Panther Commando

Chapter 2166: No more than 10 strokes

readx(); The old man said looking at Bu Fan and said, "You should be practicing dragon-shaped gossip. I know a little about this palm method, but I am really not proficient. However, all martial arts are similar, and they all originated from martial arts, so every move and every style is created to defeat the opponent.”

The old man said, raised his hand and showed a palm technique that Bu Fan made just now, and continued: "The move you made just now is not in place, the palm strength of this move should be to twist your body with your waist and legs. The force hits the palm, and when you twist the waist, it is obviously not in place, so the waist and leg strength is not used, and the force is only on the arm, and the power of this move is not fully exerted."

As the old man said that, he slowly turned around and suddenly hit a palm. A gust of wind suddenly spewed out of his palm, and the sand on the ground rose with his palm, forming a column of dust that rushed forward with a bang.

Bu Fan and Zhang Sheng looked at the rushing air in surprise. Neither of them thought that the palm of the old man would have such power. Bu Fan looked at the old man's posture and pondered for a moment, and quickly followed the old man's instructions, his legs were slightly apart, he twisted his body, and slammed his right arm forward. The force of the sand also rolled forward a few times with the sand on the ground in front of him.

Bu Fan was overjoyed, and hurriedly turned around to look at the old man of the Wan family and said, "You are so right, the strength of this palm has increased significantly, and the strength of the waist and legs has indeed been used."

The old man of Wanjia walked over with a smile and corrected his posture, and then said: "Your foundation is very solid, but you are too rigid in your moves, so you have not fully exerted the power of your moves. Remember, moves are for people. Those who serve, must be used flexibly, any moves are created according to the bones and meridians of the human body, when you feel that the moves you use are not smooth, it means that your movements are not in place.”

The old man patted Bu Fan on the shoulder and said seriously: "When you competed with our Xiaochao in the morning, your skill was slightly better than his, and there were many opportunities to knock down your opponent quickly, but you lacked flexibility in fighting. Restrained, some moves were not in place, and they did not exert their due power, so in the end they were defeated."

Bu Fan nodded his head frequently, followed by a few more gestures, and the old man corrected the imperfections in his posture one by one. Bu Fan happily followed the old man's instructions and practiced a few more times, and suddenly felt a great increase in power. He immediately turned around and folded his fists towards the old man, his head almost touching the ground.

The surrounding Headmaster Yang laughed when they saw Bu Fan's excited look, and Zhang Sheng hurriedly walked into the arena and said to the old man, "Old man, don't just point him, you also talk about me. "Yes," the old man turned around to look at the silly deputy company commander, and asked with a smile, "You seem to have learned grappling, and you have also practiced wrestling?"

Zhang Sheng was stunned, and asked in surprise, "You can see this too?" Then he quickly said, "I practiced wrestling when I was a child, and then I started practicing Shaolin wire-wrapping when I was a teenager." The old man nodded and said. : "From your routine just now, it can be seen that it is a grappling hand, but you are very good at using the strength of your waist and legs in your movements, and your grappling hand is also mixed with some movements in wrestling, so it is estimated that you have practiced these two kung fu. "

Zhang Sheng said with admiration, "You are experienced and knowledgeable. I have met many martial arts seniors, but no one has ever noticed that I have practiced both kinds of martial arts at the same time." The old man smiled and waved his hand, then turned his head to look at Wan Wan Lin Jiren immediately said, "Your Shaolin capture is good. Our Chengru here is from Shaolin Kungfu. You have the opportunity to learn from him. He is from Shaolin, and he should be an extremely rare master among your Shaolin disciples."

The tall and tall Zhang Sheng stared with wide eyes and exclaimed in surprise, "Ah? You still have our Shaolin master here, what about Senior Brother Cheng? Come out and fight with me." Wan Lin looked at this blunt man. The lieutenant commander laughed.

Captain Yang knew Cheng Ru, and at this time, he heard him call Cheng Ru unceremoniously, and scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy, Cheng brother is your name? That's Lieutenant Colonel Cheng, you kid me to be disciplined!" "Ah Why are you all so high rank?" Zhang Sheng exclaimed in surprise, followed by staring at Wan Lin and asked, "Which army do you belong to, and why are you all so high?"

Colonel Yang glared at them and scolded: "Ask what you should ask, don't ask what you shouldn't ask!" He knew that Wanlin's Leopard Commando was a top-secret unit, so he hurriedly interjected to stop Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng's face turned red, he touched his big head and said embarrassedly, "I'm not trying to inquire about their troops, or... just curious... strange."

At this moment, Grandpa Wan Lin smiled and waved his hand and said, "Come on, talk about your kung fu." Then he pointed out the weaknesses of the moves Zhang Sheng demonstrated just now.

After giving instructions to Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan respectively, the old man pointed to the tall and strong Dali and Kong Dazhuang beside Wan Lin, and asked Zhang Sheng with a smile, "You saw them practicing against each other in the morning, do you think they Are your moves common?"

Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan immediately flushed, and they really felt that way at the time. They saw these two sturdy big men practicing against each other in the Seeing that the moves they used were extremely ordinary, they really felt that these people did not have superb skills, so Zhang Sheng saw that Wan Lin did not salute him. Feeling unhappy in his heart, he thought to himself: A group of ordinary soldiers, who are not very skilled, are quite big, so he called Bu Fan to teach them a lesson.

The old man laughed at the embarrassment of Zhang Sheng and the two of them, and continued, "You guys still haven't understood the key to martial arts. As I said just now, the moves of various martial arts schools are all created for actual combat, and the purpose is one, quickly. Conquer the enemy! When you practice martial arts, you mainly focus on practicing routines, and you have not seriously studied the application of these moves in actual combat. The power it deserves."

Zhang Sheng and Bu Fan listened attentively to the old man's words, carefully pondering the meaning in their hearts, and licking their heads as hard as a chicken pecking at rice. The old man saw that they really recognized their weaknesses, and said earnestly: "You are welcome, although the two of you are not weak, you have to compare with them..."

The old man paused when he said this, then turned around to point at Dali and Kong Dazhuang and continued, "Hehe, you can't even make ten moves in their hands!"

The old man said solemnly, his feet suddenly took half a step in front of Zhang Sheng, his left hand swayed in front of his eyes, and his right arm and elbow had been pressed against his chest with a gust of wind.

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