Panther Commando

Chapter 2132: must bring

readx(); There were smiles on the faces of Wan Lin and the others. Wu Xueying, who was beside Xiaoya, turned her head to look at the strange scene in the West that had disappeared, and asked Xiaoya in a low voice, "Sister Xiaoya, how did that strange scene come into being? Yeah? It's so strange!" She knew that Xiaoya had the most extensive knowledge in the commando team, so she asked, pulling her arm. ??.??`c?o?m?

Xiaoya smiled and shook her head gently at her, then glanced at the old master in front of her, Wu Xueying's big eyes flashed, and she immediately understood what Xiaoya meant. This kind of strange scene is attributed to the protection of God for them. At this time, telling the reason for the formation of this strange scene will not break the belief that the Lingxiu Gate has just been erected?

At this time, Wan Lin stepped forward and said loudly to the old master: "Yes, as long as the cold work of Lingxiu Sect is still there, Lingxiu Sect will continue to grow!" After speaking, he turned his head to look at his grandfather and said in a low voice, "Just now I have already I asked Deputy Minister Li, he has sent a helicopter to pick us up, should we prepare?"

When the old master heard that they were leaving, he immediately stared at Wan Lin and said, "You have helped us so much, how can you just leave? You called all your brothers down the mountain, we must Say thanks!"

Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand and said, "When I was going up the mountain, I had already ordered the national security team below to evacuate. ?. `In addition, the helicopter will fly here in an hour or two, and we will be leaving at that time. Lingxiu disciples Great changes, there are many things on the mountain that you need to take care of, we won’t be here to cause trouble for you. In addition, you can ask Xie and Shanhua to prepare quickly, just bring some necessities, and we will prepare the rest for them in the city.”

Xie and Shanhua heard that the plane was coming in a while, Xie quickly took his sister to the old head and said excitedly, "Grandpa, let's go back and prepare first?"

The old head looked at the excited look of the two, waved his hands and said, "You guys go." Brother Xie immediately ran to the side in a hurry. Old Sect Master and Sect Master Xie looked at the backs of the two running out, and a sad look suddenly appeared on their faces. Old Sect Master shook his head and sighed: "Oh, the children are all grown up, so I can't keep it!"

Grandpa Wan Lin said with a smile: "Hehehe, this is the law of nature. We are old, and we can't tie the children to the belt of our pants. They have their own lives, no matter what!"

At this time, Sect Master Xie stood up and walked in front of the old Wan family. He bowed his hands and said, "The dog and the little girl are going to cause you trouble." Then he bowed to Wan Lin and the others on the side.

The old man of the Wan family raised his hand and pulled his arm down, and said with a smile: "Sect Master Xie, don't be polite, it's all your own, Xiaohe Shanhua is Lin'er's younger brother and sister, don't worry, I won't let you They are wronged.??.?`”

The old man of the Wan family said, turned his head to look at the old master and asked, "Have you taught Xiaoxiao the new Hangong mental method that you have learned?" I taught him, and the rest is up to him to practice on his own." Then, he wanted to express his thanks to the elderly Wanjia.

Grandpa Wan Lin quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't be so polite, brother, haven't we already agreed that after the Wan family and your Lingxiu family are brothers, they are all from their own family, so it's okay to be so polite? Or else? I won't dare to come here again."

The old master smiled and waved his hand, and followed the middleman back to the small courtyard in the forest. Wan Lin and the others followed the old head into the wooden house. Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya and asked, "Do the injured disciples of Lingxiu need to be sent to the hospital for treatment?"

Xiaoya looked up at Head Xie and said in a low voice: "Head Xie, they have some Chinese herbal medicines for the treatment of trauma, and the effect is very good. The wounded are basically bruises and penetrating injuries. Take it out, as long as the aftercare can keep up, it's not a big problem."

Head Xie heard the conversation between the two, and quickly walked over and said, "We are all hunters, and we often fight with beasts at close quarters. Injuries are commonplace, and it's no problem to deal with this trauma." Xiaoya turned her head to look at Head Xie and said. : "I have asked the pilot to bring some bandages and medicines. You just need to replace the wounded on time."

Head Xie nodded, turned his head to look at the old head and said, "These brothers and sisters in the Wan family are really amazing. The brothers who were injured were treated by this girl. I hope Xiaohe Shanhua can do the same for them. Come back after learning something."

The old head nodded and was about to answer when the door was suddenly pushed open. Xie and Shanhua each came in with a large package. Xie still had a long machete hanging from his waist, and he was carrying a bow and arrow and quiver.

Wan Lin saw the big package in their hands and said in surprise, "My mother, are you moving? Why did you bring so many things?"

The people around Xiaoya all laughed. They knew that this was the first time for the siblings to go abroad. They must be worried at home, so they brought weapons and everything they needed in their lives.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Wan Lin and the others, the old head hurriedly turned his head to look at the old man of the Wan family. He had never walked out of the mountain, so he really didn't know what to bring with them.

Grandpa Wan Lin laughed, got up and walked to Xie's body, raised his hand to take the big package in his hand and put it on the ground, then took off his bow, arrow and machete and said, "You can't bring these things outside~ These are considered murder weapons outside the mountain, and you will be taken away by the police if you leave the mountain with them!" Then he turned to Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said with a smile: "Check them out and put the Take out what you don't need."

Wan Lin smiled and agreed, bent down to open Xie's package, took out some unused clothes, and then each took out a large leather bag, Xiaoya asked Shanhua: "What is this?"

Shan Hua Xiao blushed, looked up at Xiao Ya and said seriously, "It's jerky and sausages, which are our specialties here. Why don't you take me out to eat?"

"Hahaha" everyone laughed, Wu Xueying ran over and hugged Shanhua into her arms, and said with a smile, "Take it, take it, you must take it. I'll take care of what you eat after you go out, and you take it with you. Can you give this to me?"

Everyone laughed. Lingling and Wen Meng also ran over and snatched the leather bag full of jerky from Wan Lin's hand. The bag hurriedly took out a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

The old head laughed and said to head Xie: "Come on, bring some more of our souvenirs to the girls!" Xie smiled and said: "I have already prepared a big bag of our souvenirs. Well, just put it at the door."

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