Panther Commando

Chapter 2165: Dragon-shaped 8 hexagrams

Dali, Dazhuang and Zhang Wa immediately showed smiles on their faces after hearing this. The two of them strode towards the bed and Dali smiled naively: "What's so delicious?" The two bags of fruit on the bedside were brought out, and Zhang Wa also turned around and quickly grabbed a carton of milk from Cheng Ru's window.

Lin Zisheng and Cheng Ru quickly reached out to grab the three of them, shouting at the same time, "Stinky boy, put it down!" But the three of them turned around happily and ran to the edge of the sofa, vigorously took out an apple from the bag and put it in their mouths The side took a sip, and then stuffed the bag to Wan Lin.

Lin Zisheng watched Dali eating the apple that Wen Meng bought for him, gritted his teeth and said, "Wang Dali, I'll go to your family Xiaoli to clean up you in a while!" He walked in with a white tray.

She walked in just when she heard Zisheng's cry, and immediately looked at Zisheng with a smile and said, "Who is going to take care of us?" Then she picked up a syringe from the white disk and swayed: "Dali, your injection technique It seems to be good, leave this to you?"

"Oh, my mother!" Lin Zisheng looked at the syringe in Xiaoli's hand in astonishment, and hurriedly shouted again: "Dali, eat an apple, eat an apple. Wen Meng, quickly get one for Xiaoli", everyone covered their hands Mouth laughed, Wen Meng quickly ran to Wan Lin with a smile, picked up two apples and stuffed them into Xiao Li's pocket.

Everyone laughed and chatted for a while before Xiaoya walked back with Xie Chao. Wan Lin sat on the sofa and looked at Xie Chao. Seeing that his dark face was full of joy, he looked at Xiaoya and asked, "How is Xie Chao's medical examination result?"

Xiaoya nodded and handed over the medical report in her hand and replied, "No problem, Xie Chao's various indicators have reached excellent, his cardiopulmonary function is very good, especially his eyesight. Our test results will be out tomorrow." Zhang Wa looked at Xie Chao and said, "This kid has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and his body must be fine. Ours is even more fine. Doing this check is just unnecessary."

Wan Lin reached out and took a look at the medical report in Xiaoya's hand, then stuffed the report into Zhang Wa's hand and said, "The two ministers are not worried about our health, so they asked me to check. After returning to the military area, thank you Send Chao to the war department, and ask Li Tou to find a combat staff officer to take Xie Chao to go through the enlistment procedures."

Zhang Wa and the others all laughed when they heard Wan Lin's words, knowing that he had had an unpleasant encounter with the people at the recruiting office when he joined the army, so they were no longer willing to appear there.

Wan Lin saw that the medical examination had been completed, stood up and said to Cheng Ru and Lin Zisheng, "You two are here to recover from your injuries, we will come back when we are all right", and then said to Lingling and Wen Meng, "You two are free. Let's go back first." Wen Meng blushed and moved quietly to Lin Zisheng's side, while Lingling generously stood beside Cheng Ru and said with a smile, "Okay, go back first, we'll stay with them for a while."

Wan Lin and the others returned to the military area hostel, Zhang Wa took Xie Chao to the war department, Wan Lin and the others entered the room but found that the room was empty. On the coffee table was the bottle of Wuliangye brought by Deputy Company Commander Zhang. Sausages and jerky.

Wu Xueying looked around in surprise and said, "Hey, what about Grandpa and the others?" At this time, Dali and Dazhuang came back from the house next to them, and said, "Fengdao and the others aren't there either." Xiaoya walked to the window and looked out. Said, "Grandpa must have taken them to the training ground."

Wan Lin and the others quickly walked out of the hostel to the training ground. Sure enough, everyone saw Grandpa and Feng Dao standing in a corner of the field from a distance, and that Bu Fan was playing a set of palms among them.

Wan Lin walked over and saw Head Yang and Zhang Sheng standing beside his grandfather, Feng Dao, Shan Hua, Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu also stared at Bu Fan in the field. Grandpa turned his head and saw several people approaching. He waved his fingers and pointed to Bu Fan in front of him, asking them to take a serious look at the palm techniques that Bu Fan was practicing.

Wan Lin and the others raised their eyes and saw that Bu Fan was walking fast in the field, his body turned left and right, continuously, his hands continued to strike forward with the rotation of his body, and every palm he struck out. All with the whirring sound of the wind, they appear to be very strong and powerful.

Wan Lin stared at it for a while, then asked Feng Dao next to him in a low voice, "I don't know much about all kinds of palm techniques. The platoon leader of this department uses Bagua palms, right?"

Fengdao nodded and replied: "Yes, he uses the dragon-shaped Baguazhang. This set of palms is very famous. It is a Neijia palm method derived from Wudang martial arts. Strive for the perfect combination of internal strength and every movement, it is said that if you practice at high depths, you can be as fast as the wind, invisible to the shadows, unpredictable and unpredictable.”

Wan Lin nodded and said with a smile: "The name of this chapter is really vivid. You can see that the footwork of the platoon leader really looks like a long dragon moving fast. From this, it can be seen that the Baguazhang of the platoon leader has quite a lot. The foundation is quite solid.”

As the two were talking, Bu Fan had already finished his palm technique and made a closing gesture. Then he clasped his fists with red face and looked at the few people around him and said, "Bu Fan is showing his ugliness!" Then he strode up to the body of the old Wan family. The front bowed and saluted: "Grandpa Wan, you always give some pointers."

The old man of Wanjia smiled and waved his hand and said, "I don't dare to point, I don't know much about the Baguazhang you practiced. However, from your performance just now, it can be seen that the foundation is very solid. Not bad." After saying that, the old man turned his gaze to Captain Yang.

Head Yang immediately smiled and said: "Old man, Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan have both practiced a set of boxing skills just now. They are both your seniors, so please give some pointers. Speaking of which, they are the same as Zhang Wa. They are also your grandsons, not outsiders."

Elder Yang Tuan is sophisticated, and he can see at a glance that the old man of Wan family is not willing to easily point out martial arts of other schools. This is indeed a taboo in martial arts. If you talk about it too deeply or talk about it lightly, it may cause the other party's unhappiness, unless it is someone who sincerely asks for advice, so he Expressed his attitude immediately.

Bu Fan and Zhang Sheng also saw what the old man meant at this time, they hurriedly clasped their fists and bent over to salute, the deputy company commander Zhang Sheng straightened up and looked at the old man earnestly: "Old man, our two juniors sincerely ask for your guidance, Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to risk losing my head to steal the captain's good wine." After saying that, he glanced at Captain Yang and smiled naively as he touched his big head.

"Hahaha" The old man and Wan Lin all laughed. The old man nodded and took a step forward and said with a smile: "Since you look down on me as an old man, then I will say a few words. However, the old man has lived in the mountains for a long time, it is true I don’t know much about your kung fu, so don’t laugh when you say something wrong.”

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