Panther Commando

Chapter 2176: different battlefields

"Crack", the cutting device in Wan Lin's hand swayed to the side, the rapidly rotating cutting head broke away from the green stone, and the rubbing sound of the side ears stopped abruptly! The intense sheen and the heat waves that burst out of the green stone suddenly disappeared!

Wan Lin quickly pressed the red button on the device, looking at the green stone in front of him with a pale face, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and a layer of sweat suddenly appeared on his face, and his face was tired. .

He knew that if his grandfather had not suddenly withdrawn his cold work just now, condensing all his life-long cultivation skills, he would open the cutting equipment in one fell swoop, the green stone that burst out with enormous energy in the intense stimulation would definitely be out of control.

At this time, the rapidly spinning flocs in the green stone had slowed down, and then slowly gathered towards the center of the stone. The stone that had turned white in the violent friction became darker and darker, and in a blink of an eye it became It was a touch of light green, but a stream of heat was still spurting out under the stimulation of the cold beads.

At this time, Wan Lin and his grandfather concentrated their whole body skills on the green stone that was emitting a huge heat wave.

Yu Jing and Xiaoya broke through the body protection in front of them and came to Wan Lin and grandfather. Yu Jing's right hand quickly grabbed a black handle on the console, and then pulled it back suddenly, sandwiching the cold beads. The metal clip moved back more than a meter in an instant.

As the distance between the cold bead and the green stone increased, the color of the green stone became darker and darker, and the jet of hot air also weakened a lot in an instant.

The two leopards, who had already stood up nervously, suddenly took two steps back, and the glittering light in their eyes suddenly dimmed. They twisted and jumped off the experimental bench and ran to the corner of the laboratory quickly. On the top of the vertical air conditioner, he leaned down and stuck his head on the vent where the cool wind was blowing. He opened his big mouth and stuck out his bright red tongue to breathe hard, as if the heat just now made them feel uncomfortable.

Grandpa and Wan Lin saw the change in Green Stone, looked at each other, and then let out a long sigh of relief. They know that the danger has passed with Hanzhu away.

The two raised their feet and took two steps back, raised their hands and took off the large goggles that covered most of their faces. "Wow!" A piece of sweat flowed out from under the large goggles of the two of them. Wan Lin raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, turned his head to look at his grandfather and laughed.

At this time, Xiaoya and Yu Jing also relaxed and turned to look at their grandfather. Grandpa's wrinkled face was already gleaming with crystal sweat, like a stream with accumulated water. Strings of sweat were slowly flowing from his face, and the black cloth on his back was soaked with sweat.

Yu Jing quickly took out two towels from under the console and handed them to Xiaoya, and moved the handle by herself to move Hanzhu back more than half a meter. Xiaoya handed the towel to her grandfather and Wan Lin, and said with lingering fear: "It's too scary, the cold air from Hanzhu and grandpa can't suppress the heat emitted by this green stone!"

Xiaoya said, turned her head to look at Wan Lin and asked, "What happened just now? Why didn't you press the stop button to remove the cutting head when you felt the danger?" Yu Jing also looked at Wan Lin in surprise. She and Xiaoya really didn't understand: in such a dangerous situation just now, how could Wan Lin, who was holding a cutting tool in his hand, remain indifferent, but continued to cut the green stone that spewed out enormous energy.

Wan Lin raised the towel to wipe the sweat from his face, and replied with a wry smile, "I didn't know what was going on just now? The cutting head seemed to be suddenly sucked by the green stone. The arms were unsuccessful, if Grandpa hadn't knocked off the cutting equipment in time, I don't know what would have happened?!"

Xiaoya's eyes widened, she looked at the dark green stone in astonishment and muttered: "My God, this stone seems to have spirituality, it seems to know that we are cutting it, this is because of the coldness. The stimulation of the beads and the opportunity for you to cut, try to stimulate all the energy contained in yourself!"

Yu Jing also stared blankly at the green stone, with a look of surprise in her eyes. She also saw the situation at that time just now, but she couldn't understand what happened at that time. She walked to Wan Lin and looked at the cold beads in the distance, then looked at the green stone, and hesitated for a moment to analyze: "How could this be? Could it be the stimulation of the cold beads that makes the green stone suddenly burst out with huge energy and at the same time form a self-protection layer on the surface of the stone? While using the stimulation you give when cutting chips, it releases huge energy?" She finished speaking He turned to look at Wan Lin beside him.

Wan Lin nodded and replied: "I did feel a strong suction on the stone at the time, and it seemed that I was using the tools in my hand to stimulate the energy inside the stone. It seems that this green stone cannot emit that huge energy by itself. , can only rely on external stimuli to generate such a huge amount of energy.”

After hearing this, Yu Jing suddenly had a look of excitement in her eyes, and she said in surprise: "Great, this experiment has proved that the energy in the green stone is relatively stable! I used to worry that this stone contains huge energy. The stone will suddenly go out of control and cause huge destructive power. Now it seems that as long as we do not vigorously stimulate it, the green stone itself is not destructive!"

Seeing Yu Jing's excited look, Xiaoya shook her head slightly and said, "You can't stimulate How can you use it?"

With an almost crazy look in Yu Jing's eyes, she looked directly at the green stone and replied, "No matter what method? I must cut some powder or particles from this stone! I have found that this green stone The energy contained in it changes with the size of the volume. Once the volume is reduced, the energy inside can be controlled within a controllable range, so I can find a way to stimulate the energy in it for my use and develop more new equipment.”

At this moment, an excited look flashed on Yu Jing's face, and her eyes flashed astonishingly, as if her whole body had been immersed in the joy of achieving scientific research success.

Wan Lin looked at Yu Jing's excited expression, and a burst of blood rushed to his head. He suddenly had a feeling of excitement when he killed the enemy on the battlefield. Yu Jing's state at this time is exactly the same as when he was walking with his gun in the smoke of gunfire!

He suddenly understood: he and his comrades in the Panther Commando are fighting on the battlefield of defending the country! And this small laboratory in front of me is the battlefield of Yu Jing, a wise scientist! Like her own people, she is fighting silently on this battlefield without gunpowder smoke. She is using her life and ingenuity in this small laboratory for the strength of the motherland without complaining. Donate everything you have without regrets!

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