Panther Commando

Chapter 2214: mind and body 1


But when everyone saw that the new soldier was raising his gun and shooting, he suddenly understood that it was these new instructors who were carrying out special training for this special recruit. This was to let the recruit master military skills as soon as possible. Catch up with your own veterans. Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and continued to train with the queue.

Bao Ya sat cross-legged on the ground and did breathing exercises for a while, opened his eyes and watched Xie Chao's shooting quietly for a while, then stood up and walked to Xie Chao, who was pulling the trigger, and ordered, "Stop shooting! "Then raised his finger and pointed to the distant target and said, "When shooting, you should analyze the reason why each bullet missed and adjust your shooting status. Otherwise, no matter how many bullets you shoot, there will be no progress."

As he said that, he took off the automatic rifle from his body, and then slammed the **** against his shoulder, pulled the bolt with a "crash", and pulled the trigger quickly with his fingers.

Following a series of crisp gunshots, a string of bullets flew straight ahead like a straight line, and a large bullet hole immediately appeared in the center of the target at a distance of 100 meters. Xie Chao looked at the target in the distance in astonishment, and muttered in his mouth, "That's too accurate!"

Bao Ya closed the safety of the gun and said, "The gun is the right arm of our soldiers. When you integrate the gun with your body, you can point where the bullet will fly!"

"The objective conditions such as the wind direction I just told you are only external factors that affect shooting. To become a good shooter, the most important thing is to integrate the gun in your hand with your own body and mind. When you combine the external environment that affects the shooting into your mind, you can hit the target accurately even with your eyes closed!"

Xie Chao looked at the instructor standing straight in front of him in astonishment, and suddenly found that this seemingly small and unremarkable instructor in front of him seemed to be a different person when he raised his gun, with a fierce murderous aura all over his body. At this moment, it seemed to become very tall and mighty.

Seeing the look of reverence in his eyes, Bao Ya suddenly grinned and said, "I feel like my marksmanship is amazing? Hey, let's be honest with you, these instructors around you can't compare to any of them. My shooting skills are poor! When you are at my level, let Instructor Wan, Instructor Cheng and Instructor Lin teach you to snipe again, then you will know what a real sniper is!"

"Sniper? Is there anyone with better shooting skills than you?" Xie Chao looked at Bao Ya in surprise, Bao Ya smiled at him, knowing that he still didn't understand the meaning of sniper.

He looked into Xie Chao's eyes and said, "I see that the guns in the hands of Instructor Wan, Instructor Cheng, and Instructor Lin are different from ours? It's called a sniper rifle. Only snipers in the army can be equipped with such weapons. I'll take you to our arsenal, where there are all kinds of Chinese and foreign weapons."

Saying that, Bao Ya handed the automatic rifle in his hand to Xie Chao and said, "Don't worry about those for now. When you have been in the military camp for a long time, you will naturally know this. Use the two guns alternately to avoid overheating of the barrel. There are three types of shooting. Practice the posture alternately, and kill this box of bullets for me!"

"Yes!" Xie Chao excitedly took the automatic rifle in Bao Ya's hand, then bent down and pulled the ammunition box to his side, replaced it with a new magazine, raised the gun, aimed at the target in front, and pulled it again. trigger.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the silent shooting range, and the officers and soldiers who were training in the distance turned their heads and looked here in surprise when they heard the sudden and violent sound of gunfire.

In the past, when everyone's live-fire training was organized, they were trained at the shooting range. I didn't expect that now a wounded man with a bandage on his body was commanding a soldier to shoot live-fire. This is indeed very novel...

At this time, in the rolling hills, a group of fully-armed soldiers in training uniforms were running, and each team member was carrying a large tactical backpack on his back. The team of more than 30 people has sparsely opened a distance of hundreds of meters. The soldiers ran fast along the rugged mountain road. Most of the team members had sweat beads the size of soybeans on their faces. From time to time, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face.

Wan Lin and the others followed unhurriedly at the end of the group. Behind them was an air knife driving a large grass-green convertible jeep, and the Yuwen brothers sat in the back seat. The jeep kept following Wan Lin and the others for ten a few meters away.

At this time, he vigorously turned his head to look at Kong Dazhuang, who also had beads of sweat on his face, and said with a big grin, "Dazhuang, can you do it? If you can't, go to the car behind you later?"

"Fuck you, I can't do anything with my body? Let's run." Da Zhuang raised his hand and pushed Dali's back, then ran to Xiaoya and Lingling's side, looked at them sideways, and stared wide-eyed. He asked in amazement, "I said the two aunts, don't you have sweat glands? Why didn't you sweat a little after running so far?" He touched the sweat on his face and threw it on the mountain road.

"Fuck you! You don't have sweat glands!" Xiaoya and Lingling turned their heads and shouted in unison, Lingling laughed and scolded: "Smelly big and strong, looking at you big and three thick, it's actually a big water bag, look at your face sweat, do you want me to put some water for you?" He said, reaching for the saber on his leg.

"Hahahaha!" Several people around laughed, Kong Dazhuang hurried to the side, and smiled awkwardly as he ran: "I really have nothing to I'm not looking for these two aunts. Are you not comfortable?" He said, and quickly opened his long legs and ran forward.

Everyone laughed, and some of the sweaty team members in front heard the relaxed laughter behind them, and they all turned their heads and looked back, with surprised expressions in their eyes.

Just now, they were all in a hurry to run forward, and they didn't notice that several instructors had followed silently behind them. Now they heard the laughter and suddenly realized that these male and female instructors were actually doing this with their group of training members. Hard long-distance cross-country, and running as leisurely as walking in the mountains.

The group of players running behind turned their heads to look at the sweaty companions beside them, with a look of shame on their faces. One by one, they quickly raised their arms and wiped the sweat from their faces with their sleeves, then turned their heads and accelerated towards the crowd in front of them. chase.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others followed the team unhurriedly, while watching the running team in front. After more than ten kilometers, the cross-country team of 31 people in front was already lapping. A distance of nearly a thousand meters has been opened on the mountain road, and three distinct echelons have been formed. Xu Liang and seven or eight other team members are running at the front, followed by a dozen team members dozens of meters behind, and hundreds of meters away. There were six or seven other players who pulled in at the end.


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