Panther Commando

Chapter 2174: boiling lab


"Pop", the huge tempered glass on the operating table suddenly cracked into countless white fragments, which instantly fell apart from the frame of the protective glass, turning into pieces of glass shards whistling and rushing towards Wan Lin and the four.

The faces of Wan Lin and Grandpa changed dramatically, a red flashed across their faces, their hands were raised at the same time, and the four strong qi that gathered all the inner strength of the two of them swept out of their palms, facing the whistling glass shards. go!

The fierce wind collided with the whistling broken glass head-on, and immediately rushed out a passage in the broken glass flickering with white light. Tightly rubbing the circle of pink bodyguards, True Qi flew past the four of them.

Pieces of shattered glass with sharp edges and corners were like whistling bullets, hitting the instruments and walls behind several people with a "crack and crackle". In an instant, the hard wall more than ten meters behind them was densely filled with pieces of glass that were as sharp as knives!

In the hot air, Wan Lin and several others broke out in cold sweat! If it wasn't for Wan Lin and his grandfather, who had already raised their vigilance and responded with a ferocious palm, the whistling broken glass would have shot several people into holes!

With the disappearance of the protective glass in front of several people, a violent energy rushed towards the four of them. Grandpa's tall body swayed violently, and Wan Lin had already stumbled back in this fierce energy. Xiaoya and Yu Jing almost lifted their feet off the ground, staggering and rushing back.

At this moment, the eyes of the two leopards standing on the side of the green stone suddenly shot a red beam and a basket of two beams, followed by a deafening roar, and the old man's palms also slammed forward again. Out, the huge energy rushing around suddenly froze for a while!

Wan Lin and Xiaoya behind him were overjoyed, knowing that the two leopards saw that they were in danger, and they took action in time to win a short time for them. The two of them took a deep breath and immediately gathered all their strength to stand firm, but Yu Jing, who was a little weaker in her internal strength, was still staggering back, seeing her back in a thin lab coat, she was about to stop. Hit hard against the wall covered with sharp glass shards.

At this critical moment, Wan Lin's palms also hit the green stone, Xiaoya also turned around suddenly and grabbed Yu Jing, who was rushing backward, and then dragged her close to her. He hugged her slender waist tightly.

At this time, the green stone that had just been suppressed suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and a larger energy rushed to the surroundings again. It also slowly receded in the huge energy, and a few sharp nails that were deeply inserted into the experimental bench immediately made deep impressions on the bench.

At this time, Wan Lin suddenly understood that he, his grandfather and the two leopards suddenly attacked the green stone. Although the huge energy wave was temporarily blocked, it also added a huge amount of energy to the green stone, which stimulated the green stone. The green stone has now erupted into a larger energy wave. Even Xiaohua and Xiaobai, two strange beasts, can't stop the sudden huge energy. May be reduced to ashes at any time in this enormous energy and scorching temperature!

Thinking of this, Wan Lin suddenly gathered up his entire body and slammed his palm forward, followed by a vigorous kick on the ground, and flew towards the operating table on the side of the experimental platform like an arrow from the string, grabbing the control cold bead. The black handle of the jig was pulled to the side suddenly!

The cold bead that was spraying strong blue light on the side of the green stone suddenly retreated, and the strong luster sprayed on the two gems immediately dimmed. The large-scale instrument that retreated from the center suddenly swayed a few times and came to a standstill.

In an instant, the dazzling light in the laboratory suddenly dimmed, and the various objects hit by the huge energy suddenly fell from the air like a kite with a broken thread, and fell to the ground with a crackle. The danger that suddenly appeared like a storm, also disappeared as the cold beads were far away, and the noisy laboratory suddenly returned to its former tranquility!

Yu Jing and Xiaoya, who had already changed dramatically, were overjoyed when they saw this. Yu Jing pushed away Xiaoya, who was hugging her tightly, and exclaimed in surprise, "Grandpa, that's great! I didn't dare to go near the green stone just now. , hold on! I'll cut some green stone powder!" At this moment, Yu Jing, who had just survived the catastrophe, still did not forget the purpose of her experiment.

She shouted, dashed to the side of the operating table, quickly picked up a milling equipment and walked to the experimental table, with both hands clenched and leaning forward to approach the green stone.

At this time, Xiaoya also rushed over quickly, grabbed Yu Jing's arm and shouted: "It's too dangerous, your skill is not enough, you can't keep your arm stable at all, I'm coming!" Then she grabbed Yu Jing's hand. cutting equipment.

Before Xiaoya's arm could touch the cutting equipment, Wan Lin's hand reached out like lightning, grabbed the equipment in Yu Jing's hand and shouted hastily, "It's too dangerous here! You guys are not strong enough, stand back!" Looking down at the device in his hand, he asked loudly, "Mr. Yu, how to operate the device? What is the purpose?"

Wan Lin and the others already understood that Yu Jing, the scientist, had already devoted himself to the experiment. If he or his own people didn't do it, the scientist would cut this green stone with enormous energy again sooner or later, regardless of the danger!

Yu Jing opened her eyes wide and hesitantly looked at Wan, a look of excitement suddenly flashed in her eyes. She knew that these comrades in arms who shared life and death would never let herself face danger alone.

She turned around and grabbed two large protective goggles from her side and put them on the faces of Grandpa and Wan Lin, and then said to Xiaoya: "You go out first, it's too dangerous here!" Xiaoya shook her head vigorously, and walked over She said hurriedly beside her, "Quickly tell me how to operate the equipment?" She also grabbed a goggle from the console next to her and put it on her face.

Yu Jing's heart trembled: At this moment, Xiaoya wouldn't go out without saying anything. There are people she loves here, how could she abandon them at such a dangerous time! How could she leave herself in such a dangerous place!

Yu Jing didn't persuade Xiaoya to leave. She took a deep breath, raised her hand and pressed a green button on the cutting device in Wan Lin's hand. A drill-like thing in the front of the device immediately spun quickly.

The laboratory that had just calmed down suddenly became extremely nervous again with this low "hum" sound!


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