiu Gate!

The old Wan family watched the three leaders of Lingxiu Sect stand up and the others around Wan Lin also stood up. There was a sense of relief.

The upheaval did not destroy this ancient martial arts sect, but instead inspired them to work hard. The blood of their own people was not in vain, and they finally retained this unique and unique martial arts for the Chinese martial arts!

At this moment, the old master turned to look at his son and grandson standing beside him, and then turned his attention to Wan Lin and the others. He took a deep look at the majestic soldiers in front of him, pulled his grandson Xie Chao in front of him, and said to Wan Lin, "Little brother Wan, the battle on Lingxiu Mountain, I, the old man in the mountain, have never ceased to exist. You brave and invincible little brothers, no, you have learned a lot from you young soldiers."

He said that he raised his hand to let everyone sit down, and took Xie Chao to Wan Lin by himself. Wan Lin just sat down with the crowd when he saw the old head pulling Xie Chao towards him with a solemn expression, he quickly stood up respectfully and looked at the old head in surprise, wondering how this senile old man could Suddenly so serious.



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