Panther Commando

Chapter 2163: Promote strengths and avoid weaknesses


Bu Fan said embarrassedly: "I've been careless, the other side's little brother has practiced an extremely rare internal skill, which is very cold. Whenever my limbs come into contact with him, a cold air penetrates into my body. And the coldness got worse as I got to the back. I could only use my skills to resist the coldness, and at the same time, I increased my offensive and tried to knock down the opponent very quickly. If you can't use your own moves with all your strength, you won't be able to resist it for a long time."

He shook his head and continued: "Oh, at that time, I wanted to knock down my opponent in one fell swoop for the sake of my face, but even if I knocked down the opponent, I would definitely suffer internal injuries. Seeing that I was raising my inner strength, I immediately rushed over to stop it. If it weren't for the brother who rushed over later, I would have fallen under the opponent's palm and couldn't get up. "

As Bu Fan said, he glanced at the group of people who were leaving with a lingering fear, and then continued, "If Colonel Wan hadn't come to help me get rid of the cold in my body, I would have been seriously ill."

He turned his face and continued: "Deputy commander, we are so arrogant. The commander was right. I didn't expect that this group of people are extremely rare masters. Colonel Wan just came up and grabbed it. My hand pushed a strong internal force, and in a blink of an eye, the cold air on my body was expelled from the body. I have no room to resist the internal force that I have practiced for 20 years. Master, it's amazing!" He said, shaking his head gloomily.

Zhang Sheng also shook his big head in fear at this time: "This group of people is too powerful, I have been in the army for so many years, and it was you who threw me out, but just now I caught the person who rushed towards you, I threw him out with a crotch while he was not prepared, but I didn't expect the other party to throw me out in a blink of an eye, the other party's movements were too fast!"

Zhang Sheng said, his big eyes rolled a few times in his sockets, and suddenly he turned to look at Captain Yang, who was striding towards the regiment. Which army do these people belong to? If we lose, we have to know who we lost to." He said, dragging Bufan towards the regiment headquarters.

Wan Lin and the others returned to the guest house and entered the restaurant directly. When everyone was eating, Xie Chao looked at his grandfather and asked, "Grandpa Wan, is there anything inappropriate in my actions just now?"

The old man smiled and said: "Very good, the strategy is right, and it has brought into play the strengths of your Lingxiu Kung Fu. That's how martial arts are, a person with a high level of martial arts doesn't necessarily beat someone with a low level of martial arts, and the platoon leader of that department should have slightly higher level of kung fu than you. Some, but you can take advantage of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, take advantage of your own cold skills to take the defensive, and gradually increase your skills in defense to gradually penetrate the cold into the opponent's body, this is indeed the best fighting strategy. If you come up with a head-to-head, you should have been defeated long ago. ."

As the old man said, he saw that the surrounding air knives stopped their chopsticks and stared at him, and then he continued: "Everyone should pay attention, in fighting, you must not use your anger, and you must quickly consider the countermeasures according to the opponent's moves. If you are higher than your opponent, you should fight quickly and never give your opponent a chance to counterattack. If you are weaker than your opponent, you must use your strengths to entangle your opponent, and once you get the opportunity, you will quickly subdue your opponent.”

The old man looked at Zhang Wa and nodded and praised: "Just now, Zhang Wa was suddenly caught and thrown out by the opponent, and he dealt with it very well. This shows that when he rushed up, he was already on guard against the surrounding opponents, otherwise there would be no way Such a quick reaction throws the opponent out of the way, and the force of the shot is just right, without hurting the opponent."

The old man then turned his head to look at Xie Chao and said, "Xiao Chao still needs to pay attention to this point. When your brother Zhang rushed up just now, he pushed you out in one fell swoop. At that time, you did not take any protective action, which means that You put all your energy on the platoon leader, and you didn't pay attention to the changes around you at all times. This is a big taboo in fighting. If your opponent rushed just now, you would have suffered a big loss."

"Yes!" Wan Lin took Grandpa's words and recounted what happened in the shopping mall in the morning. Then he looked at Xie Chao and said, "That tall man stabbed you with a dagger at that time. It was too dangerous. You must Remember Grandpa's words, a martial arts practitioner must learn to observe the six paths and pay attention to the small changes around him at any time, otherwise he may be in danger at any time!"

Xie Chao carefully recalled the words of his grandfather and Wan Lin, nodding his head frequently, with an expression of admiration on his face. He has only been in contact with the people around him for a few days, but he has learned from them skills that he may never learn in a lifetime. This is not a simple move against the enemy, but the experience summed up in actual combat. Skills that can't be acquired by practicing martial arts for a lifetime. At this moment, he felt fortunate from the bottom of his heart that he had met such a group of kung fu masters.

Wan Lin and the others returned to the hostel after eating and rested for a while. Wan Lin looked at his watch, then stood up and said to his grandfather, "Would you like to go to the hospital with us for a physical examination?" Grandpa shook his head and smiled, "Haha, No, my own body knows it, and I am afraid of those things in the hospital."

At this time, Yingying also walked in with Shanhua, Zhang Wa and several others followed into the house, and several of them urged Grandpa to do a full-body checkup, but the old man stubbornly refused to go.

At this moment, Captain Yang of the guard regiment appeared at the door with the deputy commanders Zhang Sheng and Bu Wan Lin hurried up to meet Captain Yang's hand and said with a smile: " You are a rare visitor, come in quickly, come in quickly." Then he nodded to Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan, and then let the three of them into the room.

Head Yang walked into the house with two of his subordinates, and the three of them hurriedly said hello to the old Wan family. Head Yang turned around and looked at Wan Lin and the others and said solemnly, "I came here with the two of them to apologize. !" He then turned to look at his two subordinates.

"Salute!" Zhang Sheng suddenly shouted, followed by Yu Bufan straightening up to salute Wan Lin and the others, his face was red, but his eyes flashed with excitement.

Wan Lin and the others hurriedly raised their hands in return, and glanced at Captain Yang, who was standing beside him with a sullen face. Wan Lin and several people were wondering in their hearts. It was just a simple competition in the morning. This was not a big deal in the military camp.

At this moment, Wu Xueying blinked her big eyes a few times, stared at Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan's eyes, and then looked at Captain Yang, who had a tight face, and suddenly covered her mouth with a "puchi" laugh. up.



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