Panther Commando

Chapter 2157: Cohort knowledge

Zhang Wa said, staring at a group of soldiers running in line in field C, raised his finger and pointed at them and said, "Don't underestimate these seemingly simple line-up exercises, it's not just for looks, it's a A unit's order and prohibition, the embodiment of the team spirit, is also the embodiment of the unit's combat effectiveness. Think about it, how can a group of loose soldiers have strong combat effectiveness?"

As he strode forward, he continued: "Xie Chao, after you join the army, not only do you have to do these basic trainings, but you also have to have various tactical trainings. All kinds of training are very hard, and you have to be mentally prepared. Prepare! All of us have come out of these trainings step by step. Every training subject stipulated in the army is to prepare for war, so don’t take it lightly.”

When Xie Chao heard Zhang Wa's words, his face immediately became solemn, knowing that he really knew too little. He carefully looked at the soldiers who were training around him, and he straightened up unconsciously, and he took steps like those of the soldiers walking in unison, striding forward behind Wan Lin and the others.

Zhang Wa and Wan Lin turned their heads to look for Grandpa and the others as they walked. Sure enough, they saw Grandpa and the others in the open space in the corner of the training ground. At this time, Dali and Dazhuang were fighting with bare hands on the field, and the wind knives still wrapped in bandages stood by the side with their grandfather, all of them watching the fighting between the two.

Both of Dali on the field were strong and tall, and both wore only a grass-green training uniform on the upper body. The sound of huhu" came and went, and there was a "bang bang" sound when the limbs intersected.

Wan Lin and the others walked quickly to Grandpa, and Xie Chao whispered, "Grandpa." The old man turned his head and glanced at Xie Chao, then waved his hand, pointed at the two people who were fighting fiercely on the field and said in a low voice, "Look carefully, and learn some tricks from it." Xie Chao hurriedly took a step forward and focused forward look.

At this moment, the faces of Dali and Da Zhuang had already turned bright red, and a layer of sweat appeared on their foreheads. The feet of the two of them were moving quickly back and forth, left and right, and the punches and kicks they punched were all accompanied by fierce wind noises. .

Xie Chao's expression changed after watching it for a while, and his expression immediately became tense. He did not expect that these two eldest brothers would go all out in the competition, and their subordinates had already exerted all their strength, and all their tricks were rushing towards each other's vital points.

Just when the two were fighting, Kong Dazhuang suddenly took half a step backwards to avoid the punch from Dali. At the same time, his right foot raised with a "swoosh", kicking straight towards Dali's waist with a gust of wind.

Xie Chao, who was watching from the side, was startled and was thinking about how he should deal with it. At the moment when Dali gave way to the flying big foot, the left hand protecting his chest suddenly lifted from the bottom to the top, and pushed the opponent with one hand. The raised calf pushed up, and the foot did not retreat, but suddenly stepped forward, and the shoulder slammed into the strong shoulder whose body had lost its balance with a bang.

Kong Dazhuang, who was caught off guard, slammed backwards, stretched out his hand vigorously and grabbed his arm and pulled him, followed by laughing: "Hahaha, Dazhuang, am I strong with these two hands?"

Da Zhuang stood on his feet with a blushing face, raised his eyes and glanced at the grandfather next to him, followed with a big mouth and said, "You have always been guided by a master like Grandpa, of course it's amazing, it's not fair!" He said, "Grandpa, why was my move just thrown out so violently?"

Grandpa laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Very good, your hard skills have reached a high level, and they are comparable to those of vigor, but he has learned some inner skills and is more flexible than you. You used this move very well just now, but the use of force in the move is a bit rigid, and it should be like this."

Saying that, the old man raised his hand and called Dali to stand in front of him. He learned Da Zhuang's move and suddenly flew a foot towards Dali's waist. At the moment when Dali turned sideways to avoid the sudden lift of his left hand, the right leg of the old man flew out. Suddenly retracted, followed by a short body, the retracted right leg kicked out with a swipe, just kicking on the strong supporting leg.

The strong and burly body swayed violently, and then straightened up like a nail. Obviously, the old man's kick did not exert any force, otherwise the burly body like Dali Mountain would definitely fly into the air and fall heavily to the ground.

"Okay!" Kong Dazhuang shouted, imitating his grandfather's move, his right foot flew up, then suddenly retracted halfway, slightly bent his left leg, and kicked his right foot out.

"Hehehe, yes, Da Zhuang's perception is good. Remember, you must not use your full strength when kicking this leg. According to your current skill, six or seven points of strength is enough to kick the opponent away, and the rest of the strength is enough to kick the opponent. It is to guard against the opponent's counterattack and leave room for attack or defense for the next move. This is the so-called combination of virtual and real in fighting. If the opponent can't prevent your move, this move is a real move, otherwise it is a false move." The old man side Explaining, shaking his hands to break down the move just now.

At this time, Wu Xueying walked over quickly from behind, Shanhua turned her head and ran over in surprise and grabbed her and called, "Sister Yingying, you are coming back so soon", Zhang Wa also greeted her and asked in surprise: " Why did you come back so quickly after going to the police station?"

Wu Xueying took Shanhua's arm and walked over with a smile and said, "I didn't go to the police station with I asked them to make a scene record on the spot. The witnesses included the eldest sister and the management of the parking lot, and there were also I didn't go with them during the camera. However, I left them a contact number and asked them to contact me again if they had anything to do." "Then how did you get back?" Shanhua asked in surprise.

Wu Xueying said with a smile, "I took a taxi back." "What is that taxi?" Shanhua asked while rubbing her head. Both Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying laughed, and Zhang Wa immediately asked, "How about those boys?"

"Two people with broken arm bones were taken directly to the hospital, and the other two were taken directly to the police station. According to Director Zhang, there have been several burglaries in their jurisdiction recently, one of which involved deliberately wounding people. The videos in the hair site all show that a four-person gang committed the crime, most likely the boys just now, Director Zhang is very grateful to us," Wu Xueying said proudly.

At this moment, Wu Xueying and the others suddenly heard a shout from the training ground: "Okay!" Then there was another round of slaps. Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying hurriedly turned around and looked around. It turned out that the team of fighters who had just been practicing in a queue in the center of the field had already surrounded them. At this moment, they all looked at their grandfather and exclaimed. The old man was raising his hands and clasping his fists and smiling at the surrounding fighters.

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