Panther Commando

Chapter 2175: dangerous cut

Yu Jing raised her eyes and looked at Wan Lin, and suddenly said in a calm tone: "You use this milling equipment to approach this green stone, and slowly cut some powder down from the edge. Remember, move slowly, don't cut large-scale , it is very likely to stimulate the huge energy inside, it is too dangerous! Be sure to cut some powder or particles diagonally. The rest of the people observe the luster and temperature changes of the green stone at any time!"

Yu Jing, a scientist who had just experienced life and death, suddenly became unusually calm at the moment when the experiment was about to start again, like a general commanding thousands of troops, calmly ordering everyone involved in the experiment. The man followed and dragged Xiaoya to the side of the c-work station, so that he could adjust the position of Hanzhu in time in case of an emergency.

When Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's order, he raised his hand and leaned the device towards the green stone. Yu Jing grabbed his arm and shouted: "Once you feel a sharp increase in heat, immediately press the red button to stop the cutting head. Turn, move quickly away from the green stone, and remember: you must move fast!"

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at his grandfather after hearing this. A strong wave of air burst out from him and his grandfather. Yu Jing and Xiaoya, who were caught off guard, were immediately pushed back by the air wave and staggered backwards. Exit seven or eight paces away. The two leopards also screamed suddenly at this time, their bodies suddenly flew up from the c-worker, and fell to the c-worker's stage with a "swoosh".

Xiaoya and Yu Jing stumbled and hit the protective lead plate at the laboratory window before they could stand firm. Their faces had turned pale, but they knew in their hearts that Grandpa and Wan Lin were afraid that they and Hua Leopard would rely too much on themselves. There was a danger in the near future, so I suddenly used internal force to knock out the two of them and the leopard.

At this moment, a cold air suddenly appeared around Wan Lin's arm. The icy cold air intersected with the hot air in the room, and immediately turned into white mists. He moved forward slowly, and leaned steadily towards the fist-sized green stone that shone with green luster.

The "humming" cutting head slowly touched the edge of the green stone, "Cha..." A piercing scream suddenly resounded through the laboratory! The green stone that had become dimmed also suddenly burst into a dazzling green light at this time, and the entire laboratory was shrouded in a pale green light in an instant.

Yu Jing and Xiaoya were shocked, knowing that the green stone burst out with that huge energy again in Wan Lin's cutting! The two of them lifted their feet in unison and rushed towards the test bench, but as soon as they lifted their right leg, they seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and the lifted leg seemed to be stuck in a piece of sticky glue. It was impossible to move an inch forward at all, and a huge wave of air in front of him pressed the two of them against the wall, making it difficult to even breathe.

At this moment, blue and red light beams suddenly appeared in the eyes of the two leopards, and they suddenly jumped up from under the test bench. But the two leopards just jumped up from under the experimental platform, and they were bounced out as if they had touched a transparent wall. After flying away, a flash of light flashed in his eyes at the same time, and his body jumped up again like an arrow from the string when he landed, and several sharp nails protruded from his claws at the same time.

"Hey," the two leopards charged with a sharp wind sound like two sharp knives toward the workbench in front of them again. The air in the room fluctuated abruptly under the rapid impact of the two leopards. The pale pink body protection aura and the powerful energy that he and grandfather produced seemed to be torn apart in an instant, and the two leopards broke through the obstacles in front of them like lightning and jumped onto the experimental bench.

The two leopards rushed to the workbench in front of Wan Lin, and immediately drilled forward with the strong force in front of them. They were arranged on both sides of the green stone. In the dazzling light, there was a cold green light, and the whole body was tightly tensed. The hair that was originally attached to the body stood upright, and the glowing eyes stared at the green stone that was making a harsh grinding sound during cutting. .

Xiaoya and Yu Jing stood nervously outside Qilang. The two of them knew in their hearts that they didn't have the ability of a leopard, so they couldn't break through the body protection infuriating that Grandpa and Wan Lin had set up.

When the green stone was in contact with the cutting equipment in Wan Lin's hands, there were bursts of piercing screams, and hot breaths were being sprayed from the green stone, and the dark green stone suddenly turned into a kind of almost The transparent white, light blue flocs that were spinning rapidly inside the stone had now filled the edge of the stone, as if it was about to gradually break out of the stone and fly out during the rapid rotation!

A wave of heat was breaking through Grandpa and Wan Lin's body-protecting infuriating qi and rushing towards the surrounding space. The temperature in the room was unbearably hot again, and the entire laboratory seemed to be boiling.

"Stop! Stop it!" Yu Jing suddenly shouted, a look of fear suddenly flashed in her eyes, as if a burst of infuriating energy burst forth from her body, and she rushed forward again with Xiaoya next to her. go! But at this time, the huge energy had flooded the laboratory. As soon as the two rushed forward, they were pushed against the wall by an invisible force. They leaned against the wall behind them and could no longer move at all.

At this time Wan Lin has found that the situation is not right. The cold air released by him and his grandfather has been swallowed by the transpiring heat wave. The stone in front of him spurted violently. He knew that he had to stop his work to prevent Green Stone from getting out of control.

At this time, his face had turned pale, and the cutting tool tightly held in both hands was violently rubbing against the edge of the green stone. He tried to withdraw the tool from the green stone several times, but the tool in his hand seemed to be stuck by the green stone. There is simply no way to withdraw from the edge of the stone! And the violent friction is strongly stimulating the huge energy in the green stone. If this goes on, the energy erupted in the green stone will definitely get bigger and bigger, until it gets out of control!

At this time, the grandfather on the side also suddenly realized that the situation was not right. He saw Wan Lin tried to withdraw his arm several times, but with the harsh rubbing sound, his arm was not withdrawn at all, and the color of the green stone was rapidly becoming lighter. , The amount of heat emitted is increasing sharply.

A red light suddenly flashed across the face of the old man, and the body-protecting infuriating qi around him suddenly disappeared. Hit **** the cutting equipment that Wan Lin clenched with both hands!

At the critical moment, the old man suddenly concentrated his life skills and hit the cutting equipment in Wan Lin's hand with one palm!

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