Panther Commando

Chapter 2210: training mobilization

"All of them, salute!" Wang Hong shouted, then ran to Wan Lin and raised his hand to salute, and reported loudly: "Report to Chief Instructor Wan, the special reconnaissance team training personnel are all in place ,Please advise!"

Wan Lin raised his hand in return, then lowered his arm and took another half step forward, staring at the fully armed and energetic soldiers in front of him, and coldly shouted, "Take a break!"

At this time, the thirty-two training team members looked at the people in front of them in astonishment. They had already recognized that these were the people who often appeared around everyone without a military rank. Unexpectedly, these young people are actually the training instructors of the most elite special reconnaissance team of the Special Operations Brigade.

The eyes of Xu Liang and Yan Ying showed surprises. They knew that they were not on the training list. It was these people who selected them into this impressive training team.

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the nervous training team members in front of him, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said with a smile: "My surname is Wan, and I am fortunate to be the chief instructor of your special reconnaissance training team." A few people with air knives lined up behind them introduced: "These are your instructors, and I will be in charge of your training camp with me." They followed and introduced several instructors to everyone one by one.

After the introduction, Wan Lin turned around and looked at the surprised expressions of a group of soldiers, and continued with a smile: "Hehehe, we instructors are not very old, maybe younger than some of you. However, we Huaxia do not have a saying. It's an old saying, it seems to be called 'aspiration is not old', don't look down on us. Hehehe, you can only listen to us on the training ground, who made us the instructors."

When everyone saw that this very young chief instructor was so kind and funny, they all laughed, and the tense atmosphere on the field suddenly became relaxed.

The Feng Dao group standing behind Wan Lin saw that Wan Lin, who was usually unsmiling, suddenly became funny, and a smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, Wan Lin said with a smile, his face suddenly became serious, and his voice suddenly raised an octave: "You are all selected from each company to participate in the special reconnaissance team, you are the elite talents of our brigade, this is the Your glory! And what does this reconnaissance team do? Each of you should know that our special operations brigade is a sharp knife of the whole military region, and this special reconnaissance squad is the sharp point of our special operations brigade. The level of technical and tactical skills, why are you here?!”

When Wan Lin said this, a sharp light suddenly shot out from his eyes, and his eyes slowly swept over the thirty-two training team members in front of him. His sharp eyes were like a knife, piercing the hearts of these soldiers in front of him!

The team members who had just relaxed, suddenly saw that the chief instructor in front of him suddenly changed his tone. They quickly put away the smiles on their faces, raised their chests, and looked straight at the knife-like eyes. A player's nerves suddenly tense.

Wan Lin swept over each team member, and his voice suddenly became cold: "A good scout should not only be able to continuously fight day and night in the sweltering heat, winter, wind, snow and thunder, but also be able to adapt to airborne, airborne, swimming and It must be able to make full use of local resources to ensure its own survival in an environment where there is no water and food, and there is no help; it must be able to cut a **** path amid the heavy encirclement of the enemy, and send me the intelligence of the reconnaissance! Ask yourself, can you do it now?"

The training ground was quiet, and the soldiers looked at each other, but no one dared to answer the question aloud. "Xu Liang" Wan Lin glanced at the team members in front of him and suddenly shouted, "Here!" Xu Liang took a step forward and answered loudly, "Can you? Tell me immediately!" Wan Lin shouted loudly.

"No!" Xu Liang shuddered violently in the thunderous voice, and then replied loudly, his body was straight, and a light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Okay, if you can't, give me a good practice! Don't think that you are all selected from various units. This is the most elite unit. We instructors can't rub a grain of sand in their eyes. Go back to the original army immediately upon our request!"

Wan Lin's last sentence suddenly brought out a strong internal force, but the seemingly small voice seemed to sound like a thunderclap in the ears of every team member, and each and everyone trembled in disbelief. One of the senior soldiers suddenly raised his hand to cover his ears.

Wan Lin stared coldly at the soldier covering his ears, raised his finger and pointed at him and shouted loudly, "You, get out!" He took a step forward, his face turning red.

"This place is not suitable for you, please return to the original unit immediately!" Wan Lin said coldly, "Why?" Do you think you can still stay in this army that may appear in the smoke and artillery fire at any time?"

"I...I..." The soldier's face has become like a pig's You can tell when you open your mouth. "What are you? This is the training team, every word I say is an order, go back!" Wan Lin shouted, his body suddenly flashed, and he appeared in front of the senior soldier in an instant, and his left hand suddenly swayed in front of the opponent's face , grabbed the belt of the soldier with his right hand and threw it out, followed by a flash of his body and returned to his original position like lightning, as if he had been standing there and had not moved at all.

A group of soldiers stared at the young chief instructor in front of them in astonishment. None of them could see how he made his move. They only felt that the front of them was blurred, and the senior soldier in front of everyone had been thrown out. Everyone's eyes followed to the senior soldier in the air.

In a trance, the senior soldier suddenly felt a force of force throwing him out. He screamed in horror, but the moment he landed, the force on his body suddenly disappeared, and he quickly spread his legs and landed firmly on the ground. He suddenly understood that the other party didn't intend to hurt him, but just threw him out with swiftness and skill, otherwise he would have stumbled to the ground long ago.

The soldiers standing upright were stunned by the scene in front of them. They were all martial arts experts, and immediately saw that the senior soldier in front of them was thrown out by the young chief instructor with skill. At this moment, their faces flashed a look of horror, and they stared at the chief instructor who did not have a military rank in front of them in astonishment.

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