Panther Commando

Chapter 2200: attract bees and butterflies


At this time, Kong Dazhuang stood beside Wan Lin and glanced at Wan Lin and the three of them in confusion. Seeing their faces suddenly staring at the distant target without saying a word, he quickly took a step back and came to Xiaoya and Lingling's side. , asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

He heard Xiaoya whisper about the shooting instructor, but he didn't understand what happened at that time? He joined Huabao later with Fengdao and a few others, and he is not very clear about what happened before.

Xiaoya recounted the battle that happened in the mountains in a low voice, and finally said in a low voice, "Lingling and I were not in the team back then, and it was only later that I heard what Zhang Wa and the others said. Remember, don't stand in front of a leopard's head in the future. Instructor Wu face to face."

Kong Dazhuang nodded vigorously after hearing this, and his face also sank. He followed Wan Lin and several others to participate in many battles. He had personally seen the departure of his comrades, and he understood Wan Lin's feelings at this time. And Zhang Wa and Dali both experienced the brutal battle with Wan Lin back then, and now they revisit their old places, they must be as sad as Wan Lin.

Xiaoya whispered about everything that happened that year. Wan Lin and the others silently looked up at the rolling mountains in front of them, but in their minds, they recalled the fierce battle with Xiaoya’s story behind them, and they all looked very solemn.

It wasn't until Xiaoya finished speaking that Wan Lin seemed to wake up from a dream, his body suddenly trembled, and he withdrew his eyes from a distance and said leisurely: "Time flies so fast, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye, when there is time Go see Instructor Wu!"

Zhang Wa and Dali didn't answer, they both nodded their heads silently. Wan Lin turned to look at Kong Dazhuang and Xiaoya, and answered Lingling's question: "This is the camp of the Special Forces of the Military Region. Of course, there won't be much changes, but the camp has been adjusted."

He turned around, raised his finger and pointed at the mountain in front of him and said, "The rest of the special forces brigade are stationed in the mountains. Didn't you notice the newly opened mountain road over there?"

Xiaoya and the others looked up, and sure enough, they saw a dirt road on the side of the mountain, like a long gray-brown dragon, extending into the mountain in a twisting way.

At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the mountains in the distance, and Wan Lin looked up with narrowed eyes.

After a short time, I will see a few black spots on the side quickly emerging from the top of the mountain ⊕≈style_txt;, and then whizzing over a piece of treetops on the mountainside at an ultra-low altitude, quickly disappearing behind the mountain in front.

"Helicopter! It's still flying at an ultra-low altitude. It must be the helicopter team of the Special Operations Brigade training." Lingling suddenly cried out in surprise. It sounded, and a fire suddenly spewed out from the mountains in the distance, and black gunpowder smoke rose into the air.

"It's amazing, it's still fun!" Dali shouted excitedly, and Zhang Wa raised his hand and patted his shoulder with a smile: "Of course, this thing is much more enjoyable than the class machine gun you're using now! If you I think the guy in your hand is not enough, so someday I will give you some loud noises?"

"No, no! Your kid makes those things too scary, stay away from me!" Dali quickly raised his hand to push Zhang Wa away, and said nervously.

Everyone laughed. Zhang Wa was a blaster with a lot of powerful explosives in his hands. It would be scary enough to be around someone like this all of a sudden. No wonder Dali quickly pushed him away from him.

A few people talked and laughed and walked to their station. Along the way, they saw many soldiers who were training looking at them with astonishment. When they saw the two beauties, everyone's eyes lit up. Zhang Wa looked at the eyes of the people around her, then turned her head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling and said with a smile: "You two flowers have become a landscape, and you will attract bees and butterflies wherever you go."

"Fuck you, you are the one who attracts bees and butterflies!" Lingling and Xiaoya raised their feet and kicked at Zhang Wa. Zhang Wa laughed and pushed Wang Dali, who was beside him, towards the past. Lingling's kick just happened to be on the on the legs. "Stinky boy!" shouted vigorously and turned around to grab Zhang Wa, who turned around with a big laugh and ran forward.

Dali didn't catch Zhang Wa, turned around and stared at Lingling with big eyes and shouted, "Stinky girl, hurry up and clean up the baby with me!" He raised his foot and chased after Zhang Wa. Lingling covered her mouth and smiled. He got up and quickly followed.

Wan Lin and the others returned to the small courtyard near the mountain. Wan Lin pushed open the far door and walked into the courtyard. At a glance, he saw Xie Chao standing in the corner of the courtyard, holding a nine-five-style automatic step with both hands. A standard vertical shooting position, with a brick-sized rock hanging from the muzzle of the gun, and a thin layer of sweat on his dark face.

Sitting under the eaves next to Feng Dao, Bao Ya and Brother Feng Yu, all of them were wiping the assault rifles in their hands with their heads down.

At this time, Xie Chao saw Wan Lin and several people coming in, and was about to put down his gun and salute them when Bao Ya suddenly shouted: "Don't move! Remember me, you have nothing to do with what happens in the courtyard. During training, you must not be disturbed by the surrounding environment!" Xie Chao trembled for a moment, and quickly straightened his posture again, squinting his eyes and staring at the crosshair at the muzzle.

Wan Lin and the others glanced at Xie Chao, raised their feet and walked towards Feng Dao, followed by waving to Feng Dao, and walked directly into the conference room behind Feng Dao.

A few people from Feng Dao came in with Bao Ya closed the door and walked to the round conference table on the surface of Wanlin, and sat down, raised his hand and gently placed the assault rifle on the table.

Wan Lin smiled and gave Bao Ya a thumbs up, and whispered, "Okay, let's train like this." He raised his hand and looked at his watch and asked, "How long has Xie Chao been training like this?"

Feng Dao raised his head and praised: "It has been more than an hour since I came back. If I don't go, the weight of the rock at the muzzle is twice as heavy as a brick. This kid really didn't move when he raised his gun. His physical fitness and martial arts skills are quite good.”

Wan Lin nodded and said: "Lingxiumen has always relied on hunting for a living, this kid should be very skilled in archery, and a good archer needs considerable strength in his arms, waist and legs, so this kind of training is not difficult for him. ."

Feng Dao nodded and said: "With this foundation, we can speed up the training. In the afternoon, we will look at the stability and eyesight of his arms." Wan Lin nodded and said in a low voice: "Okay. The main task is to carry out his own recovery training and increase the training of Xie Chao's military skills. Especially Xie Chao's training cannot be relaxed. Once he has a solid foundation, we will comprehensively evaluate him to see what role he is suitable for."


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