Panther Commando

Chapter 2223: gloomy coast

When Wan Lin said this, he stopped and looked at Xie and said, "When you practice raising a gun, you will have the kind of confidence in holding a bow and arrow, even if you fuse the gun with yourself." ?Fire?.??`In addition, you have internal strength, you must use your internal strength in training, and reasonably distribute your physical strength and skill, which is the same as martial arts."

Xie listened carefully to Wan Lin's story, a look of joy suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he knew that he had found the key to shooting. He himself is a child who grew up in the deep mountains and forests. Since he was seven or eight years old, he has been running and hunting all over the mountains and fields with a bow and arrow. The bow and arrow and the machete are his right-hand men. He firmly believes that as long as he trains hard, he will definitely become a sniper like Big Brother Wan!

Seeing the happy look on Xie's face, Wan Lin knew that he had understood everything he said, so he continued: "A good sniper must not only have accurate shooting skills, but also flexible movement and high skills. The best hidden skills. On the battlefield, the sniper is the sharp arrow to kill the enemy, but also the target of the enemy's heavy hit. Therefore, to become an excellent sniper, you must learn to protect yourself under complex terrain conditions. The running trajectory is straight and will not turn, so on the battlefield, we should make full use of the ballistic characteristics of the bullet and the surrounding terrain conditions to avoid the enemy's bullet rain."

When he said this, he suddenly patted Bao Ya next to him, and shouted in a low voice, "Go!" Before he finished speaking, the two suddenly jumped out from Xie's side, swaying like lightning from the left and the right to the camp in the distance. run away.

Xie Yi was stunned, staring at the figures of the two instructors flying forward erratically, and suddenly muttered: "My mother, like a ghost!" The light exercise and body method, imitating the two instructors, ran to the front suddenly from left to right...

Just when all the leopard team members were serving as instructors in the special operations brigade, and the special reconnaissance team was in full swing, on the coast of country R, ​​which was covered with black reefs, on a black cliff that suddenly rose from the rubble, a tall man. A sturdy middle-aged man of about 1.7 meters is standing on the top of a cliff that is dozens of meters high.

This man was wearing a black suit, holding a black top hat in his hand, his sturdy body stood motionless in the sea breeze, his two thick eyebrows were tightly raised together, and his body was staring straight at the undulating sea. .

On the dark blue sea, white waves like surging white lines rushed towards the cliffs, and black rocks with fangs of rocks were scattered in the sea water under the cliffs. The waves hit the rocks one after another, and after the huge waves hit the black rocks, they immediately turned into white waves and splashed into the air.

The sky is covered with endless black-gray clouds. The thick clouds seem to be unable to bear their own weight and press down on the sea surface. The dark-gray clouds almost merge with the undulating dark blue sea water, giving people a gloomy feeling. A heavy feeling.

The middle-aged man stood upright on the cliff and said nothing. At this time, a young man in black sportswear came quietly on the coast. Carrying a backpack on his back, he rose and fell agilely on the rocks with surfing waves, and quickly came to the steep cliff. He got up and jumped, using his hands and feet together, and climbed to the top of the cliff with agility. , followed quietly to a few meters behind the middle-aged man and stopped, also silently looking at the waves in the distance.

At this time, the faces of the two of them looked extremely gloomy and gloomy. The middle-aged man's two small eyes flickered with a falcon-like light, staring intently at the white waves provoked below the cliffs, as if the splashing white waves were crystal pearls, which were firmly attracted. his gaze.

After a long time, the young man behind the middle-aged man turned his head and looked behind him. There were wooden huts standing on the coast in the distance. Fishing nets were hanging around some wooden huts. There was a thick smell in the air. fishy smell.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a kimono and clogs was striding towards the beach from the direction of the wooden house, looking at the two people on the cliff, raising their arms and shouting loudly.

The young man on the cliff lifted his foot and took a few steps forward, and whispered to the middle-aged man with a gloomy look in front of him, "Head of the head, someone from the fishing village is here."

The middle-aged man heard the voice behind him, and then slowly turned around and looked towards the fishing village. A violent look suddenly burst out from his two gloomy eyes, staring at the bottom of the cliff and walking towards this side. middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man who came from the fishing village, dressed in a weird kimono, strode to the beach full of rocks and stopped, followed by shouting in R language, "Is it Captain Kuroda?" The man standing on the cliff The middle-aged man waved his hand towards the bottom, twisted his body and ran down the steep stone wall nimbly.

The middle-aged man on the cliff was Kuroda, the head of the mercenary group Yamaguchi Security. He suddenly appeared in this small fishing village with a subordinate at this time, and he came to visit Gaoqiao, the patriarch of the Gaoqiao family. Just now, his subordinates had already informed Lao Gaoqiao that he was here, and it should be the person Lao Gaoqiao sent to greet him who came from the fishing Kuroda and his subordinates swiftly climbed down the cliff, Then he walked quickly to the middle-aged man on the shore, stepping on the black rocks by the sea. Kuroda looked up and down at the middle-aged man in the traditional kimono, turned his head and nodded to his subordinates.

The young man immediately took a step forward and pointed to Kuroda to introduce: "This is our head, Kuroda-kun." The visitor looked at Kuro Tian up and down, his body bent slightly, and then he said in a humble manner: "Our patriarch Gaoqiao asked me to pick you up, come with me." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the fishing village not far away.

Kuroda and his subordinates lifted their heels and walked forward behind the person who came. After walking for a while, they suddenly realized that although the middle-aged man in his forties was wearing clogs like a zipper, he was actually covered with a piece of sandalwood. Walking extremely fast on the beach with a sharp rock, in the blink of an eye, the two people behind him have been pulled away by a distance of more than ten meters.

Kuroda and his subordinates looked at each other in astonishment, then quickened their pace and chased forward. While walking, Kuroda stared at the opponent's feet, and thought to himself: "It seems that this Takahashi family is really not to be underestimated, no wonder his deputy commander of Takahashi who died in action became a famous sniper in the army at that time. The bridge family's kung fu is indeed not to be underestimated."

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