Panther Commando

Chapter 2149: Uncle is scary


Wan Lin also handed a shopping bag full of food to Xiaoya who came over, turned around and dragged the big brothers who had just walked in to the sand and sat down. Yikanshu ww?w?·1?k?a look n?s?h?u look ·c?c? Born, Hong Tao asked, "Why are you hanging flowers?"

Cheng Ru smiled and waved his hand and said, "It's alright," and then briefly said what happened. After hearing this, Hong Tao's face sank, and he looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "These **** are still so rampant? How dare they make trouble in our Chinese territory! A group of bastards, don't know if they are dead or alive!"

He turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and said, "Li Tou, look back and find a chance to take this group of **** in one pot!" "Yes, take their nest!" Qidong, Wei and Wang Hong also had a cold light in their eyes. said out loud.

Li Dongsheng smiled, and then said, "How many of you guys are still so angry? Don't worry, sooner or later clean up these bastards!" After he said that, there was a sharp light in his eyes.

Hong Tao immediately turned his head to look at Xie and Shanhua, and asked Wan Lin in a low voice, "Is this the grandson and granddaughter of the old master that Lao Cheng said just now?" Wan Lin quickly introduced him to a few people. Xie had already stood up nervously. Standing upright in front of the sand and looking at Hong Tao and the others, there was no expression on his dark face. ? I want an?s to see h?u?·c?c He just heard the introduction from Zhang Wa next to him, saying that these are the leaders of the special forces brigade.

After listening to Wan Lin's introduction, Hong Tao sat on the sand with his upper body upright and stared at Xie's eyes for a while without making a sound. His sharp eyes were like a sharp knife, as if piercing the heart of the seemingly thin young man in front of him. . When the people around saw Hong Tao's appearance, they all looked at the two of them silently, and no one said a word.

The huge living room suddenly became silent, except for the low laughter of Yu Jing and several people in the closed kitchen from time to time, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became very tense.

Xie Dao's eyes stared at Hong Tao, who was staring at him. He didn't blink, and a cold air gradually emerged from his body. Except for his nervousness, he couldn't see any expression on his face.

Hong Tao stared at Xie with a gloomy face for two or three minutes. A smile suddenly appeared on his serious face. He looked at Xie and said, "Not bad!" Then he looked back, looked at Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng and nodded.

Zhang Wa, who was sitting beside Xie, saw Hong Tao retract his gaze, raised his hand with a smile and pulled Xie, who was still standing upright, and said in a low voice, "Sit down. Read a book 1 cc"

"Yes!" Xie answered nervously, and then he sat down on the sand, his upper body still straight. At this moment, Shan Hua, whose face was pale with nervousness, suddenly stood up from Wang Dali's side and whispered to Wang Dali, "Brother Wang, I'm going to find big sister, these uncles are too scary." After speaking, she turned around. ran to the kitchen.

"Hahahaha!" Several people around looked at Shanhua's back and laughed loudly. Li Dongsheng also smiled and raised his hand and pressed it down, then said to Kong Dazhuang, who was sitting beside him: "Dazhuang, take Xie to the yard. Let's go around and look at the environment of our military compound." "Yes" Da Zhuang stood up with a smile, and took Xie to the door. He knew that Li Dongsheng and the others might have to say something about the special forces brigade, but Xie couldn't easily hear them.

Li Dongsheng saw Da Zhuang and Zhuang walk out of the living room, turned his head to look at Hong Tao and the others and said, "Wan Lin and the others just came back from a tough battle, and now they need to rest for a while, and the injuries of Feng Dao and the others have basically recovered. Need to do some recovery training. Isn't your spy battalion going to set up a special reconnaissance team? Leave the task of this candidate to Wan Lin and the others. "

The faces of Hong Tao and the others all showed joy. They were busy selecting troops and training and integrating the battalions they belonged to, so they really couldn't spare more energy. And those old comrades in the military special brigade were also assigned to the various subordinate combat units, and they really did not have more capable personnel around them. Now Li Tou has sent Wan Lin and the group of elites over to relieve the pressure on their shoulders, so Hong Tao excitedly raised his hand to greet Wan Lin and the others, "You guys have worked hard."

Wan Lin waved his hand with a smile, and then asked about the formation of some special forces brigades. Hong Tao said excitedly: "Now our special operations brigade has selected a group of outstanding soldiers from various units and arms of the military region, and the framework of the brigade headquarters and each battalion has been established. The main cadres of each battalion are participating in these competitions, and many good seedlings have been selected from them, and the prototype of the entire special forces brigade has been formed."

When Hong Tao said this, he turned his head to look at Qidong, and Qidong then said: "The soldiers of the spy battalion are not far behind. The spy battalion is a sharp knife of our special operations brigade, responsible for high-intensity operations such as wartime reconnaissance and infiltration. Because of the mission, we are very strict in selecting candidates, and they cannot meet the standard of our original special operations brigade, so they must not come in. By the way, Lao Wei is the battalion commander of the spy battalion, and you can discuss more about business. "

Qidong said, glanced at Jinyue who was sitting beside him and listened intently with wide eyes and the little girl beside Wei, smiled and said, "You two don't understand this, why are you listening so seriously? Jinyue, bring Little sister, help our Yu Da scientists go."

Jinyue likes to hear about these special forces the At this time, she was listening with gusto, when she suddenly heard Qidong's words, she was stunned for a while, knowing that what they said now was not suitable for her and her little sister, an outsider. , she quickly stood up with a smile and said, "How about keeping it a secret? Little sister, let's go, so that we won't be contacted by leaking secrets in the future." Then she took the little sister's hand and walked to the kitchen.

Li Dongsheng and the others laughed, and Qidong looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice: "We formed a special reconnaissance team, or we were inspired by our leopard commando team, to select a batch of combat effectiveness on the basis of the spy battalion. A strong special operations team, and the requirements of this part of the people are even more stringent, and the candidates must be elite talents in all aspects. This spy battalion can be said to be a sharp knife of our special operations brigade, and this special reconnaissance team is this sharp knife It is precisely because the future task of this spy battalion is very difficult, so the military region specially sent Wei to serve as the battalion commander.”

Kai looked at Wei as he spoke, then looked at Wan Lin and said, "The composition of the reconnaissance team is based on our Hua Leopards. Not only should there be talents proficient in computer and electronic warfare, but also top snipers with strong skills. The purpose of this kind of firepower strike is to form an elite team of elite troops, and each team member must have a strong individual combat capability."



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