Panther Commando

Chapter 2209: Resolute and resolute

After listening to Wang Hong's remarks, everyone laughed, and Wan Lin also laughed. The idea of ​​the third company commander really made Kong Dazhuang guess right. Wang Hong immediately looked at Wan Lin and asked, "Are you trying to get this Yan Ying to your training team?"

Wan Lin nodded and replied: "Yes, this soldier's light skills are very good. If he is trained properly, he is indeed an excellent scout. In addition, that Xu Liang should also let him come over. I think his individual fighting skills are good. , didn't you choose him at the time, because you were afraid that he would be naughty?"

Wang Hong nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, just do as you said. When I made this training list, I did consider Xu Liang, but I was worried that he would not be easy to manage in the team, so I put him back on the team. It's down. Since you have a crush on him, let him participate in the training first. Alas, it seems that I really need to know more about the situation of my officers and soldiers. I really have hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this battalion."

Wan Lin said with a smile, "You, the battalion commander, have done enough work. You actually remembered all the information of hundreds of officers and soldiers in your mind. It's amazing enough."

Li Dongsheng on the side also smiled and nodded in praise: "Okay, that's how it should be, you don't know your own soldiers, how can you lead them?" Then he glanced at Hong Tao next to him, and continued: "You also talk to Lao Wang. Learn, we soldiers must master the characteristics of each officer and soldier under them, so that we can teach students according to their aptitude in training, and try to use the strengths of each officer and soldier to form a strong combat effectiveness in battle."

When Wang Hong heard Li Dongsheng's words, he said embarrassedly, "Don't praise me, that Yan Ying actually has such a good Qinggong, but I've never heard of it, and I still haven't done my job well."

Wan Lin waved his hand and said, "It's really not your fault. We have a lot of reclusive schools in China, and people in these schools are reluctant to show their faces. Even if they join the army, they don't want to reveal themselves until they have to. The real ability, this is what hides one's strengths and bides his time, right? Well, to tell the truth, if we are in an unfamiliar environment, those of us will not easily show martial arts. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "Brigade commander, we have also visited the surrounding troops this week, but the outstanding soldiers have not yet been discovered. The candidates for the training team are basically those selected by the commander Wang. Team members. We were really happy to see this Yan Ying last night. I want to gather these candidates for training first, and select certain candidates for the special reconnaissance team from the training, do you think it is possible?"

Li Dongsheng looked at him and asked, "How many people are in your training team now, and how many people are you planning to select?" Wan Lin immediately took out a list from his pocket and said, "This is the list of candidates for the training team, there are 30 people in total. , plus Yan Ying and that Xu Liang discovered last night, there should be thirty-two people. I plan to select ten people from them to form this special reconnaissance team. But my opinion is that it is better to be short than to waste, if it is impossible to select ten people from these people , then there are several counts, and then you, the brigade commander, don't blame us."

Then, he took out a signature pen from his jacket pocket, added the names of Yan Ying and Xu Liang on the list, and then handed the list to Li Dongsheng with both hands.

Li Dongsheng nodded and said: "Of course, it is to be better than lack, the brothers are still in a big competition, we will have a new source of troops here, you have selected ten people, if there are better ones, also We need to replace the team members. By the way, I heard Chief of Staff Hong said that the list already includes professional team members such as communication, electronic investigation and medical care. You should also consider the training and assessment of these skills during the training camp. ."

Saying that, he took the list and glanced at it, then handed it over to Hong Tao who was beside him. They have seen from Wan Lin's attitude that he has no confidence in whether these people can reach their due level.

Hong Tao took the list and glanced at it, then handed it to Wan Lin and said, "Where are you going to start the training camp?" Wan Lin replied, "I plan to divide the training into three stages. The first stage is here, focusing on professional military training. Skill training and assessment; the second stage is field survival training, focusing on cultivating the field survival skills and excellent psychological quality of these team members; these two stages of training are carried out alternately according to the situation, and this third stage..." He said here hope Li Dongsheng suddenly stopped talking.

Li Dongsheng saw that he stopped talking and looked at himself, and then said with a smile: "Hahaha, in the third stage, do you want to find an opportunity to fight and see the results of the training?" Wan Lin nodded with a smile and said. : "The old chief still knows me, and the final result still depends on actual combat to test, so it is best to find opportunities for actual combat, or exercises that are similar to actual combat."

Hong Tao and Wang Hong both laughed, and Li Dongsheng immediately said: "It depends on the opportunity, you can start the training according to your own plan first, and then we will talk about the third stage!"

"Yes!" Wan Lin stood up and replied loudly, and then said to Wang Hong, "Then I will trouble Commander Wang. You should notify all the training team members to gather at the training ground!" Wang Hong was stunned for a moment, then quickly stood up and asked. : "Start now?"

"Hahahaha" Li Dongsheng laughed and stood up and said, " Let's start now. Soldiers, officers must be vigorous and resolute!" "Yes!" Wang Hong shouted and raised his hands in salute, turning around just ran out.

Wan Lin also looked at Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao and said, "If there is nothing else, then I'll go back?" "Go." Li Dongsheng looked at him and replied, Wan Lin raised his hand in a salute, then turned around and strode out. Hong Tao's office.

Li Dongsheng and Hong Tao stood up and watched Wan Lin walk out, and Hong Tao sighed to Li Dongsheng: "This kid is mature!" Li Dongsheng nodded, then turned his head to look out the window with a deep look, with a look of relief in his eyes.

Wan Lin strode out of the brigade headquarters, took out his phone and told Fengdao to gather at the training ground, and then strode towards the training ground near the mountain.

It didn't take long, several people from Fengdao lined up and quickly ran out of the small courtyard in full armor. They ran to Wan Lin's side and vigorously handed Wan Lin's equipment to him. Wan Lin took his own weapons and equipment and quickly put them on his body, and then strode towards the training ground in front of them with Feng Dao.

A few people walked to the training ground, and from a distance they saw a team of fully-armed soldiers lined up neatly in the field. Wang Hong was standing at the head of the team. Wan Lin strode to the front of the team and lined up, Wan Lin followed and took a step forward.

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