Panther Commando

Chapter 2221: invisible ghost

Wan Lin stared into his eyes and said, "See, this is a modern weapon, and what we are facing on the battlefield is such a fire and artillery fire, this is the test of life and death! This is the combat environment where an excellent soldier of ours will fight for the country! Do you see that hillside? Maybe a sniper hides his figure on that hillside."

He paused for a while, and stared at Xie Chao's eyes with a gleam of light in his eyes, and said in a cold tone: "If you are a sniper, the one who was ordered to lurk on this hillside might be you!"

After hearing this, Xie Chao trembled suddenly, he turned his face to look at the distant hillside where the black smoke was still smoking, his face suddenly calmed down, he turned his face to look at Wan Lin and said quietly: "What's the big deal? Just follow the rocks and fly, I won't come here as a soldier for fear of death!"

"Okay!" Wan Lin's icy eyes suddenly flashed an expression of admiration, and he said, "It didn't live up to your grandfather's expectations! Didn't you ask what kind of person can be a sniper? Then I'll tell you. speak"

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand, quickly wiped the bolt, and gently pulled the trigger at the distant mountain top. "Pfft" a faint flame suddenly spewed from the muzzle.

Just as Wan Lin raised the gun and pulled the trigger, Xie Chao, who was standing beside him, suddenly felt a strong murderous aura coming from his side. He was caught off guard and unconsciously took a step back to the side, looking at Wan Lin's eyes. Suddenly there was a look of awe.

The seemingly amiable Chief Instructor in front of him seemed to suddenly turn into a God of War with a strong murderous aura when he picked up the long sniper rifle in his hand, which made him shudder.

Xie Chao's eyes followed the direction of the gun body, and in the air thousands of meters away, a black dot was rapidly falling to the ground. He opened his mouth in astonishment. It was a little sparrow that was startled by the explosion of the helicopter hitting a target just now. If it weren't for his good eyesight, it would be difficult for ordinary people to see this bird suddenly flying into the air from such a long distance. bird.

At this moment, after Wan Lin pulled the trigger, the murderous aura that suddenly burst out disappeared silently. He put down the sniper rifle calmly, turned his face to look at Xie Chao and said, "Sniper means 'unprepared, sudden attack'. A sniper is an invisible ghost on the battlefield, you can only feel it when he moves To his existence. Accurate marksmanship is only the most basic thing to be a sniper, but accurate marksmanship alone cannot become a sniper."

Wan Lin said that his eyes suddenly became deep, and he turned his head to look at the undulating mountains in the distance and said leisurely: "Snipers are divided according to the nature of the task, there are designated hunting, team observation, fire support, patrol hunting, and non-hard equipment. There are several types of sabotage and targeted removal, and each task comes with huge risks. To become a true sniper, you must have strong physical strength, fierce fighting ability and iron will."

He said, suddenly raising the sniper rifle in his hand, and then said: "The sniper rifle is just an important weapon in our snipers, and it is a weapon for long-range sniping, but accurate sniper is only the basic quality of a sniper, you must also Have the ability to use various means to kill the enemy. At the critical moment, every grass and tree around you will become your weapon to kill the enemy!"

When he said this, a murderous aura suddenly came out of him, his body was slightly sideways, his right foot was suddenly lifted and kicked out, a dozen yellow-orange-orange bullet casings on the ground suddenly roared up, and went straight to Bao Ya sitting just now. off the rock.

Xie Chao turned his head to look in astonishment. A sound of popping, popping, popping, was already coming from the gray-brown rock, and a dozen yellow bullet casings were densely embedded in the hard rock.

Xie Chao widened his eyes and walked towards the rock. At this moment, there was a "click" sound on the hard rock, and several long cracks suddenly appeared in the rock that had just been intact, followed by a "click" and collapsed, in a blink of an eye. It turned into seven or eight sharp-edged stones.

Xie Chao stopped in surprise, staring blankly at the scene in front of him for a while without making a sound. "See, if you want to become a real sniper, you not only have to practice superb martial arts and precise marksmanship, but also practice the speed of a leopard and the ability to sneak at night." Bao Ya's voice followed.

Bao Ya said that he strode to the pile of rocks, bent down and picked up a rock with sharp edges and corners and held it in his hand, followed by his right hand and grabbed it violently. A stream of gray fine sand suddenly flowed out of the gap between the fingers, and it fell to the ground like flowing water. In the blink of an eye, a hard rock the size of a fist had turned into powder in his hand.

Bao Ya raised his hand and patted the stone chips on his palms, turned around and walked to Xie Chao who was stunned, stared at him with two goldfish eyes and said, "Practice hard, as long as you aspire to be a sniper, train hard. I believe you will definitely join the ranks of snipers!"

At this time, Wan Lin also walked up to the two of them, looked into Xie Chao's eyes and said, "Snipers must be talented, you are a hunter, you are proficient in all the skills of covertly tracking your prey, and you have a good kung fu. As long as you work hard, you can definitely get such a sniper rifle!" He said and shook the sniper rifle in his Yes, I must become an excellent sniper! A cold light suddenly appeared in Xie Chao's eyes, and a cold air suddenly erupted from him.

"Okay! Let's practice!" Wan Lin raised his hand and patted his shoulder heavily, and then said to Bao Ya, "Let's go, let's go back and have a rest." After that, he turned to look at Xie Chao and said: " Come on, I have a copy of "Sun Tzu's Art of War" here, you can take time to read it, it talks about a lot of how to use soldiers, these are very useful for a sniper."

"Yes" Xie Chao looked around excitedly, then lifted his and Instructor Bao's rifles, turned around and followed the two instructors to the small courtyard.

Xie Chao walked and watched Wan Lin's sniper rifle on his shoulders with excitement in his eyes. The two instructors told him so much about snipers just now, which filled his heart with hope.

Before joining the army, he was determined to be a soldier like Brother Wan, and Wan Lin's image had already become an idol in his heart. At this time, Bao Ya turned around and took his automatic rifle over and carried it on his back. Xie Chao quickly pointed to the chief instructor's sniper rifle and asked in a low voice, "Instructor Bao, how far can this sniper rifle kill an enemy?"

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