Panther Commando

Chapter 2159: play with big brother


At this moment, Zhang Wa became a little impatient. She stopped suddenly and turned her head to look at him. She said coldly, "Do you really want to have a contest?" The teammates beside him said: "If you feel that you are good at it, you have to give it a try, then just pick one from the people here! Men and women will do, even if you have a lot of money on your body!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the surrounding soldiers widened, and they looked up and down at the group of old men, young men, young men, and men and women, and their eyes flashed with astonishment. Look

They know that their platoon leader has been practicing Wudang Kungfu since childhood. He won the first place in the unarmed combat competition held by the guard regiment recently. It is said that no one in the whole regiment can pass ten moves under him. The deputy company commander Zhang Sheng is also quite good. Both of them were recently transferred to the military guard regiment because of their very good skills.

When Deputy Company Commander Zhang and Bu Fan heard each other's words, their faces turned red, and a feeling of being humiliated immediately filled their hearts. Bu Fan burst out with anger, looked at Zhang Wa and shouted, "Don't pretend to be a big-tailed wolf for me, it's just you! Come here."

Zhang Wa took two steps forward abruptly, looked up at the red-faced Deputy Company Commander Zhang and the platoon leader, and said coldly, "Come here together!" At this moment, he really felt annoyed in his heart, The other party kept pestering him for no reason and endlessly, which really made these commandos feel unhappy, so his words were rude.

In fact, what Zhang Wa said is true. Every member of the Huabao Commando is to participate in the international special forces competition. The elites selected from various military regions, each individual combat ability is indeed not comparable to the second lieutenant and the lieutenant in front of him. of.

"What?" Deputy Captain Zhang and Bu Fan thought they had heard it wrong, and stared at Zhang Wa with fiery eyes. At this moment, Grandpa Wan Lin laughed, turned around to hold Zhang Wa and said with a smile, "Why are you so angry? Don't you just want to discuss with you. Little, go and play with Big Brother."

Xie, who was wearing mountain clothes, was eager to try it, but he didn't dare to speak out because he didn't understand the rules here. Hearing his grandfather's instructions at this time, he immediately replied loudly: "Okay", turned around and glanced at Deputy Company Commander Zhang who was wearing a military uniform, and then strode to Bu Fan who had taken off his military uniform, clasped his fists and saluted: "Big brother Let the younger brother learn from the elder brother." He said, his feet shoulder-to-shoulder, his left palm protected his dantian, and his right hand stood like a knife in front of his chest.

Xie didn't dare to walk up to the deputy company commander Zhang wearing a military uniform. He already saw that the other party was an official. He was afraid that he would not know the seriousness of the shot. The platoon commander in the military uniform.

Bu Fan blushed, and a feeling of being humiliated filled his mind. At this time, when he saw that the other party finally came, he immediately took a deep breath, his irritated face suddenly calmed down, followed by a gleam of light in his eyes and looked at Xie slowly and said: "You do it, I will be with people. You never make a move first, even if you let go, I never hurt anyone easily." His clothes suddenly swayed.

Xie was stunned for a moment, not expecting the other party to be so proud. His heart skipped a beat, the other party was so big, obviously he had a good kung fu, and he had already seen from the other party's clothes that had suddenly swelled up a while ago, and he could see that the other party was practicing internal boxing, and his skills were definitely not weak.

Xie also took a deep breath and secretly mentioned the cold art, followed by a cold light from both eyes, staring at each other's eyes tightly and said: "Since the big brother gives up, then the younger brother is rude." A palm is pushed out of the shoulder.

The surrounding Wan Lin and his grandfather nodded, knowing that Xie had made a false move according to the martial arts rules. One was to show that he did not take advantage of his opponent, and the other was to show respect to his opponent.

When the platoon leader saw Xie's action, he slowly raised his left palm and blocked it slightly. The other party saw that the other party was attacking politely, so he did not exert any strength. After these three moves, Xie suddenly raised his right hand and slammed the opponent's chest with a palm.

The opponent's body was slightly sideways, his left hand was suddenly raised, and with a "smack", the attacking palm was pushed away, and his right foot suddenly flew up and went straight to Xie's waist and kicked it. Xie immediately retracted his right arm, squatted down, and slammed his left arm and elbow towards the opponent's flying foot.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two of them had already struck out their moves with internal strength, and their moves were full of wind. Wan Lin and the others had already taken a few steps back at this time, all of them watching the moves of the two of them intently. On the opposite side, Deputy Captain Zhang and his soldiers also retreated, and everyone stared nervously at the fast-moving figures on the field.

The two of them fought faster and faster on the field, and the "pop" sound of physical contact sounded like a scramble. People who were training in the distance and passing by were attracted by the fierce fighting here, and they all trotted all the way around. Dozens of people were already surrounded by the side, and some young female soldiers watched the fierce fighting on the field and burst out with crisp cheers from time to time.

On the training ground of the military compound, there are many fighters training every day, and the fighters often engage in unarmed combat, which everyone has already turned a blind eye to. But today's fierce fighting scene was the first time everyone saw it on the training ground, and it was also a soldier fighting with a local boy wearing a mountain village costume, so everyone gathered around in a little astonishment, staring at the fierce fighting scene in front of them. At this time, Xie and Bu Fan on the field were already fighting faster and faster. It was obvious that the two of them had already mentioned their internal strength.

The old man of the Wan family stood beside Wan Lin, with his arms folded in front of his chest and stared at the arena intently, his gray brows were slightly wrinkled, and the surrounding Feng Dao people were also slightly frowning.

Several people have already seen that Xie has fallen behind at this time. The platoon leader on the opposite side turned left and right, with Xie Kuai swimming around under his feet. The punches and kicks that were struck were not only strong and powerful, but also very clever.

At this moment, the grandfather whispered to Wan Lin who was beside him: "The young man on the opposite side has a very solid foundation. He must have been practicing martial arts since childhood. No wonder he is so arrogant. His Baguazhang is indeed instructed by superiors, and his internal strength also has a certain foundation, which is very rare."

Wan Lin looked at the arena and nodded, and said in a low voice with worry: "Xie seems to be slightly worse than the other party in terms of skill, and his countermeasures are not bad, but he is not as good as the other party in terms of experience, and it will inevitably suffer over time."

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