Panther Commando

Chapter 2162: no eyes

When the platoon leader heard the old man praise his kung fu, his already red face turned even redder, and he hurriedly clasped his fists and replied, "Senior is wrong, I am indeed a disciple of Wudang Bagua School. I lost to this little brother. I was convinced in my hands, and I also asked the seniors to give some pointers to the juniors." He folded his fists and bent down, his attitude was very respectful.

At this time, Captain Yang already understood what was going on. He walked over and glared angrily at Bu Fan and Zhang Sheng, who were flushed with red faces, and then waved to the crowd and shouted, "It's all gone, the outcome has been decided. The contest is over! It's over, it's over."

Everyone smiled and turned away. A few female soldiers walked and turned their heads to look at the handsome Wan Lin and the others in the arena, chatting in their mouths: "The competition just now was so intense, I was so nervous that I couldn't breathe. "Here", "Where are these people in casual clothes? Why haven't I seen them before", "Giggle giggle, didn't you like these little handsome guys? Damn you, they were originally handsome guys, you just watched it just now. When you look at other people, your eyes are full of light.", "Fuck you, you are the light of day"...

Seeing the onlookers disperse, Captain Yang turned around and waved at the twenty or so soldiers behind Captain Yang, "Squad Leader Liu, take the team back. Yes." With a shout, a sergeant called out. He ran out of the team and shouted, "Assemble...stand at attention...turn right and walk!"

The crowd of onlookers on the training ground gradually moved away, and then Captain Yang pulled Zhang Sheng aside and frowned and asked, "What are you doing crazy? Why do you think of competing with others?"

Zhang Sheng raised his eyes and glanced at Wan Lin, his face flushed, and he said, "We just saw that they were having combat training, so we came over to have a look. I didn't expect these little soldiers to have no rules. When they saw my rank, I didn't salute according to the rules. , I...I just..."

Captain Yang was stunned when he heard this, turned his head and glanced at the very young Wan Lin and Zhang Wa beside him, and immediately understood that his deputy company commander regarded these people as ordinary soldiers. He turned his head to look at Zhang Sheng angrily, raised his hand and patted him heavily on the shoulder, and then cursed angrily, "You bastard, do you want him to salute you?" He raised his hand and pointed at Wan Lin.

Several people around Fengdao laughed, and Colonel Yang stared at Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan with fire in his big eyes, and then roared: "If you don't have eyes, this colonel will not salute him when he sees him. It's rude! You still want him to see you, the lieutenant and the second lieutenant, and salute?"

He raised his finger and pointed at Wan Lin's group of people, staring at Zhang Sheng with flaming eyes and scolding: "You still want to challenge them with your little kung fu? Go, stay away from me, I don't have eyes!"

After he scolded his subordinates angrily, he turned to Wan Lin and raised his hands in salute to express his apology, followed by walking to the old man beside Wan Lin, clasped his fists and said to the old man, "Are you the old man of the Wan family? My brothers do not I'm sensible, I'll make you laugh, and I, Yang Mingzhong, apologize to you!" He folded his fists and bowed to salute.

Wan Lin hurriedly raised his hand to return the salute to support Captain Yang, followed with a smile: "It's alright, it's a good thing for brothers to compete and learn from each other. What is there to apologize for? This is my grandfather." The old man nodded to Captain Yang, With a smile, he said, "The kung fu of your two men is very good."

Head Yang blushed, looked at the old man with some embarrassment and said, "Don't praise them, it's embarrassing enough for me to dare to compete with Wan Lin and the others. Isn't this uncomfortable? Don't mention this. It’s rare for you to come to the military region so often, if you have time, can you come to my guard regiment to give me pointers on these boys?”

He is the head of the military guard regiment, and he has a good understanding of the situation in the military region. Although the Huabao Commando is a top-secret unit, he, the head of the guard regiment, naturally knows the details of Wan Lin and the others, and he has dealt with them several times. These players are very familiar.

He had heard from the people in the war department for a long time that Wan Lin, this amazing boy, was taught by his grandfather himself. He knew that the old man of Wan family was extremely skilled. opportunity.

At this time, Wu Xueying came over with Shanhua, she smiled and looked at Head Yang and said, "It's Head Yang, our old man will leave in two days, there must be no time, or I will take my sister to give it to you. Point to point?"

"Hahahaha" Several people around laughed, Zhang Wa walked over and pulled Wu Xueying to her side and smiled: "Captain Yang, don't listen to her nonsense. If you're okay, we'll go back first, we still have things to do in the afternoon. ."

Head Yang said quickly: "Then you are busy first, let's talk later." Then he smiled at the playful Wu Xueying: "Girl, you can go to our place and give some pointers, my security team is always welcome to the girl's big driver. ”, followed by hehe smiled and greeted the others with Fengdao.

Wan Lin smiled and waved to the three of them, then turned his head to his grandfather and said, "It's almost time for dinner, let's go eat first? Everyone will go to the military hospital for a checkup in the afternoon." Grandpa nodded and turned to face him. Head Yang and the three clasped their fists together and said, "Headmaster Yang, let's talk again when we have time." Then they walked to the guest house with Wan Lin and the others.

Captain Yang and the embarrassed Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan watched as they left. Zhang Sheng asked Captain Yang in a low voice with a flushed face, "Head, who are these soldiers?"

Captain Yang put away the smile on his turned his face and stared at Zhang Sheng, who was five and three, and said with anger: "Do you two think this is your field army? You can be the king there, but this is the military compound, where there are dragons and crouching tigers, what are you arrogant to Laozi?!"

He scolded Zhang Sheng in a low voice, then raised his finger and pointed at the backs of Wan Lin and the others: "Xiao Bing, do you think those are Xiao Bing? Lao Tzu tells you that any one of them will be higher than your military rank! Let them go first. Salute to you? What do you think!"

Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan blushed, and both stared at the group of people who had walked away in astonishment. Zhang Sheng murmured in disbelief, "No way? No?" Captain Yang stared at him fiercely. Said: "The one who spoke to me is the rank of colonel! You will give me some eyes in the future, don't embarrass my guard team!"

He said angrily, then stared at Bu Fan and scolded: "You kid, don't show off everywhere because of your good skills! Let me tell you, the few people just pulled out one of them, and you won't be able to get away with it. Ten tricks, go back and reflect on it for me!" After speaking, he angrily walked towards his regiment.

Zhang Sheng blushed, looked up at Wan Lin and the others who were walking away, and walked back in despair, Zhang Sheng asked in a low voice, "What happened just now? You are a master in the family, just now. I have been standing on the upper hand all the time, how come it suddenly doesn't work?"

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