Panther Commando

Chapter 2226: join forces again

readx(); Old Takahashi pondered for a while, looked at Kuroda and replied: "Your Kuroda family is also a famous samurai family, you should know that some special substances will be very helpful to practice kung fu, this kind of cold thing It is one of them, if we can get this kind of thing, we can quickly increase the skills of the people in the clan with half the effort.”

Kuroda stared at Old Takahashi for a moment, and his mind quickly turned. At this time, he realized that the Takahashi family must have relied on this kind of gloomy treasure to practice martial arts in the past. It's no wonder that they have a unique medicine to restrain the cold."

He thought to himself, nodded and said thoughtfully: "So it seems that this gem is indeed a rare treasure. I have consulted the relevant personnel before the operation, and they also said that this kind of thing will definitely be valuable. Gloomy gems are not only of great economic value, but also of what you call other values."

Old Gaoqiao squinted his eyes and looked at Kuroda, and said slowly: "Yes, our ancestors have encountered this extremely cold treasure, but it is not this kind of gem, this kind of heaven and earth treasure is extremely rare, and there will definitely be Other important roles, otherwise Huaxia would not use such a large force to protect it. Do you have any other ideas?"

He is sophisticated and has seen from Kuroda's expression that he will not let it go. He lost a dozen excellent mercenaries at once, which is indeed a huge loss for Yamaguchi security. `

Kuroda looked up at Lao Takahashi and nodded, and said bluntly: "Yes, I lost a dozen people in vain, and I, Yamaguchi Security, have never done such a loss-making business. I came here to ask you how much you know about the situation? See if you can learn a little more about this gem."

He suddenly stopped talking, staring at the other party with a cold light in his eyes. After a long silence, he asked, "Are you also..." He stopped talking and stared coldly at the old Takahashi covered with wrinkled face.

Old Gaoqiao's squinted eyes suddenly lit up, and he stared at Kuroda and said word by word: "Our ancestors used to make it clear that their descendants should not step into China, but now hundreds of years have passed, and the situation has changed. Another person from our Takahashi family died on the land of Huaxia, and we must not stop there. Since that cold thing has been rediscovered by my Takahashi family, we can’t just sit back and ignore it!”

Having said this, he raised his finger and pointed at the old men sitting at the table and continued: "These are the elders of our Takahashi family. `Just now we have decided to change the family rules, remove the legacy left by our ancestors, and try our best to track them down. The whereabouts of that cold stone. Since this cold stone appeared in the eyes of our Takahashi family, we must get it. This is a chance given to our Takahashi family by God! Otherwise, this most cold treasure, It will not appear in front of our Takahashi family again, which is directly related to the rise and fall of our Takahashi family!"

Hearing this, Kuroda's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light, and he opened his mouth and let out a cold laughter: "Jie Jie Jie Jie, good! It's a pleasure to deal with the people of the Takahashi family. It is worthy of being a famous ninja family!"

As he said, he slammed the wooden table in front of him and said, "Okay, since you are not giving up, then we will continue to cooperate! After obtaining the treasure, the proportion of the share will remain unchanged. Do you think it is appropriate?" Kuroda's eyes With a cold light, he looked directly at the old Gaoqiao opposite.

"Crack," Lao Gaoqiao also raised his right hand and slapped the table hard, and said loudly, "It's appropriate, the treasure has not been received, so the agreement we negotiated is still valid! I recently sent someone to sneak into Huaxia secretly to search for the The whereabouts of the cold stone. However, our Gaoqiao family has no foundation in China, and we still need relevant information from you."

Kuroda nodded and said: "No problem, we will provide you with relevant information. My people are all from the special forces, and they are good at fighting and killing, but they are weak in intelligence gathering. You really need your help in this regard. Cooperate," he said, looking up at the two seventeen- or eighteen-year-olds standing behind Old Takahashi.

Old Takahashi saw Kuroda staring at the young man behind him, and knew that he was telling the truth. The mercenary group was indeed weak in this regard. Most of Kuroda's men were from special forces, and anyone with a discerning eye would know the origin of these people. , If engaging in intelligence work is indeed flawed.

As for his own Takahashi family, there are men, women, young and old, and now there are people in the family from all walks of life, if you can go deep into China, it is really easy to hide. Moreover, all members of his family have received good ninja training since childhood, and they are good candidates for espionage, and some people do work in intelligence agencies. As long as his old Takahashi ordered it, he would definitely be able to use his family's advantages to spy on relevant information.

After listening to Lao Takahashi's words, Kuroda looked back at him and said, "Very good, but I can tell the ugly story to the front. The information you have collected must be shared with us."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Old Gaoqiao's mouth and replied: "Don't worry, at present, our Gaoqiao family has obtained the whereabouts of this gem, and we are not able to obtain it alone. We must get your assistance."

As soon as Old Takahashi's voice fell, Kuroda and he looked at each other and laughed at the same time. The two of them stretched out their right hands and held them together across the wooden table.

At this time both of them are tacitly aware that they are all ignorant of profit and have no faith at all! But under the current circumstances, the two sides are really unable to unilaterally obtain this gem that is strictly protected by Huaxia. Now they have no choice but to join forces again, so as to increase the possibility of obtaining the gem. Base.

Kuroda immediately let go of Old Takahashi's hand and stood up, looked down at the other party and said, "Okay, that's it! I'll report the relevant information we have to you as soon as possible." After that, he turned his head to look at the door and shouted Said: "Endo, come in."

The door was immediately opened, and the Kuroda subordinate who was kicked out just now walked in. Kuroda pointed to him and said to Old Takahashi: "This is my intelligence deputy, Endo, who has been in charge of our side. Intelligence collection work. From now on, as my plenipotentiary representative, he will carry out intelligence collection work together with your Takahashi family, and the information we have will be notified to you through him. If you have important or urgent matters, you can also use him. Contact me directly."

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at his subordinates. Endo hurriedly stood at attention and lowered his head to answer, and his eyes swiftly swept over every elder of the Takahashi family in the house. Very lean.


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