Panther Commando

Chapter 2131: Wonders of the world

Everyone quickly turned around and looked in the direction of Little Nine Fingers. In the thick fog in the distance, a golden light group was flashing on the top of a high mountain. As soon as they read the book, ?k?a?h?u, everyone was startled, they lifted their feet and walked out of the forest. When they came to the cliff outside the forest, they all looked up and looked into the distance.

A golden light group is shrouding the top of Qijun's mountain, the top of the towering cloud is looming in the light group, and the edge of the round light group flashes with seven-color halos of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. The center of the golden halo is as vacant as a mirror, and the steep peaks and the surrounding strange rocks and pine trees compete for radiance and looming in the golden halo.

"Wow, Fo Guang, it's so beautiful!" Xiaoya covered her mouth and exclaimed. Wan Lin and the others also stared at the mountain top in the west in astonishment. The scenery in front of me is so charming. The golden light group is surrounded by a flashing colorful halo. In the center of the golden halo, a faint image is looming. A line of swaying figures appeared, beautiful!

At this moment, a few people suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by them, Wan Lin and the others turned their heads in astonishment, and saw that the old head was full of piety, and his body jumped out like lightning to the top of Lingxiu Mountain on the side. , then jumped up abruptly beside the steep cliff, slapped the cliff in front of him with both hands, the old man's agile figure flashed in the sea of ​​clouds, and the crisp sound of hitting the rock wall echoed in the silent sea of ​​clouds. Read a book? …

The silver-headed old man leapt up the high mountain top like lightning, and then fell on the ground on the side of the mountain, and then sat cross-legged with his palms folded, and bursts of infuriating voices followed from the top of the mountain. , a low voice "buzzed" echoed in the silent mountains.

Everyone looked at the old head who jumped to the top of the mountain in astonishment, and immediately realized that the old man saw this strange scenery, and immediately resonated in their hearts. After jumping to the top of the cliff, they bowed devoutly and prayed to God to bless the Lingxiu Gate.

As the old master leaped to the top of the mountain, Master Xie, Xie and Shanhua next to Wan Lin and others knelt down, and a group of Lingxiu men in front of the cliff also knelt on the smooth rock at the same time. He prayed loudly in the middle, and the low voice echoed in the vast sea of ​​​​clouds.

Wan Lin and the others stood solemnly in the misty veil, their eyes fixed on the fantastic halo in the distance, and the low voice of prayer echoed in their ears, and a solemn and solemn feeling rose in their hearts.

"The Buddha's light is shining, it's a good sign!" The old man of the Wan family suddenly sighed in a low voice. ?Look at the book???k?a??Book h?u. At this time, the golden light group in the distance is facing the top of Lingxiu Mountain. In the Buddha's light, the strange stone and strange pine, the golden light group and the flashing seven-color halo are all integrated. , there are also rows of black shadows flashing around, like believers sitting around the aperture listening to the Dharma, the whole scene gives people a magical, auspicious and peaceful feeling.

Just as Wan Lin and the others were fascinated by the wonders of the heavens and the earth, a gust of breeze came, and the ethereal sea of ​​clouds fluttered gently like soft cotton wool, gradually revealing a blue sky in the sky. The ink-like mountain tops followed from the sea of ​​​​clouds to reveal the sharp peaks, but the golden light group on the western mountaintop became more and more dim at this time, and the colorful brilliance slowly dissipated into the air at this time. The whole blurred, solemn scene is gradually receding.

The people on the top of Lingxiu Mountain were staring at the rare and magical sight. At this time, they saw the golden light group drifting away, and their eyes flashed with nostalgia.

In the blink of an eye, the churning sea of ​​clouds receded from the mountains, and green mountains and green waters reappeared in people's field of vision. At this time, the old master had already stood up from the top of the mountain, his white head fluttering in the breeze, he looked at the western sky for a while without making a sound, like a statue standing on the edge of a cliff, motionless.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others stood in front of the cliff, all turned their heads and stared silently at the old head on the top of the mountain, with admiration in their eyes. This extraordinary old man was the spirit of Lingxiu Sect. He led the way. With this ancient martial art, he has passed another insurmountable level.

When Lingxiu disciples changed dramatically, it was the nearly 100-year-old old man who recovered from his depression in time, rescued Lingxiumen, which was about to collapse, and allowed this ancient Chinese martial arts to continue to be inherited. Willing, respectable old man.

Just as everyone was looking at the top of the mountain, "hahahaha", a burst of hearty laughter suddenly came from the top of the mountain, and everyone followed to see the old man leaping off the high cliff with deafening laughter. Down, the whole body is shrouded in a white air mass.

Everyone opened their eyes and stared at the sky in astonishment. The old head's body floated in the center of the air mass and slowly fell to the front of the cliff. A cold air also shrouded the huge empty field in front of the cliff with the slowly falling air mass. I felt as if I was in an extremely cold ice cellar, and the surrounding air was shrinking sharply in the cold, and it seemed that even breathing became very difficult.

Everyone quickly held their breaths and looked at the old master who was falling like leaves in the air in astonishment. They all knew in their hearts that the old man had forced his life-long cold work out of the body, wrapping himself and slowly falling.

"Hahahaha, good work!" The old man of Wanjia looked up at the falling old master, and suddenly exclaimed, followed by a step forward, and immediately waved a pale pink air mass from the palms of his hands~www Just met the slowly falling white air mass, and slowly welcomed the old head to the ground.

"Hahaha!" The two old men stared at each other with their dazzling eyes, followed by a burst of hearty laughter, and walked hand in hand to Wan Lin and the others.

At this time, Sect Master Xie and all the disciples had also stood up from the rock. They were all shocked by their old Sect Master and the old man of the Wan family. Although they were all Sect Masters of Lingxiu Sect, they had never seen their old Sect Master. Showing off this kind of deep inner family skills, now seeing that the two old people have practiced to the point of shocking the world, I am both relieved and a little surprised.

The two old men walked up to Wan Lin and the others, and the old head looked at the old Wan family with a happy face and said, "The light of the Buddha is shining, and God has begun to take care of our Lingxiu Sect again! Hahaha, God has not abandoned our Lingxiu Sect. The supreme Buddha's light shines on the top of our Lingxiu Mountain, and our Lingxiu Gate will definitely shine again!"

Only at this time did Wan Lin understand that this old head, who was closed in his heart, attributed this natural wonder to the blessing of God, and regarded this strange luster as a kind of protection from God for his Lingxiu Sect.



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