Panther Commando

Chapter 2156: Shanhua's doubts

readx(); With an embarrassed look on Xie Chao's face, he clasped his fists and said to Wan Lin and Zhang Wa, "Thank you two brothers!" He then lowered his head and said, "Brother Wan, I didn't want to fight back, you didn't tell me I didn't do anything easily when I was outside, and I did it when I saw them pulling out their knives." He looked at Wan Lin nervously, because he was afraid that Wan Lin would complain that he was fighting with others and mess up the matter of joining the army.

Wan Lin was sitting in the co-pilot position, and waved his hand to Xie Chao, who was in the back row, and said, "You did a good job, and it was right that you didn't do it at the time. The mountains outside are no deeper than your mountains, and many things in your mountains can be discerned at a glance. Whether things are good or bad, the situation in the city is much more complicated, and there are many bad people. Just now, this kind of thing belongs to the public security case, and the public security case belongs to the jurisdiction of the police, and we soldiers generally do not get involved in such cases."

Wan Lin himself came out of the mountains. Knowing that Xie Chao has lived in the mountains for a long time, his concept of right and wrong is very clear, but things in society cannot be seen at a glance. This needs the law and law enforcement agencies to deal with it, not his own martial arts. He can't solve it, so he has always warned Xie Chao that he can't easily do it with his own martial arts.

He looked at Xie Chao and said: "You handled this matter very well today. Although you haven't joined the army yet, you are also a martial arts practitioner. When we see bullying of the common people, we must stop it and protect the common people. Persecuted by gangsters. But this kind of thing must be handed over to the police in the end, so unless it’s a last resort, don’t use force to hurt people, because we don’t have the power to enforce the law. ."

Xie Chao looked at Wan Lin in astonishment. He really didn't know that if he injured those gangsters just now, he might get a lawsuit. He hesitated for a moment, and then asked with some fear: "Then I broke the wrist of the knife-wielding criminal, so the police won't look for me, right?"

Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand and said, "At that time, the other party was holding a murder weapon. You are called self-defense, so it's not intentional to hurt others, and there are so many onlookers who can provide testimony, and there are surveillance videos in the parking lot, complete It recorded the scene of the gangster carrying out the knife at the time, so we will be fine."

Xie Chao breathed a sigh of relief. He has never walked out of the mountains, so he really doesn't know these basic legal common sense. Now that he hears that the police won't find him, he immediately puts down his worries. He is not afraid of a lawsuit, but because he is afraid that he will not be able to join the army.

At this time, Zhang Wa praised while driving: "Yes, you used the two shots just now just right. Not only did the boys lose their combat effectiveness, but they did not seriously injure their opponents. It's just that the last knife-wielding gangster rushed over and you didn't find it. Be careful."

"That's right, brother, you are too careless, the knife has already been stabbed into your back just now." Shan Hua also raised her head and looked at Xie Chao and said with fear, then looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice: "Brother, Cheng Why is it so chaotic? We are safe in the mountains"

Wan Lin was stunned when she heard Shanhua's question, turned her head to look at Shanhua, and suddenly found a look of fear in her big eyes. His heart trembled violently. People in the mountains are naturally simple and hard-working. There are very few public security cases. The people in the city are mixed, and the public security is naturally not as good as the simple depths of the mountains. Shanhua, who has lived in the mountains since childhood, came into contact with such things as soon as they arrived in the city, and naturally felt a little doubt in their hearts.

He looked at Shanhua and pondered for a while before answering: "There are many people in the city, and there are indeed some bad people, but there are very few such people, and sooner or later they will be punished by the law. Didn't you see those bad people being taken away by the police? So? You don't have to be afraid. Besides, isn't we learning martial arts to strengthen our body and fight against these bad guys?" He was really afraid that Shanhua would be shadowed by this sudden incident at a young age.

Shanhua blinked her big eyes twice, and suddenly her eyes lit up and said: "Yes, then I will go to learn martial arts with Grandpa Wan and my grandfather, so as not to be bullied by these bad guys in the future! By the way, I also know a little martial arts." Following Yang He made a small fist gesture.

Wan Lin nodded to Shanhua with a smile, then turned to look at Xie Chao and said solemnly, "You were really too careless just now, people who practice martial arts must watch the six roads, listen to all directions, and pay attention to the people around them at all times. If we hadn't arrived in time just now, you would have been in danger."

Xie Chao's face suddenly turned red, and he murmured: "Yes, I only paid attention to a few people around me at the time, and didn't even notice that there was a kid with a knife hidden on the side. I must pay attention in the future."

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Zhang Wa, both of them knew in their hearts that according to Xie Chao's current martial arts, he could indeed clean up those boys on the spot, but he still lacked actual combat experience, and was almost attacked by the boys outside the field successfully. This can only rely on him to gradually improve the actual combat experience in the future training.

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa took Xie Chao and Shanhua back to the military hostel, and found that there was no one in the house. Shanhua put the new clothes in her hand on the sofa, and quickly ran out of the room and walked around the corridor. She found that the doors of several eldest brothers around were locked. She ran into Wan Lin's room in surprise and asked, "Wan Brother, they are not here, where did Grandpa and the others go?"

Wan Lin also looked inside the house in raised his hand to check the time, seeing that it was already eleven o'clock in the morning, and it was not yet time to eat, he immediately walked to the window and looked out, followed by laughing. Said: "Hehehehe, Grandpa must have brought Big Brother Feng and the others to the training ground, let's go take a look too." After saying that, he greeted Zhang Wa and the three of them and walked out the door.

A few people walked out of the military area guest house and walked to the training ground in the distance. Xie Chao saw from a distance that dozens of fighters on the training ground were training in formation, and rows of fighters were standing in the center of the field, kicking forward. Xie Chao's eyes looked at the training soldiers in astonishment, and whispered to Zhang Wa on the side: "Brother Zhang, what are they doing?"

Zhang Wa replied in a low voice, "This is a training exercise that must be performed after joining the army. There are walking in step, straight walking, and some military posture training. Look over there." The soldier said again: "You see so many of them can walk so neatly, that's how they were trained."

Xie Chao looked at the neatly marching queue in astonishment, and asked in surprise, "Aren't we soldiers just to fight, what's the use of practicing aisles?"

Zhang Wa said solemnly, "Don't underestimate this training in formation. When a battle begins, the army is a whole. When an order goes down, thousands of soldiers must execute the order quickly and accurately. In the army, the orders are like mountains. Without this uniform training in peacetime, it would be impossible to condense the troops into a whole in wartime."

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