Panther Commando

Chapter 2161: Honestly admit defeat


The deputy company commander Zhang Sheng, who was standing opposite Wanlin and the others, rushed over from the side at the same time as Zhang Wa started. He rushed to Zhang Wa with a stride, grabbed Zhang Wa's collar and slammed forward. Leaning, he bent his body, grabbed his collar, and threw it forward, a big back and crotch threw the unpredictable Zhang Wa off his shoulders. ?Look at a book? 1?k?a?n?s book h?u

"Oops!" Some of the female soldiers around screamed in surprise. Just as Zhang Wa flew out from the top of the opponent's head, his right hand had already firmly grasped the opponent's wrist like a steel pliers, and then he pulled forward hard, his body was close to the opponent and fell to the ground, and he supported the opponent's crotch with his left hand. His right hand slammed the opponent's wrist and threw it forward vigorously, but instead, he threw Deputy Captain Zhang's tall body from above his head.

The movements of the two were as fast as lightning. The onlookers just saw that a handsome young man who was rushing was thrown out by the deputy company commander Zhang, but in a blink of an eye, deputy company commander Zhang flew out in the air, and everything in front of them made everyone dazzled!

"Ah?" The soldiers behind Company Commander Zhang were shocked. No one expected that the Deputy Company Commander would quickly throw his opponent out, but the tall Deputy Company Commander Zhang himself flew out in the air, and each and everyone rushed up and stretched out in astonishment. He picked up the flying deputy company commander with both hands. As soon as several people grabbed his body, they were pushed back by a strong force and staggered for several steps before standing firm.

At this time, Xie in the field was also thrown out by Zhang Wa vigorously, and he stumbled back several steps when he landed, and then he stood up in embarrassment. want k?a?n?s?h?u?

The people around were stunned by the sudden change, until Deputy Company Commander Zhang stood on the ground with a flushed face and pushed away the soldiers who were supporting him, and all the people onlookers suddenly shouted in unison: "Okay!" Such a wonderful fight, It's the first time you all meet.

Zhang Wa threw out the lieutenant who suddenly shot at him, and immediately turned around to look behind him. The complexion of the platoon leader in the middle of the field turned gray again, his arms were tightly clasped in front of his chest, and his whole body was shaking, as if he was in a cold day with dozens of degrees below zero.

Zhang Wa knew that the other party had forcibly raised his infuriating energy just now, but now that the aura in his body was already disordered, he was simply unable to resist the cold air that Xie hit into his body. He was just about to walk over to exercise to help him get rid of the cold, when Wan Lin, who was on the sidelines, strode to the front of the platoon leader, reaching out and grabbing the left hand that the platoon leader held on his chest.

At this moment, Deputy Captain Zhang, who had just stood firm, suddenly shouted with a flushed face: "Stop!" He rushed over like a gust of wind, shouting at the same time: "Come on, I'll take two moves with you, using a dark arrow. It's not a skill to hurt people!" He thought Wan Lin went up to bully his platoon leader.

Wan Lin grabbed the platoon commander's left hand and injected a burst of infuriating energy, then raised his eyes and looked coldly at the rushing deputy company commander. Zhang Wa also stepped over to Wan Lin's side at this time, with his feet slightly separated, cold He looked coldly at the rushing deputy company commander. ?to read the book 1?k?a book nshu

At this time, the head of Yang outside the field quickly took two steps forward and shouted loudly: "Zhang Sheng, what are you doing? Stop for me!"

Zhang Sheng, who was rushing in, suddenly saw his regiment leader rushing out, so he stopped quickly, pointed at Wan Lin and Zhang Wa angrily, and said loudly, "They compete by martial arts, look at the platoon leader."

Wan Lin ignored Deputy Company Commander Zhang's shouting, and his luck led the platoon leader's infuriating energy to circulate for a few weeks, until the cold air that had invaded Xie's body was driven out, and then he let go of the platoon leader's hand and stepped forward. half a step.

He glanced at Captain Yang who was striding forward, and then said coldly to Deputy Company Commander Zhang, "Cheat? Ask your platoon leader." After that, he turned around and walked behind with Zhang Wa.

"You!" Bloodshots appeared in Deputy Company Commander Zhang's wide eyes. He saw that the platoon leader suddenly trembled. He thought he was hit by the young man's hidden weapon, and he saw the other party rushing towards him. He mistakenly thought that the opponent was about to attack. The platoon leader, so he immediately rushed over angrily and threw the rushing opponent out. But he didn't expect the opponent's reaction to be extremely fast, and instead threw himself out, which really made him feel the shame and humiliation he had never felt before.

Now he sees Wan Lin and the two turning away, his eyes are about to pop out! He raised his leg and stepped forward in a rage, raised his hand and reached out to grab Wan Lin.

At this moment, the platoon commander on the side had been guided by the infuriating energy that the other party had injected into his body, and quickly drove out the cold air in his body that made him feel so cold. , hurriedly stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhang Sheng's arm with a flushed face, and said loudly: "Deputy company commander, the other party didn't cheat, he used martial arts to defeat me aboveboard, because my skills are not as good as others. These two brothers were afraid of me just now. I'm injured, come and save me."

The deputy company commander Zhang Sheng was stunned when the ministry said this, and the people around were looking at the platoon leader inexplicably. Just now, everyone saw that the platoon leader suddenly trembled, and later heard the deputy company commander Zhang say that the other party was cheating. Everyone really thought that the young man in that place used some despicable means in the competition.

"What's going on?" Zhang Sheng asked in surprise. The platoon leader looked up at Xie, who had already walked to the old man opposite, and hesitated before saying, "This little brother is a master of internal skills, and his internal skills are very strange. I am Being restrained by his internal strength, the other party really defeated me with his real kung fu."

The platoon leader said, he let go of Zhang Sheng's arm and took a step forward, raised his hands and clasped his fists and bowed to the old man on the opposite side first: "Junior Bufan sees old senior", this time he salutes the old man with an attitude has become very respectful. He already understood in his heart that the old man in front of him must be a rare internal power He didn't wait for the old man to reply, and then asked Xie Shili: "I don't know which sect disciple the little brother is? Really good work! Bu Fan did lose, and he was convinced by the loss."

At this moment, a smile appeared on the face of the old man of the Wan family, and Wan Lin and the others around him nodded their heads frequently, thinking secretly in their hearts: Although this platoon leader is arrogant, he is very upright and can be honest in front of everyone. If you lose, this shows that this person really has good martial arts.

At this time, Xie saw that the other party was frank and failed, and he salutes him so politely. He quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists, but his face was red and he didn't know what to say?

At this moment, the grandfather took a step forward with a smile, pointed at Xie and introduced: "He is a disciple of Lingxiu Sect." Then he looked up and down at Bu Fan and said, "You should be a disciple of Wudang Bagua Sect, right? Kung Fu good."

Bu Fan looked up at the old man with a strange look in his eyes. He originally thought that the old man in plain clothes was the senior of the village boy, but he didn't expect that they were not from the same sect. But he has already seen that the old man in front of him is definitely a martial arts senior with superb martial arts.

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