Panther Commando

Chapter 2148: smart leopard

readx(); Wan Lin and a group of people entered the living room of Yu Jing's house, and everyone sat on the sand unceremoniously. Want to read the book 1 book k?a?nshu When everyone was chatting happily, a head suddenly stuck out in the kitchen, and then Li Dongsheng shouted: "Stop talking, come and help , I've been busy to death."

Everyone turned their heads and saw that Li Dongsheng was wearing an apron around his waist and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He was sticking his head out of the kitchen and shouting at everyone with sweat on his face.

Everyone laughed when they saw Li Dongsheng's appearance. Xiaoya and the others hurried over. Lingling smiled and said, "Isn't it a treat for Sister Yu today? Why are you so busy?" Li Dongsheng replied with a frown: "That's right, she said it was a treat, but she didn't know where to go? It's just me and my little sister!"

Xiaoya and the others laughed and pulled him out of the kitchen, followed by a few of them into the kitchen, and Wu Xueying's exclamation sounded in the kitchen: "My mother, what the **** is this? "With the voice, there was a crisp laughter from the kitchen immediately.

Wan Lin and the others heard the laughter from the kitchen, and looked at Li Dongsheng and laughed. Li Dongsheng sat on the sand with a wry smile: "Yu Jing asked me to mix some cold dishes. I never got a kitchen knife. The shredded radish let me cut into radish strips."

Only then did Wan Lin and the others understand that it was no wonder Xiaoya and the others were so lively in the kitchen, they must have been laughing back and forth when they saw the master's masterpiece. ?to n?shu

Li Dongsheng immediately greeted his grandfather with a smile, then turned to look at Wan Lin and asked, "Didn't you see Yu Jing?" "No, she came out of the war department and ran to Xiaoya's place, coercing and enticing Xiaoya. Bai fool went away, and then Xiaohua turned around and went to find them, now I don't know where?" Wan Lin replied.

After listening, Li Dongsheng said with a smile: "Hahaha, fighting with these two smart little things is enough for this great scientist."

Several people were talking, the doorbell rang outside the house, Zhang Wa hurried to open the door, and several tall figures suddenly appeared at the door. Everyone looked closely, and it turned out that it was Hong Tao who started Wei and Wang Hong, the old brothers who had left the Leopard Commando.

Wan Lin and the others were overjoyed and quickly stood up to greet them. Several people stretched out their arms at the door and hugged each other. Xie stared at this group of affectionate soldiers with a look of surprise and envy in his eyes. He knew that the people who came must be Wan Lin's comrades in arms, but he really didn't understand how these people could be so affectionate when they met?

Grandpa saw Xie's eyes and said in a low voice, "Did you see it? These are all comrades-in-arms of Lin'er and the others, who emerged from the hail of bullets together. They are all comrades-in-arms who have experienced life and death!"

Xie looked at the group of soldiers who came from the door and stood up. He suddenly understood in his heart that these are brothers who congealed together on the battlefield on the line of life and death. What kind of friendship can be compared to this kind of exchangeable friendship? The friendship of life! No wonder they are so affectionate about everything. ?? Hong Tao and a few people walked in and saw his grandfather sitting on the sand. They quickly stood at attention and saluted, and then saluted Li Dongsheng. Li Dongsheng smiled and waved his hands, looked at the people and asked, "You old boys have really good noses", Hong Tao said with a smile: "We haven't gotten the light of old Qidong, it's his little girl. Secretly informed him."

At this time, Jin Yue happily ran out of the kitchen, grabbed Qidong's arm and said with a smile, "Hehe, it would be too hard to see you, this time I finally caught you!" At this time, the little sister also Running out, he affectionately took hold of his brother Wei's arm and asked about it.

Li Dongsheng looked at the excitement of the two girls seeing their relatives, and suddenly sighed with shame: "Oh, they are both in the same military region, less than a hundred miles apart, so it's rare for you to see each other, I am the leader. People are ashamed!"

It turned out that the formation of the Special Forces Brigade is now a lot of work. Hong Tao, Qidong Wei and Wang Hong are the main forces. Several people are already too busy, and all their time and energy are devoted to their work. Although they were in the camp of the original special forces brigade near the mountains on the outskirts of the city, not too far from here, they really didn't have time to visit Jinyue and Xiaomei in the city.

When Jinyue and Xiaomei heard Li Dongsheng's self-blame, they hurriedly dragged Qidong and Wei to Li Dongsheng. Jinyue smiled and said, "Minister, we don't mean to blame you. They are soldiers, otherwise We don't like them." Qi Dong and Wei Du laughed naively, pulling Jin Yue and the younger sister to sit on the sand together.

Li Dongsheng looked at Jinyue and his younger sister with relief, and was really happy that Qidong had such a reasonable girlfriend and younger sister. He raised his hand to look at his watch, then frowned and looked at the door, obviously wondering why Yu Jing hasn't come back yet?

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened, Xiaohua and Xiaobai ran in with their big tails standing tall, with a piece of chocolate in their mouths. Jing also walked in immediately.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and suddenly found that Yu Jing was carrying two large bags in both hands, with a frowning look on her face. Li Dongsheng and Wan Lin hurried up to meet them, reaching for the bag in Yu Jing's hand, Li Dongsheng looked at Yu Jing and laughed: "My great scientist, who bullied you? ."

Yu Jing handed the bag full of food to the two of raised her finger to the two leopards wagging their big tails and said angrily, "These two little things are really not things!"

She just laughed and said, "I bought a box of chocolates on purpose, and wanted to borrow their cold beads and necklaces for use, but I didn't expect that all the good things could be said, and a box of chocolates was deceived by these two things. Now, just don't give me the cold beads and necklace, I'm so mad!" He said, shaking his fists at the two leopards.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the two leopards, only to realize that they had quickly slid behind the sand in the living room, standing up and staring at Yu Jing with a big mouth.

"Hahahaha" Everyone burst out laughing. Unexpectedly, this great scientist with a very high IQ had never fought against these two smart leopards, and even was deceived out of a box of chocolates.

Yu Jing angrily withdrew her gaze from the two leopards, looked at Wan Lin and said, "This task is handed over to you, what about that stinky girl Xiaoya? How did she teach Xiaobai?" "The crisp laughter came from the kitchen. She turned her head to look, Xiaoya and the others were covering their mouths at the kitchen door and grinning at her.

"The stinky girls are still laughing? Xiaobai's task is left to you!" Yu Jing also "giggled" and laughed, reaching out and taking the bags in Li Dongsheng's hands and walking towards the kitchen.

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