Panther Commando

Chapter 2222: standard test

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Bao Ya looked at Xie Chao and laughed, knowing that what Leopard Tou had just said had whetted the kid's appetite, he turned to look at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "Leopard Tou, this kid has a feeling for snipers. If you're interested, you can tell him about it."

Wan Lin turned around with a smile and glanced at Xie Chao: "Okay, it's a good thing to want to be a sniper! Then I'll tell you about sniper rifles. Now technology is getting more and more advanced, and countries are making The range of the sniper rifle is getting farther and farther, and the farthest sniper kill record is constantly being updated. At present, the two farthest sniper kill records I know are 2,800 meters and 2,475 meters. "

Hearing this, Xie Chao suddenly opened his mouth wide and pointed at Wan Lin's sniper rifle and exclaimed: "Ah? This gun can shoot so far?" Bao Ya turned around and saw his surprised look and laughed: "Hahaha , you kid, keep your mouth shut, or your jaw will fall off!"

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xie Chao's surprised look and laughed: "Hehehe, my gun can't shoot that far, they are using heavy sniper rifles." Xie Chao murmured after hearing this: "My mother. , that gun is too powerful. It is more than 2,000 meters, but that's nearly three kilometers. It's hard to see the target, how could it hit, where are these two snipers?"

Wan Lin smiled and said with a surprised look: "It is said that two Austrian snipers set the record of 2,800 meters. When they were on a mission to rescue their companions, they used 12.7 mm respectively. The caliber "Barrett" anti-material rifle carried out a coordinated shot at the target from 2,800 meters, the two snipers fired at the same time, and the enemy leader fell and died 6 seconds later."

Xie Chao asked in surprise: "It's so far away, who shot it?" Wan Lin replied with a smile: "It's impossible to see where the bullet hits at such a long distance, and no one can tell who shot the bullet. so the record is on both of them."

After Xie Chao heard Wan Lin's answer, he looked down at the sniper rifle on his shoulder, and then asked, "Are their weapons better than ours?" Wan Lin looked up at him and said, "There are many in the world. The country produces all kinds of guns, and although our Huaxia weapons are not better than others, they will never be worse than them in combat."

He said and glanced at the automatic rifle in Xie Chao's hand, and then said: "Our domestic testing standards for +style_txt; weapons are different from those abroad. In foreign countries, we test the range, accuracy, weight, etc. of firearms, while ours The test focuses on excellent performance in various complex environments. It is said that there is a light machine gun called "Invincible 100" abroad. This light machine gun is known as the world's best squad machine gun. It is said that many countries have already purchased in large quantities, but we cannot pass the relevant tests in China. In other words, we cannot pass the test, fail to pass the test, and cannot equip the troops.”

Seeing Xie Chao's surprised eyes, Wan Lin smiled and talked in detail. It turned out that the performance of this foreign-made squad machine gun is indeed very good, but it has a fatal flaw. It uses the open-bore shooting method. Once it is in a complex environment, it is difficult to ensure that it does not enter the sand. This will cause the firearm to malfunction and not work properly. In a complex battlefield environment, users simply do not have time to deal with failures in fierce battles.

Therefore, in order to ensure the use of firearms, we have adopted river sand immersion test, dust test and rain test to test various firearms. The environmental test also includes high temperature test up to tens of degrees and extremely cold low temperature test. In these two extreme conditions, the tests of immersion in river water and sediment were carried out, and the machine gun was required to be put into muddy water mixed with dense sediment, and then it was not allowed to be cleaned and used directly after taking it out, and no malfunction was allowed.

Wan Lin said here, pointing to Xie Chao's automatic rifle and continued: "Look at the automatic rifles and machine guns produced by our country, they are all closed-bore shooting methods, and the gap between the structural components of the casing is enlarged. To ensure that foreign objects such as sediment do not affect the normal operation of firearms during combat."

He smiled proudly when he said this, and continued: "It is also for this reason that many foreign weapons that claim to be very advanced do not meet our requirements at all. Although their weapons may exceed ours in terms of accuracy, but In a real complex battlefield environment, I don't know if it can shoot."

At this time, Bao Ya stopped and looked at Xie Chao and said, "The chief instructor is right, the gun is just a tool for killing the enemy in our hands. A real special forces soldier must be able to use various weapons proficiently, and also be able to use the grass around him. Ichiki is your weapon to kill the enemy. People are the most important factor in determining the outcome on the battlefield! You have already seen the kick of the Chief Instructor on the shooting range just now. If the rock were several enemies, I am afraid they would be on the spot. You will be injured and your bones will be broken."

Xie Chao pondered the words of the two instructors silently for a while after hearing this, and then nodded his head vigorously. He raised his head and looked into the distance. He pointed to a moving black dot in the distance and said, "That person is more than two kilometers away from us. How could such a small thing be shot?"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand to test the wind speed and direction, and muttered in a low voice, thinking, "In such a wind speed and such a long distance, how much should the muzzle be shifted to the side?"

Wan Lin and Bao Ya glanced at each other when they heard his Their eyes showed relief. They know that a soldier who has good martial arts skills and knows how to train hard and use his brains will definitely become an excellent special forces soldier.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Xie Chao and said, "You must be good at using your brain during training. Shooting is the same as shooting with you. We archers do not have modern scopes when shooting arrows. We can only draw bows and shoot arrows with our own experience. When you feel that the gun is a part of your body, and when you raise the gun and shoot, all the surrounding factors have been automatically reflected in your mind, then your shooting level has reached a new level.”

Xie Chao pondered for a while, looked up at Wan Lin and asked, "Instructor Wan, is it the same as when I picked up the bow and arrow?"

"Yes, it's just like raising a bow and arrow when you are hunting in your hometown. When a good hunter is chasing prey, the moment he raises his bow and arrow, he has no time to aim carefully, and he can still accurately shoot the fast-moving prey. , This shows that the wind speed, wind direction, terrain, and the speed of the target's running are all naturally reflected in the hunter's mind at the moment when he raises the bow and arrow, so he can shoot the arrow without missing a shot. !"

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