Panther Commando

Chapter 2205: aroma in bathtub

Everyone laughed when they heard Feng Dao's words. Wan Lin also raised his wrist and looked at his watch with a smile and said, "Let's go, go outside and do some activities. After a few days, my body feels stiff." Go outside the door. `

A few people walked into the courtyard, and Wan Lin suddenly looked at the corner of the courtyard on the side. It turned out that Xie Zheng was standing in the corner, holding an automatic rifle motionless and aiming forward, with three empty bullet casings standing upright on the barrel.

Feng Dao and several people also turned their heads and nodded secretly. Bao Ya walked over to look at his posture and said, "Okay, let's rest for a while." After saying that, he raised his hand and took off the shell from the gun barrel. Put it into his hands, and then instructed: "Remember, after practicing shooting, you must do a set of boxing exercises to prevent the muscles on your arms from becoming rigid. Go back."

Xie holding gun stood at attention and replied gratefully: "Yes! Instructor Bao." Then he shouted to Wan Lin and the others: "Instructors, I'll go back first." After saying that, he turned around and strode out of the courtyard.

Wan Lin and the others quietly watched Xie Mai walk out the door with standard footwork. Xiaoya watched him disappear outside the door, then turned around to turn on the lights in the courtyard, and sighed, "Thank you. He is very hardworking and tenacious. If this continues, the technical and tactical level will soon catch up with those veterans.”

Wan Lin also nodded and said, "At that time, I agreed to bring him out because I saw that he had such a spirit. He shouldered the expectations of Lingxiumen and his father and grandfather, so he would definitely work hard. Speaking of him, he He is the first person from Lingxiu Sect to walk out of the mountains and forests seriously, and shoulders the heavy responsibility of integrating Lingxiu Sect into today's society, so he is under a lot of pressure."

Everyone nodded, and Xiaoya immediately asked the two leopards under her feet: "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, go out for a run, do you want to go?"

The two leopards looked at each other's clean body, shook their heads vigorously, and hurriedly turned around and got into the room, as if they were afraid that they would force them to run out.

Xiaoya and Lingling both laughed, Lingling said with a smile: "These two little things are becoming more and more clean, and they went into the bathroom to take a bath when they came back from outside. I don't know who they learned from, but they actually turned on the faucet by themselves, and I can also use hot and cold water. Yesterday, I saw these two little things running to our women's bathroom, and then I heard the sound of rushing water. I was afraid that they would not be scalded with hot water. Look, I just saw that there was water in my bathtub, with a layer of white foam floating on it, but I didn't see two small things, I ran over to turn off the faucet, and touched the temperature of the water in the basin, it was still moderately hot and cold."

"I just turned my head to look for them, when these two little things suddenly came out from under the foam, they were fluffy and fragrant, and I was startled, but when I smelled the fragrance of the foam, I quickly picked up a bottle of bath I bought. Liquid, my god, they all poured into the tub, it's **** me off!"

Wan Lin and the others all laughed, and Yu Wenfeng pointed at Lingling and said with a laugh: "I said why did they go to our men's bathroom today, so you don't have any bath liquid there, hahahaha!"

Xiaoya heard Yu Wenfeng's gloating words, "Puchi" and laughed, covered her mouth and pointed at Yuwenfeng and said, "I saw you in the bathroom with a new bottle of lotion this morning!"

"Oh, my mother! How did I forget about this stubble?" Yu Wenfeng took a deep breath, raised his feet and ran to the bathroom in shock, shouting as he ran, "It's broken, it's broken, The fragrance of the lotion is all out.”

Wan Lin and the others burst into laughter when they saw him running away in a panic, and everyone saw Yu Wenfeng holding a lotion bottle and walking out of the bathroom with a sad face. You little ancestor, my whole bottle of lotion!"

Everyone laughed and walked out of the door. Dali twisted and pointed at Yu Wenfeng while walking and said with a smile: "Who made you stinky, you use lotion at every turn. You see, we all use soap to wash our hair, it's good! And the two little babies never move." Several people said and strode out of the door with a smile.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and the barracks had already quieted down. The dark mountains on the side showed inky outlines in the night, and there were only a few small stars in the sky shining with moon-white light.

Wan Lin and the others stood at the gate of the courtyard to look around. In the dark camp, only the camp of the special agent battalion and the brigade of the special operations brigade were lit with yellow lights, and some figures were shaking on the training ground in the distance. It was a group of fighters moving their bodies scattered on the training ground, and a few figures swaying up and down on the equipment in the field.

Wan Lin waved to the people around him, raised his feet and ran to the training ground near the other side of the camp. The footsteps of several people are extremely light, like ghosts in the dark night, running forward along the foot of the mountain.

At this time, the soldiers who were exercising on the training ground vaguely saw the figures jogging on the side of the mountain, and they all stopped to look at the foot of the mountain. Wan Lin turned to look at the soldiers who were looking at him from a distance as he ran, knowing that they must be talking about those who did not wear military rank.

They have been in and out of the barracks in the past few days, and from time to time they have stopped and watched during the training of the troops. Everyone has long been suspicious of their identities, but except for a few old leopard team members in the brigade, UU read www. .uukanshu. com Others don't know their identities, and they also hold special access cards issued by the brigade headquarters when they go to the camps of the troops outside, so the officers and soldiers here don't know their identities at all.

Wan Lin was thinking about the next selection plan as he ran, and he was really worried. The officers and soldiers of the spy battalion are selected from various units of the military region, and they all have good military literacy. It is not easy to select better team members from these people, and from the current situation, except for Wang Hong from the spy battalion. The selected group of team members were outstanding, but few of them really did not reproduce the warriors with special talents.

At this moment, Zhang Wa, who was behind, suddenly ran two steps to Wan Lin's side, raised his hand and pointed to the side halfway up the mountain. Wan Lin turned his face to look at the mountainside. On the dim mountainside, there was a figure on the mountainside near the top of the mountain, moving up and down quickly.

Wan Lin immediately stopped and turned to look at the mountainside. Several people around also stopped, and the eyes of several people looked up with surprise. Several people never thought that under this dim light, someone would practice running on the undulating mountainside.

At this moment, a sickle-like crescent moon was already hanging obliquely over the top of the mountain. The golden crescent moon seemed to be embedded in the dark blue night sky. The rolling hills looked very peaceful in the moonlight.


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