Panther Commando

Chapter 2206: Shadows on the Mountainside

The dark shadow on the mountainside rises and falls, and at a glance it can be seen that it is a human figure. At this time, he is running fast along the terrain of the mountainside in the dark, and the vague figure is in the rocks and wormwood. The grass and trees flickered and appeared, and the movements were extremely fast.

Wan Lin and the others watched the undulating figure for a while, and Kong Dazhuang said in a low voice, "What a fast footwork! This kid must have practiced Qinggong, otherwise it would be impossible to run so fast in such a dark mountain."

Feng Dao nodded and said in a low voice: "Yes, this is practicing Qinggong in the dark. This kid's eyesight and Qinggong are both good, and now he should turn back." Following his voice, the dark shadow in the distance Sure enough, it has turned back and ran.

Several people stared at the mountain, and at this time the figure of the other party was running towards the ridge directly above them, and everyone could vaguely see the movement of the other party rushing. The black shadow jumped up from the low-lying place, and from time to time, it bent down and disappeared into the surrounding rocks. The fast-moving figure seemed very erratic, and it looked light and fast from a distance.

"Hehehe, great effort!" Brother Feng Yu also praised in a low voice, the two of them looked at the bandages wrapped around their bodies, and sighed in unison, "Oh, if it wasn't for the injury, I really wanted to go up and play with this kid. gesturing."

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they heard the unanimous words of the two brothers. Wan Lin glanced at Zhang Wa beside him, and was about to go up to take a look, when Xiaoya beside him suddenly pulled Lingling beside him, the two gave a small smile like a silver bell, got up and jumped out, in a blink of an eye Has run out of dozens of meters.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao laughed when they looked at Xiaoya's undulating figures on the hillside, knowing that the two of them also had the idea of ​​a contest.

The slender figures of the two Xiaoya flickered left and right on the hillside. They didn't run up the mountainside directly, but with the help of the undulating cover in the mountains, they dashed up and down from left to right, completely following the way of marching on the battlefield. In the shadow of the shadow close to the mountainside, the movement is very fast, flickering in the rocks and wormwood on the mountainside.

Brother Feng Yu stared at the two figures of Xiaoya, Yu Wenfeng suddenly said in surprise: "The skills of these two sisters seem to have improved a lot!" Feng Dao on the side also turned to look at Wan Lin and said in surprise: "They Their skills have improved too fast, and their movement skills were not so light in the previous stage."

Looking at the hillside, Wan Lin nodded and said, "Yes, after the two fierce battles abroad and Lingxiu Mountain, their skills have indeed improved a lot. It seems that Wu Xueying and Wen Meng should also have the skills. Great progress."

Fengdao turned his head to look at Wan Lin and sighed: "You Wan family's internal skills are really amazing. It seems that after every fierce battle, the skills of your Wan family children have greatly improved." Wan Lin nodded and replied Dao: "That's right, our Wanjia internal strength does have this characteristic, and it can be practiced in daily training, and it doesn't need a special quiet environment. And the more intense the battle, the faster the rate of improvement. "

He looked at the wind knives and asked: "You should feel this way too? When we martial arts practitioners are nervous, we will naturally mention our skills to deal with complex situations, which is a kind of practice in itself. During the process, you all have very deep internal strength, and you should have this feeling."

Feng Dao looked at Brother Feng Yu and Kong Dazhuang, shook his head and said: "Dazhuang is practicing outside martial arts, I don't know. Do you brothers feel this way? I have some, but the progress is not obvious."

Yu Wenfeng glanced at his younger brother, shook his head and said: "It's not obvious. This may be related to the way our luck is not the same. After the intense battle, our skills have not made much progress, mainly relying on normal Practice to build up your skills.”

Da Zhuang also shook his head and said, "Yes, I don't feel much about the external skills I practice." Wan Lin nodded, knowing that his Wanjia internal skills were very different from the internal skills they practiced. Different meridians in the body are followed when practicing, and the resulting effects are also different.

After chatting, they all looked up to the hillside. In the blink of an eye, Xiaoya and Lingling could not be seen on the hillside, but the black shadow on the hillside was still running up and down. .

Wan Lin and the others understood that Xiaoya and Xiaoya must have approached the mountainside at this time. In order to prevent them from being discovered by the other party, the two of them had slowed down and used various obstacles close to the mountainside to covertly approach each other.

Wan Lin then turned his face to look at the training ground to the side, and suddenly found that the figures on the field who were exercising had stopped, and were staring at the hillside on his side. Obviously everyone is paying attention to the movement here, and low-pitched discussions come from time to time.

The officers and soldiers of the spy battalion all have excellent military qualities. Many officers and soldiers have also practiced martial arts since childhood. Not only are they very skilled, they are also very unique. They had already noticed the fast-moving figure on the mountainside, but now they suddenly saw two black shadows running from the foot of the mountain, and they moved very quickly to hide and approach the flying shadow on the mountainside.

At this time, everyone could see that the three people who were exercising fast on the hillside all had deep skills and could move quickly in such a dark mountain. achieve such a fast movement speed.

Everyone was staring at the two shadows on the hillside that were rapidly moving towards the and felt puzzled in their hearts. The spy battalion has been established for some time, and some of the masters in the battalion are basically known to everyone, but they have never found such masters by their side. You really don't know where these three agile warriors suddenly appeared?

At this time, the fast-moving figure on the mountainside was still engrossed in practising his Qinggong, completely unaware that two people were approaching him silently under the mountainside.

Under the dim starlight, he was still concentrating on practicing Qigong at a high place, and it was indeed difficult to find the two masters who were approaching covertly on the hillside, but it also showed that the two people who were approaching covertly on the hillside were very good at kung fu.

It didn't take long, everyone suddenly noticed two black shadows on the mountainside, and suddenly rushed behind a rock close to the mountainside, and disappeared from everyone's sight right after, while the fast-moving figure on the mountainside was still rising and falling. As he moved, he didn't even notice that someone was approaching quickly under the hillside.

Everyone laughed, and all of them secretly praised the two people who were close to the mountainside. At this time, everyone was far away from the mountainside, and the field of vision could cover the frontal mountainside, so they could vaguely see the movements of the three people on the mountain.

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