Panther Commando

Chapter 2201: Perforated rice grains

readx(); Feng Dao and several people nodded, Xiaoya took out a bamboo tube and handed it to Feng Dao's hand and said, "This is what Grandpa specially left for the four of you before he left. He said it was a pill that nourishes Qi and strengthens the foundation, and asked me to let it go. You take one pill in the morning and one in the evening, and after taking it, you should use your internal strength to dissolve the medicine, this medicine is very good for your recovery and physical strength."

Fengdaobaoya and Brother Fengyu quickly stood up when they heard Xiaoya's words, and their faces showed moved expressions. Fengdao took the bamboo tube with both hands and sighed in a low voice, "The old man is still thinking about us before he leaves, I really don't know what to say?"

Wan Lin waved his hand and smiled and said, "My grandfather has long regarded you as family, why are you being polite?" He said and stood up: "It's noon, let's go to the brigade for dinner. By the way, let Xie Chao leave. The training time is here, and the board and lodging time is back in the class. We can't make him special. Lao Feng, you told him not to leak the information about us, and once it is leaked, he will be engaged in military law!"

"Yes!" Feng Dao replied immediately, then got up and walked out of the house. Bao Ya and several people nodded, knowing that they were going to the small canteen of the brigade to eat, and Xie Chao was just a private soldier and was not qualified to enter there. At the same time, this was to prevent Xie Chao from feeling arrogant and let him gradually interact with Xu Chao. Bright builds good relationships with these in-class fighters.

For a week in a row, Fengdao Baoya and the Yuwen brothers were urging Xie Chao to learn military etiquette and carry out comprehensive military training.

Wan Lin took Xiaoya and Lingling around in the various units of the special operations brigade, and observed the training of each unit in detail. At the same time, he focused on the reserve candidates for the special reconnaissance team submitted to them by Wang Hong. .

On the other hand, Zhang Wa Dali and Kong Dazhuang drive into the mountains every day with a wooden box full of jeeps of various sizes. The two leopards also wandered back and forth with several people every day. When they had nothing to do, they went for a walk in the deep mountains by themselves. Sometimes they came back very late with a bulging belly.

That evening, Wanlin Xiaoya and Lingling had dinner from the helicopter brigade and drove back to their station. Zhang Wa and the others also returned to the courtyard from the mountain with two leopards.

A few people entered the yard. The two leopards raised their eyes and glanced at the yard. They turned around and quickly ran into the bathroom next to them. There was a sound of running water. Obviously, these two smart leopards had learned to run water to take a bath by themselves. .

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw the two leopards sneaking into their large bathroom, then turned their heads and glanced at the courtyard. At this time, Xie Chao was sitting on a pony under the eaves, staring intently at his left hand with his head lowered, his right hand raised above his left hand, what was he doing? He didn't pay attention to the Wanlin people who walked in, but the Fengdao people disappeared.

Wan Lin and the others walked to the middle of the courtyard. Only then did Xie Chao realize that several instructors had walked in. He quickly stood up to salute. Wan Lin waved his hands and strode over with the people around him. "Xie Chao, what about Instructor Feng and the others?"

Xie Chao answered righteously: "They went out after dinner, saying it was an event." Xiaoya and Lingling walked up to Xie Chao curiously, looked down at his hands, and Lingling asked, "You just now What are you doing? So serious."

Xie Chao blushed and replied, "The task given to me by Instructor Bao, let me use a needle to drill a hole in this grain of rice." He raised his hands.

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, knowing that Bao Ya was piercing rice grains to cultivate his eyesight and stability. This is a commonly used shooting training method in the army. It exercises the shooter's eyesight endurance and finger control by piercing small rice grains, so that the sniper can develop a strong psychological quality in a complex and tense environment. And the sniper ability to kill the enemy with one shot.

Using a thin steel needle to pierce the crispy rice grains requires extremely stable arms and fingers. As long as the attention is not paid during the piercing or the fingers are slightly shaken, the small rice grains will be broken immediately.

Lingling reached out and took the rice grain from Xie Chao's left hand, then held the rice grain with her thumb and forefinger and lifted it up to look into the air, followed by shouting in astonishment, "Look, this kid is amazing!"

Several people around immediately stretched their necks to look, and the small rice grains clearly showed dense holes. "One, two, three, four..." Kong Dazhuang stared at the rice grains and counted the small holes that were passed out.

"Twelve!" Kong Dazhuang exclaimed in astonishment. At this time, Xie Chao looked at Wan Lin and the others in surprise, wondering why everyone was so surprised? When Bao Ya asked him to practice, he didn't explain what it was for. He just followed the order and didn't know the purpose.

Wan Lin carefully took the rice grain and glanced at it, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and then handed the rice grain to Xie Chao and said, "Not bad!"

Xie Chao took the rice grain and asked, "Brother Wan, what is the purpose of Brother Bao's ordering me to wear this rice grain? I started to wear several rice grains, and I have only mastered the skills now. "

Wan Lin looked up at him and said, "In the military camp, you should call us instructors." Then he pointed to the rice grains in his hand and explained, "Don't underestimate this wearing rice grains. Instructor Bao is doing this for the sake of Shooting develops the stability of your arms and sharp eyesight, and shooting requires great eyesight, patience and the stability of your hands.”

He turned his head and glanced at Xiaoya around and asked, "Do you know what the highest record for wearing rice grains in the military is?" A figure, Bao Ya's loud and heavy voice followed: "Hahaha, it is said that the public record is 9!"

Wan Lin and the others turned around to look, and Bao Ya and the others were coming from outside the door. Bao Ya shouted, strode up to Xie Chao and shouted, "Stinky boy, show me the rice grains?" After finishing speaking, he picked up the rice grains from Xie Chao's hand and looked into the air.

"Oh my god, you have a dozen of them! Are you really wearing them?" Bao Ya shouted hesitantly. When Xie Chao heard Bao Ya's question, he quickly stood at attention and replied loudly, "Report to instructor Bao, it's really what I wear."

"Good boy, amazing, good material for a sniper!" Bao Ya praised Xie Chao by returning the grain of rice with satisfaction. A few Feng Dao people also came over and glanced at Xie Chao in surprise. Brother Feng Yu asked in unison, "Have you played this thing before?"

"Report" Xie Chao turned to face the two twin instructors and answered loudly. The wind knife patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "This is not a formal occasion. You don't have to be polite in this small courtyard."


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