Panther Commando

Chapter 2160: downwind

The old man smiled and shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, the two have already exerted their inner strength, and the young man on the other side won't be able to hold on for long."

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment, then remembered the unique cold skills of Lingxiu Sect, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he secretly said in his heart: "No wonder Xie Chao is only defensive at this time, I guess he saw that his skills were not as good as the opponent's, so he immediately took the defensive. , in every block, the cold air penetrated into the opponent's body."

The wind knife next to him heard the old man's words, and glanced strangely at Wan Lin who had a smile on his face, and asked the old man in a low voice in surprise: "No, Xie Chao should have fallen behind at this time, how could the other party not hold on? How long?" The old man didn't answer, just smiled and waved his hands, looking intently into the arena.

At this time, Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu were also nervously crowding around Wan Lin and Grandpa. Several people could see that Xie Chao's active attacks had been reduced, and now he seemed to be just guarding with a grim expression, with his hands on his chest and quickly blocking. Against the opponent's palm.

The old man observed for a while, then turned his head to see the nervous expressions of the wind knives, and then smiled and whispered: "The platoon leader on the opposite side is really good at kung fu, but he lacks flexibility in the use of moves, which seems too rigid."

The old man said, raised his finger and pointed to the palm of the platoon leader and said in a low voice: "You can see that the palm he hit looks very powerful, but the internal force did not penetrate through the arm, and did not show the movement in the move. The power and the transformation of the virtual and the real are not tactful, which shows that his internal strength and the combination of moves are still lacking in fire, otherwise, according to his own skills, Xiaochao should have been defeated long ago."

As he said that, he raised his eyes and glanced at Deputy Captain Zhang on the opposite side. Seeing that his face was already full of joy, he was looking up at him smugly, apparently thinking that the victory was in his hands.

The old man smiled and shook his head, turned his head to the wind knives and said in a low voice: "Bagua Palm originated from the development of Wudang, it is a famous Neijia palm method, it pays attention to taking advantage of the trend and the unpredictable reality. It is a very practical palm technique. The platoon leader has a solid foundation, but lacks flexibility in application, but it is very rare for him to reach this level at such a young age. They are considered to be the masters of the younger generation in their sect. Sigh..."

When the old man said this, he suddenly let out a long sigh. Feng Dao looked up at the old man in surprise, and saw a look of pity on the old man's face. A few people pondered for a while and suddenly understood, the old man was pity the platoon leader's Baguazhang. He didn't know how to work around such a good kung fu. , but did not fully understand the usage of each move, lacking actual combat experience and due understanding.

The wind knife and several people immediately set their eyes on Xie Chao, only to find that although Xie Chao was on the defensive, there was not the slightest panic in his feet and movements. The opponent's eyes were staring coldly at the opponent's face.

Feng Dao and several people immediately understood why the old man and Wan Lin were so relaxed. It turned out that although Xie Chao seemed to be at a disadvantage, he was already invincible.

At this moment, Feng Dao and a few people suddenly discovered that the foot of the platoon leader who had always had the upper hand on the field suddenly slowed down. . And Xie Chao still didn't see a trace of expression on his face, and his movements still seemed very smooth, but the palm wind that he hit was much stronger than before.

The onlookers also saw some clues. Company Commander Zhang unconsciously took a half step forward, with his fists tightly clenched and a nervous expression on his face. He also noticed the abnormality of the platoon commander.

At this moment, a little soldier behind Company Commander Zhang was staring at the field, but he had unconsciously folded his arms around his chest. He suddenly shuddered and said, "Why is it so cold?" When he spoke, he turned his head and looked around, and found that the people standing in front had already folded their arms around their chests at some point, and a chill was spreading in the center of the field, and several thin female soldiers unconsciously leaned together.

Feng Dao looked at each other and understood in their hearts that they had deep skills, so they didn't feel that the temperature on the field had dropped, and the people with weak skills around were already shivering in the cold.

This shows that Xie Chao has improved his skill and applied cold energy to his moves, and the platoon leader was gradually infiltrated by the cold energy during the physical contact with Xie Chao. It takes a lot of physical strength, so the current action seems to be powerless.

Just when a few people were watching the field, a surprised voice suddenly came from behind Wan Lin and the others: "Hey, why are you here?" Wan Lin and the others turned their heads and saw that it was Colonel Yang Mingzhong, the head of the military guard regiment, coming over. . Wan Lin quickly raised his hand and waved it, then pointed to the field again.

Captain Yang smiled and nodded at the old man, then stood beside Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "You brought this young man on the field? Why did you have to do it with the platoon leader of our guard regiment?" He frowned. He frowned and glanced at Zhang Sheng, the deputy company commander on the opposite side.

Wan Lin smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's okay, they want to discuss with us, I just brought a little brother, so I asked him to go over and make a couple of At this moment, the platoon leader at the top of the field was pale. His face suddenly turned red, as if he had suddenly changed into a person. He swept away his powerlessness, and took a half-step with his right foot in front of Xie Chao, and his right hand slammed into the opponent's chest with a gust of wind. .

Xie Chao saw that the other party suddenly changed into a person, and he was already in his heart. A white light suddenly floated across his face. He let the opponent's palm force on one side of his body, and his right hand suddenly raised like a knife, with a cold wind. The palm is cut to the neck of the long row.

Wan Lin and a few people were startled, knowing that the platoon leader had arrived, but now he refused to be defeated in front of everyone's eyes, in the hands of a guy younger than himself, so he forcibly stimulated his inner qi and wanted to gamble. The opponent is knocked down, but once the opponent cannot be defeated in a short period of time, he will definitely suffer internal injuries if he exerts his inner strength.

"Stop!" With the shout of the old Wanjia, the old man's left hand had already pushed out Zhang Wa beside him. Zhang Wa rushed to the sides of the two like an arrow from the string, grabbed Xie Chao's wrist that was hitting the opponent with his left hand, and slammed it backward, and pushed the platoon leader in front of him with his right hand.

The people around suddenly saw a flower in front of them, and a figure had separated the two people on the field like lightning, and they were all shocked! One by one screamed and took a step forward unconsciously.

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