Panther Commando

Chapter 2173: safe distance

Yu Jing rushed to Xiaoya beside the door nervously, put her hands on the wall, and shouted at a radio next to the alarm: "Order: immediately organize the emergency evacuation of all personnel in the institute, emergency evacuation! Exit! Five kilometers range, exit five kilometers range! Order the security forces of the institute to immediately pull out the cordon at five kilometers, and strictly prohibit all vehicles and personnel from entering, hurry!!!”

Yu Jing's voice was vibrato, and she issued two orders in quick succession. At this time, Yu Jing's face was already covered with beads of sweat the size of soybeans, but this was no longer sweat from the hot breath, it was a layer of cold sweat from the bottom of her heart!

Just now, Yu Jing was in a mess in such a sudden and dangerous situation. Although she was aware of the imminent danger, she did not remember to evacuate the crowd in time in her panic.

&nb{Pig}{Pig}{Island} Novelwww{zhuzhu][dao}comsp;And Wan Lin and Xiaoya came through the hail of bullets, and in this dangerous moment of life and death, they still maintained a calm mentality state, with an extraordinary reaction. The two of them heard the danger Yu Jing described and immediately realized the safety of the surrounding creatures, so they issued an evacuation alarm without hesitation!

Seeing that Yu Jing quickly issued an evacuation order, Xiaoya grabbed Yu Jing's arm and hurriedly asked, "Is it safe for five kilometers?"

Yu Jing raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her face, and replied with a pale face: "Safety, I have already calculated before the experiment. I added bulletproof steel plates to the construction of my laboratory and experimental building, which is extremely strong and can withstand force. From the bombardment of the shells and the strong earthquake, the laboratory has now put down a heavy metal plate for shielding, which can not only block any radio signals, but also prevent the huge impact that occurs in the room. The accident of five kilometers in the laboratory is a safe distance!" Yu Jing hurriedly As he said that, he pulled Xiaoya and turned around and ran towards the experimental bench.

Xiaoya followed behind Yu Jing anxiously, but her nervousness did not relax in the slightest. She knew that when Yu Jing, a special weapons research institute, was established, the surrounding residents had been relocated, and the ten-kilometer area had been designated as a military restricted area, and unrelated personnel were strictly prohibited from entering, so in the event of an accident, the surrounding people would not be hurt. But now the personnel of the institute have been evacuated, and they are very close to the gem that erupts with huge energy, and they are still in extreme danger! As she ran forward, she stared nervously at the lab bench.

At this time, the original dark green green stone had turned into a transparent light blue color under the stimulation of the cold beads. A mass of cotton wool inside the stone was spinning rapidly, and a green beam of light had passed from the fist-sized green stone. The green light beam is like a telescopic long sword, and it is slowly extending forward. The temperature in the laboratory has risen sharply, and it is as sultry as a sauna that has lost its temperature control!

The two leopards standing on both sides of the green stone had already felt the danger. At this time, they had already stood up, their muscles were tensed up, and long nails had already emerged from their four claws. , the sharp nails are deeply inserted into the workbench made of insulating material, the long hairs of the whole body are tightly attached to the body in this unknown energy, the solid bones and muscles of the two leopards are clearly visible, and the long backs The tail has been stretched straight back in great energy.

The instruments that were temporarily moved around the experimental platform to record experimental data were all rapidly moving backwards in this strong energy, and the bursts of friction were screeching.

Wan Lin had already taken half a step forward, and together with his grandfather, he had released a strong body-protecting infuriating energy. The pink body-protecting aura was twisting backwards in the green light in front of him. Energy is in a fierce battle in the laboratory!

Wan Lin and his grandfather stood firmly in the body-protecting infuriating with their feet apart, with a bright lustre in their eyes, staring at the two gems flickering on the experimental bench in front of them, their faces extremely nervous.

At this time, Wan Lin and his grandfather already understood that in such a strong force, Yu Jing, who has a shallow inner strength, really couldn't get close to the test bench, let alone stop the experiment!

Now, under the stimulation of the cold beads, the green stone continues to emit higher energy. At this time, not only the indoor temperature will be higher and higher, but the energy contained in the green stone is gradually increasing. If this situation continues, once the flashing green light beam suddenly goes out of control, the entire laboratory may be destroyed by this huge energy at any time!

"Grandpa, suppress the heat first!" Wan Lin stared at the stage and shouted suddenly, "Okay!" Following the old man's vigorous voice, the two suddenly took a step to each side, On both sides of the protective screen made of tempered glass on the experimental bench, they suddenly raised their palms and shot them forward. Four strands of white cold air spewed out of the palms of the two of them with a "squeak", and went straight to the stage, squirting whirring. Hot green stones rushed away.

The four strands of cold air seemed to be four sharp icicles, rushing straight towards the fiery experimental bench. The stone that was glowing with green light suddenly dimmed, and the long green flames shrank back suddenly. The air then dropped several degrees, and the energy that was blazing to the surroundings suddenly weakened a lot.

Wan Lin and the others were overjoyed, and Yu Jing, who was behind him, rushed forward at this moment, wanting to rush to the console to move the black handle, keep the cold beads away from the green stones as soon as possible, and prevent the green stones from continuing to increase. .

But at this moment a sound of "click" suddenly came from the test bench. Wan Lin and his grandfather were shocked. look.

The cold beads and green stones that had just dimmed on the experimental bench suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and the surrounding heavy monitoring equipment suddenly made a violent twisting sound in the dazzling light, and then "suddenly" left the ground and walked away. He got up, leaned his body and flew back suddenly, slammed into the hard walls around the laboratory with a bang, and then fell to the ground in pieces.

The bodies of Wan Lin and Grandpa trembled suddenly, and huge energy rushed towards them at the same time, and their bodies seemed to fly off the ground. At the critical moment, the internal force of the two people suddenly spread to their feet, and the hard marble floor of the laboratory collapsed immediately.

At this moment, the half-human-high special tempered glass protecting the experimenter on the test bench suddenly appeared white cracks, and the white cracks expanded rapidly, followed by a burst of "kakaka". human voice.

"Be careful!" Grandpa and Wan Lin shouted violently, and they both took a step back at the same time. The pink body-protecting infuriating qi suddenly expanded from the two of them, instantly covering themselves and Yu Jing behind them. surrounded by Xiaoya.

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