Panther Commando

Chapter 2212: recruits target

readx(); Wang Hong looked at Wan Lin's back with a look of relief in his eyes, and sighed inwardly, "I didn't expect this little brother at that time to become a famous officer now!"

Standing on the training ground, Wang Hong quietly stared at the backs of a group of mountains. It wasn't until Wan Lin and the others followed the training team in front of them that they ran into the mountains before turning around and saying hello to Bao Ya who was beside him. Go to your own camp.

At this time, the injured Fengdao and Fengyu brothers drove an open-top jeep from the brigade headquarters. When a few people passed by Wang Hong, they raised their hands in a salute gesture on their foreheads, and then accelerated towards Wan Lin and the others. chase.

Bao Ya turned around and strode towards the shooting range near the mountain. He had already seen Xie Chao raising his gun on the shooting range at the target near the mountain, but his eyes were always aimed at the training field. With an envious sheen.

Bao Ya strode to Xie Chao's side, looked up at a rock hanging from his gun's muzzle, nodded and asked, "I've been practicing with a gun these days, how does your arm feel?" Xie Chao blushed and replied: " I can't lift my arm when I go home at night, it's sore."

Bao Ya stared at the protruding goldfish eyes, stared hard at the automatic rifle that Xie Chao was holding straight, and said in surprise: "This kid is evil enough. After practicing aiming with a gun for a few days, he couldn't raise his arms at that time. Get up, after a few days in a row, let alone hanging heavy objects to aim, even the gun can't be leveled, how can this kid have such a stable arm after such a long practice?"

He strode up to Xie Chao, raised his hand and pressed down on the muzzle of the automatic rifle that Xie Chao was holding, and immediately felt a cold air suddenly come out from the muzzle, and the muzzle suddenly lifted up.

Bao Ya understood that this kid not only stepped up his military skills every day, but also practiced his internal skills. Lingxiumen's peculiar cold skills must have cooled and relieved the swollen arm meridians and muscles, so he was in the After a lot of exercise, I did not feel unbearable muscle soreness like ordinary people.

He patted Xie Chao on the shoulder with admiration, raised his hand and took off the rock hanging from the muzzle and said, "It's going very fast, you can do the three shooting movements for me in a row", and then took two steps to the side. .

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied loudly, followed by a fish leaping forward and lying down, quickly shot his gun and aimed at the target in front, and then rolled to the side for a few weeks, got up on one knee, raised his gun and made a standard kneeling posture Shooting posture, then jumped to the side and stood up, lifted the gun and continued to aim at the target in front. The whole action was completed in one go without the slightest pause.

"Yes, live ammunition can be fired. Come, bring the bullets with me!" Bao Ya said, turning around and walking towards the ammunition depot near the mountain. Xie Chao happily brushed the dust off his body and quickly followed.

Bao Ya went to the ammunition depot to get a box of automatic rifle bullets, and let Xie Chao carry them back to the shooting range together. Bao Ya stood in front of the target and turned his head to look at Xie Chao who was standing in front of him, his eyes staring at Xie Chao, who was glowing in the bullet box. He nodded and said, "Close your eyes and disassemble and assemble the gun in your hand!"

"Yes!" Xie Chao knelt down on one knee and put the gun on the ground, then closed his eyes and operated it quickly. In a blink of an eye, he put the barrel, gas guide, cover, bolt, recoil spring, and firing mechanism together. , butt, receiver and magazine, aiming device, bayonet and other components were disassembled, neatly placed in front of him in order, and then quickly assembled.

Bao Ya stared at his fast-moving hands, with a satisfied look in his eyes, and secretly said in his heart: It seems that this kid is really like the leopard's head, he is really hardworking, and he has played with the gun in his hand in such a short period of time. So neat.

In the blink of an eye, Xie Chao had already closed his eyes and reassembled the disassembled rifle parts. He opened his eyes and stood up with the gun. He stood up straight and was about to report the completion of the operation.

Bao Ya waved his hand with satisfaction, took the automatic rifle in his hand and inspected it skillfully, then bent over to take out a magazine from the bullet box, and handed it to his hand together with the automatic rifle and said, "According to the shooting procedure, Now start live-fire training, starting from the 100-meter target burst! Let's start." After saying that, he turned around and took a few steps back.

"Yes!" Xie Chao solemnly took the magazine and inserted it into the gun body with a "click", then ran to the shooting position and lay down, raised the automatic rifle and took aim, then pulled the bolt and pulled the trigger, "Pop" The gun body vibrated violently, and the muzzle suddenly raised upwards at the moment of the blow.

Bao Ya frowned with the binoculars beside him, and shouted: "Stop! What are you doing? Think back to the essentials of shooting and keep the gun steady!"

Xie Chao blushes against the gun, knowing that his shot must have been shot. He took a deep breath, adjusted the position of the gun stock in the shoulder socket, and then pulled the trigger, and the gunshots of "pop" and "pop" rang out on the shooting range.

Bao Ya watched for a while, then walked to him and pointed a few words, then turned around and sat down, holding the binoculars and staring at the target in the distance, his stern face slowly eased. The bullet holes on the target are extremely evenly distributed. The bullets shot by Xie Chao are gathering from the periphery of the target to the center. Xie Chao finished firing a magazine full of bullets, then got up and ran to Bao Ya to wait for comments. Just when he ran to the instructor and just stood up, Bao Ya suddenly took the binoculars away from his eyes, and the two protruding goldfish eyes suddenly saw the muzzle facing him, and he suddenly turned to the side. Jumping out of the way of the muzzle facing him, he raised his left hand towards his muzzle like lightning, followed by putting his foot on Xie Chao's thigh, and shouted angrily: "Are you looking for death? Who taught you? Turn the gun on the man!"

Xie Chao staggered a bit, his face flushed and he quickly raised the muzzle of the gun, and said quickly, "I'm sorry, I was nervous, I forgot."

Bao Ya stared at him fiercely, then put the binoculars into his hands and said, "Look at the target for three minutes, and analyze your shooting problems according to the impact point!" Then he walked to the side angrily, and sat down on the side. on a rock.

Xie Chao embarrassedly raised the telescope and looked at the target at a distance of 100 meters. His face slowly returned to normal.

Bao Ya sat next to him and stared at his movements, and after three minutes he said loudly, "Have you seen the problem? Report, I have seen some, and the impact point is basically to the lower left." Xie Chao put down the telescope and turned to look at Bao Ya Ya Lizheng replied.

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