Panther Commando

Chapter 2225: don't give up

Old Takahashi pondered for a moment, did not directly answer Kuroda's question, but looked at him in surprise and asked: "You sent more than a dozen trained elite mercenaries, don't you think? Did not one come back alive?"

Kuroda's face sank, and he said with some frustration: "Damn, so I ask you what this treasure is? A martial arts sect has no matter how high the kung fu, no matter how many people, it is impossible. I have eliminated more than a dozen of my specially trained elite personnel with military weapons, so the only explanation now is that they encountered special operations troops who were also specially trained on Lingxiu Mountain!"

When he said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he said: "Otherwise, no matter how many police forces there are, it is impossible to keep my mercenary team with rich mountain combat experience. This is impossible!"

Old Takahashi nodded. The proud son of the Takahashi family used to be the deputy head of the Yamaguchi Hiring Group, so he had heard the deputy head of the Yamaguchi security in the past, and knew that this was a team with super combat power. A strong mercenary group is in no way inferior to their domestic special forces. It is said that from the perspective of actual combat, the strength of Yamaguchi's mercenaries has surpassed that of active duty special forces in many countries, because the actual combat experience of these mercenaries far exceeds that of ordinary special forces.

But it is such a dozen or so mercenaries who can fight well, but now they are all left in the mountains of China. The two members of his Takahashi family who participated in this operation also disappeared at the same time, and both of them were once in the special forces. After strict special military training.

From this point of view, it can only show that the treasure of Lingxiu Mountain has been highly valued by relevant institutions in China, and the same elite special forces have been sent to defend it. Otherwise, there will be more soldiers on Lingxiu Mountain. Soldiers will not be wiped out.

Old Takahashi quickly analyzed the situation, then looked at Kuroda's gray head, and asked thoughtfully, "It's been so long since they disappeared, didn't you send someone to check what happened? ?"

He did have this question in his mind. The disappearance of more than a dozen Yamaguchi mercenaries was a huge loss for a mercenary group. He believed that Kuroda, the head of the mercenary group, would never ignore it.

Kuroda raised his head and looked at Old Takahashi and asked, "You must have lost a few capable officers, so why didn't you investigate?"

Old Gaoqiao shook his head gloomily, and replied in a low tone: "Our Gaoqiao family has always had an ancestor's teaching, and we must never step into China, so we don't have our own staff there."

After hearing this, Kuroda was stunned. It was the first time he had heard about the Takahashi family's ancestral motto, but he immediately reflected in his mind: These samurai and ninjas often harassed the coast of China in ancient times, and they have been harassed since ancient times. They are called Japanese pirates by the Chinese people. Their Gaoqiao family is a ninja family. They must have done bad things in China in the past. Therefore, their ancestors must have suffered a lot when they were cleaned up by the martial arts people in China at that time. It is stipulated that future generations are not allowed to enter China.

He wanted to understand the reason, and immediately nodded in understanding and said: "I have ordered the intelligence staff over there to investigate this matter, but the feedback returned is quite strange. My people recently approached Lingxiu Mountain in person. After some reconnaissance, the martial arts conference there has ended for you, and it has become a tourist destination. But there are no troops stationed near Lingxiu Mountain, and Lingxiu Mountain has always been cold and cold all the time, but now spring is blooming. The climate is pleasant, very strange."

He shook his head when he said this, and went on to say: "According to the local people's recollection, on the night our people arrived at Lingxiu Mountain, the gods appeared on Lingxiu Mountain. The dark sky, and then the mountains shook as if there was an earthquake, but no one knows what happened that night. By the way, there are local hunters who said that someone once saw the Buddha descending the next day, heaven and earth. It was hazy, and a big bird landed on the top of Lingxiu Mountain."

Several elders of the Takahashi family looked at Kuroda in astonishment. Old Takahashi also asked in astonishment: "The Buddha is here? The sky is still shaking. What's going on? How could such a strange phenomenon happen?"

Kuroda also shook his head and said, "It's really strange! Later, I speculated that it must have been our people fighting with the opponent on the mountain, and the big bird should have been the helicopter returning the special forces. As for the red and blue pillars, It is indeed very strange, and it may have something to do with the strange coldest gem, and since that night, the climate of the entire Lingxiu Mountain seems to be warmer. From this, it can be inferred that the mysterious gem has been taken away by the opponent! "

Lao Gaoqiao looked at Kuroda and pondered for a while, before nodding his head and cursing in frustration: "Damn, the climate is getting warmer, which means that the coldest gem is indeed no longer in Lingxiu Mountain. The cold aura of the aura suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding climate naturally warmed up."

When he said this, he turned to look at a few elders who were kneeling beside him and sighed: "Alas, speaking of which our Takahashi family has no relationship with this treasure! It's a pity that Jiro and Morimu suddenly finished speaking. He lowered his eyes, a sad look on his face.

The old men of the surrounding Gaoqiao family lowered their gray heads, and two of them had already raised their hands and quietly wiped the corners of their eyes. It turns out that there is still luck in their hearts, looking forward to Takahashi Moriki and Jiro suddenly appearing in front of them. But Kuroda's narration here confirms that the two outstanding people of the Takahashi family are no longer alive.

Kuroda quietly observed the reactions of the people around him, and already knew in his heart that the members of the Takahashi family really didn't know what happened on Lingxiu Mountain at that time. He shook his head in disappointment, looked at Old Gaoqiao and asked, "Patriarch Gaoqiao, what exactly is that gem? Why is it so cold, and why are you so interested in this gem? "

This question has always existed in his mind. Although when the two of them cooperated at the time, he had already guessed that the Takahashi family was not simply coveting the value of the gem, but had other uses, but what use would this gem have for the Takahashi ninja family? Takahashi Jiro and this old Takahashi did not elaborate.

Old Takahashi raised his eyes to look at him, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly realized that this kid Kuroda didn't give up on this strange treasure.

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