Panther Commando

Chapter 2199: forever pain

readx(); "Yes, I must train hard, even if I catch up with everyone!" Xie Chao quickly stood at attention and replied with a solemn expression, then turned around and said loudly to Company Commander Sun and Squad Leader Zhong: "Company Commander, Squad Leader, don't worry, I, Xie Chao, will never embarrass you!"

Company Commander Sun raised his hand and patted Xie Chao on the shoulder, and said with satisfaction: "Good boy, I will wait for your words. As long as you train hard, I believe you will be no worse than Xu Liang!"

Wan Lin nodded with satisfaction, and then said to Xie Chao: "From today, you will train with Instructor Feng, Instructor Bao and two Instructors Yuwen!"

"Yes!" Xie Chao raised his hands in a salute in surprise, and then saluted Company Commander Sun and Squad Leader Zhong, strode to the bandaged Feng Dao group, stood upright with his feet, raised his hands to salute Shouted: "Private Xie Chao reports to the four instructors!"

Feng Dao and several people looked at Xie Chao's military posture and nodded with satisfaction, and then Li Zheng raised his hand in return. At this moment, Sun Lianchang looked suspiciously at the strangers in front of him, wondering where these instructors came from? It stands to reason that the elite talents of the military region have been concentrated in the special operations brigade. He really does not understand who else can be qualified to serve as an instructor here?

Wang Hong raised his eyes and glanced at Company Commander Sun, and then said: "It seems that you are a little dissatisfied with my assignment of this recruit to your company." Company Commander Sun's face flushed, and he quickly replied: "No, no, This little soldier is really extraordinary, hehe, I'm wrong, I'm wrong." He then looked at Wan Lin and the others and said with a big grin, "Hehe, you instructors have finished training, but you should take this kid. Give it back to us."

Wan Lin and the others all laughed. Wan Lin raised his finger and pointed at Wang Hong and said, "I'll ask your battalion commander." Then, he raised his eyes and glanced at the surrounding camps, then turned to Feng Dao and said, " You wounded take Xie Chao back first and discuss his training plan. Let's go around the camp and get familiar with the new environment here. "

"Yes" Feng Dao raised his hand and saluted, then turned around to say hello to Wang Hong and Company Commander Sun, and then walked with Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu to the small courtyard where he lived with Xie Chao.

Company Commander Sun watched in astonishment as Feng Dao and the others walked towards the newly built courtyard. He quickly turned his head and asked Wang Hong, "Captain, is the newly built courtyard prepared for them?" His eyes flashed. surprised look.

The facilities in that small courtyard are very luxurious. They thought it was prepared for the chief of the military region when they came to inspect it, but they didn't expect these instructors who looked extremely young to live in it first.

Wang Hong looked up at him and asked, "Why, do you think they are not qualified?" Company Captain Sun blushed and waved his hand quickly and said, "I didn't mean that." Wang Hong glared at him and said, "I didn't mean that. What means?"

After speaking, without waiting for Company Commander Sun to reply, he turned to Wan Lin and raised his hand in salute, "Then go around by yourself, I have too many things to do here, so I won't accompany you."

Wan Lin raised his hand in return, then lowered his arm and waved his hand and said, "You are busy with you, we are all familiar with this place, just turn around by yourself." With that, he pulled Zhang Wa and the others to the side of the mountain.

Company Commander Sun stared at Wan Lin in astonishment. He didn't expect his lieutenant colonel battalion commander to raise his hand to salute the soldier who was much younger than him. high?

Wang Hong watched Wan Lin and the others leave, turned his head and saw Company Commander Sun's surprised look, and said in a low voice, "What are you looking at, I won't go back to work on you! Go back and tell that Xu Liang that this is the special forces brigade, not the group in his family. , I don't care how old he is? If there is nothing to do here, I will kick him out!" After speaking, Captain Sun, who was left in shock, turned around and strode towards his battalion headquarters.

Seeing the battalion commander turning away, Company Commander Sun turned to look at Xie Chao, who was walking far behind the wounded, and muttered with joy on his face: "Hehe, I didn't expect to get a gold ingot this time, this kid. Really!" After speaking, he patted Squad Leader Zhong next to him on the shoulder, and turned around and walked towards his company with a smile on his face.

Wan Lin and the others left the barracks area of ​​the spy battalion and walked around the training ground near the mountain. They found that there was not much change. There was still a shooting range on the training ground near the mountain. Military single parallel bars, single-plank bridges, spanning piles, various obstacle walls of different heights, as well as training equipment such as high springboard horizontal ladders and low pile nets for military training.

Lingling walked side by side with Xiaoya behind Wan Lin, Zhang Wa, Dali and Kong Dazhuang, she looked around and said, "There's no change here.


Wan Lin stopped at the S strike range and looked at the rows of gun targets placed near the mountain. He suddenly recalled the scene when he was receiving S strike training here. He turned his head to look at Zhang A few people said with emotion: "It's so fast, I was trained in S strike here at that time, then..."

When he said this, he stopped talking, his face suddenly darkened, and his eyes were fixed on the target on the side of the mountain. At this moment, his eyes suddenly flashed the scene of the first time he received S strike training...

That day, he ran to the instructor's dormitory with an assault rifle and shouted to Sergeant Wu Hanyu, the S-strike instructor who had been waiting for him, "Report, recruit Wan Lin was ordered to report."

Instructor Wu waved his hand at him, looked him up and down, raised his foot and walked towards the base's weapons warehouse, asking as he walked, "Have you ever shot a gun?" Lin followed behind Instructor Wu and answered loudly.

Instructor Wu frowned with a helpless look on his face, and whispered softly: "New recruit Danzi? How can I teach this in a month?"

He followed Wan Lin into the special team's arsenal, pointed to the rows of weapons and introduced it with a cheerful look: "This is a domestically produced Type 95 sniper rifle, which can penetrate steel plates at an effective distance of meters, and there is currently no large-scale installation in China; This is a Type 03 automatic rifle; this is a Type 95 squad machine gun"...

Wan Lin stared at the silent S field in front of him. Instructor Wu Hanyu's voice seemed to echo again in his ears, and the circles of his eyes suddenly turned red.

Zhang Wa and Dali beside him also stared at the distant mountain side without saying a word, but their faces had already darkened. Sergeant Wu Hanyu was also their S strike instructor at the time.

After Lingling looked at the surrounding environment, she turned her face and suddenly saw that the faces of Wan Lin and the others had darkened, she gently pulled Xiaoya's sleeve in surprise, and Xiaoya whispered: "They remembered what happened at that time. S-strike instructor Sergeant Wu Hanyu."

Lingling immediately understood that Wan Lin was a sniper brought out by Instructor Wu. Later, Instructor Wu sacrificed heroically to cover Wan Lin in a battle. This is an eternal pain in Wan Lin's heart.

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