Panther Commando

Chapter 2213: individual coach

readx(); Bao Ya nodded, stood up and walked to his side to take the binoculars, then raised his left hand up, a handful of dust flew up from his hand, and then drifted to the side with the breeze.

Bao Ya looked at Xie Chao, who was full of surprise, and said, "Do you see it? The dust is flying to the side, which means that the air is flowing, which is what we usually call the wind. The bullets you shoot are just like these fluffy dust at high speed. , it will also deviate from the original direction with the wind, which is what we call wind deflection in our shooting, and the wind speed directly affects the angle at which your bullet deviates."

Bao Ya then explained in detail the factors that affect the ballistic trajectory, range and impact point during shooting, as well as some methods of how to adjust the weapon. Xie Chao stared at Bao Ya in a stunned manner. He did not expect that there would be so many things affecting the accuracy of the shooting. .

Bao Ya frowned when he looked at Xie Chao who seemed to understand but did not understand. He knew in his heart that his cultural quality was low, and he had more perceptual knowledge of nature, but it was difficult to understand theoretical things for a while. He thought for a while and said, "Aren't you good at archery? In fact, shooting a gun and archery are the same principle. When you shoot arrows in strong winds, you must adjust the angle of the archery, right?"

Xie Chao's eyes lit up and nodded vigorously, Bao Ya quickly said again: "That's the principle, when you shoot a gun, you must first identify the wind direction, wind speed, and the impact of the surrounding environment on shooting, such as snow. , mountains and places with water, these will affect your eyes, and you should adjust according to these when shooting. Remember, what you aim at through the scope may not be accurate for your bullets The place!"

Xie Chao looked at Instructor Bao quietly, and his mind was spinning quickly. In front of him, the mountains and rivers of Lingxiu Mountain seemed to appear, and he seemed to see the scene when he followed his father and grandfather in the mountains to practice archery with a curved bow.

Bao Ya looked at Xie Chao's expression and knew that he had understood what he meant. Then he introduced how to distinguish cross wind, vertical wind and oblique wind, as well as the method of judging the wind direction when shooting. He said: "Cause the bullets to fly. The direction deviation is mainly caused by the cross wind, followed by the diagonal wind, and the vertical wind mainly affects the flight distance of the bullet, and has little effect within the effective range of the step and machine gun, so it is usually not considered."

He said that he raised his hand and suddenly raised his palm to strike Xie Chao's face horizontally, and then said: "This is a cross wind, and the cross wind can be divided into left wind and right wind, blowing from the shot to the left. The wind is called the left wind, otherwise it is the right wind; and the vertical wind is divided into the downwind blowing along the shooting direction and the counterwind blowing in the opposite direction; the oblique wind is divided into front, rear, left and right directions according to different directions. Front left, rear left, front right and rear right."

Bao Ya repeatedly introduced the knowledge of shooting in detail, Xie Chao listened intently, his head moved up and down frequently.

Bao Ya saw his expression and knew that he had understood what he meant, so he continued: "As a special soldier, you must learn to use natural scenery to judge the wind direction and speed, and quickly adjust the gun and shooting posture according to your own judgment. Shooting with precision, making it all a natural reaction to shooting.

He pointed to a piece of green grass swaying in the breeze on the side and continued: "Grass is the most common plant on the battlefield. You can determine the magnitude of the wind by observing the changes in the grass. If the grass is only slightly swaying, it is weak wind; If the grass is bent and swayed, but the swing angle does not exceed 45°, it is a moderate wind; if the grass is blown to the ground, it is a strong wind.

"If on a real battlefield, gun smoke is the reference when you shoot, if the gun smoke is only slightly fluttering, it is a weak wind; if the gun smoke drifts in the direction of an angle of about 45°, it is a moderate wind; if the gun smoke is almost blown horizontally If it disperses, it will be a strong wind.”

Bao Ya spoke quietly, Xie Chao stood in front of him and stared at him intently, blinking his eyes, thinking carefully about every word of the instructor in his mind.

When Bao Ya said this, he looked up at him and said, "What I just said, it is up to you to comprehend the essence of it. In fact, every soldier is familiar with what I have just said, but it is the other person who can truly become a sniper. How many? So, every time you pull the trigger, you have to carefully recall every word I just said, so that you can become a good shooter. Go, slowly understand me while shooting That's what I just said."

"Yes!" Xie Chao raised his hand in a grateful salute, turned around and turned back and strode to the shooting position. After thinking for a while, he raised the gun and pulled the bolt lightly, followed by the lightly pulled trigger.

"Pop" a bullet went straight to the 100-meter target in the distance. Bao Ya raised the telescope and glanced at it. The bullet pierced a hole in the seventh ring of the ring target. Bao Ya frowned, put down the binoculars and looked at Xie Chao, seeing that he suddenly moved his head away from the gun, his eyes looked at a pile of weeds growing on the side of the mountain, and then he took out his palm to feel the wind direction and speed, and then put it on again. With his head firmly on the butt, he took aim for a moment and pulled the trigger again.

Bao Ya suddenly nodded his head when he saw his action, raised his binoculars and glanced forward, then showed his big teeth and turned around with a smile and took a few steps sat on the ground and squinted cross-legged. Eyes silently adjust their inner strength.

At this moment, his heart was suddenly filled with a sense of relief. The boy in front of him was the same as when he joined the army back then. He was a disciple of a martial arts family who walked out of the deep mountains. Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, he really wanted this kid who was basically in the same situation as himself to stand out and truly become a majestic and high-spirited mighty soldier.

Bao Ya has experienced it himself. In this masculine military camp, these people do not have the broad knowledge and dexterous eloquence to attract the attention of their comrades in arms, nor do they have sufficient economic conditions to maintain relationships with their comrades around them. It can only be their own strength and determination to be an excellent soldier. If they want to gain a foothold in the barracks and gain the respect of others, they can only rely on their excellent military skills.

Now that he sees Xie Chao's concentration shooting, he knows that this kid has become mature, he understands this truth, and he still has a strong perception.

The intermittent sound of gunfire echoed on the shooting range, and officers and soldiers who were training in the distance looked strangely at the shooting range from time to time. In the special operations battalion where veterans gather, there is basically no one-on-one coaching of military skills. And live ammunition is even rarer.

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