Panther Commando

Chapter 2227: Creeping training


Old Takahashi glanced at the young man intently, nodded and said to the two hands behind him, "Prepare the banquet, I want to have two drinks with Captain Kuroda." Kuroda quickly waved his hand and said, "I still have something to do. , I have to hurry back. Endo Yu, discuss with you together, and strive to formulate a thorough intelligence collection plan as soon as possible." He said, bending over to Lao Takahashi, turning around and walking towards the door of the room.

Several old men in the room all stood up and wanted to see them off. Kuroda turned to his side and waved his hand. He said to Endo, "Come with me." Then he waved his hand at Old Takahashi who stood up, pushed the door and walked out.

Kuroda took Endo to a remote place next to him, and whispered: "You and them carefully discuss the direction of the reconnaissance. Do you still remember that we jointly hijacked the Huaxia security experts in that country of ice and snow with the Black Hawk mercenary group? At that time, our old rival Hua Leopard had successfully rescued the hostages, but they were still chasing after our people who crossed the border to chase and kill us. An extremist camp was attacked deep in the mountains, where a member of our Yamaguchi team was being held."

When he said this, he looked around vigilantly, and continued in a low voice: "Afterwards, there were various signs that the leopard commando attacked the extremist station of hundreds of people with a small number of people, and its target was our Yamaguchi team member. I was very surprised at the time. After they completed the rescue of the hostages, they were still chasing after them. This was unreasonable. Later, the Black Hawk Hire Group was also investigating the cause. Captain George of the Black Hawk and I were at this time. Through the phone calls, we all estimated that the other party must have extremely secret weapons obtained by our people, otherwise the other party would not take such a big risk to cross the border to hunt them down."

"When you discuss with the Takahashi family, point the focus of their reconnaissance to the military research institutes that study weapons and let them work hard there. I guess the gem of Lingxiu Mountain should also be in the hands of these research institutes. I know there are members of the Takahashi family who work in spy agencies, and you need to make the most of their network."

Endo nodded, knowing in his heart the purpose of his team leader's trip. In terms of intelligence work, my own employment group is indeed a weak point, because the task of the employment group is to accept the employment of the employer to make a profit, so it is only after accepting the task to carry out some intelligence work in the area where the task is located, both in terms of manpower and strength. very weak.

And Kuroda must have learned from the original deputy head of Takahashi that the Takahashi family has descendants in various industries, and some of them work in spy agencies at home and abroad. Therefore, the important purpose of his coming here is to use their relationship to collect intelligence on each other.

Seeing that Endo understood what he meant, Kuroda ordered in a low voice, "Go back and keep in touch with me anytime if there is a situation." After that, he strode out of the fishing village.

In fact, Kuroda of Yamaguchi's mercenary group did not explain the whole situation to Endo. At that time, in that country of ice and snow, after they and the Black Hawk Mercenaries teamed up to hijack two anti-terrorism experts from China, they just wanted to attract the leopard commandos to kill them all in one fell swoop, humiliating them with repeated failures.

Unexpectedly, the two teams of them did not escape the fate of failure, and what happened next really puzzled Kuroda and Captain George of the Black Hawk Mercenary Group. At that time, the leopard team members not only did not retreat quickly after rescuing the hostages, but chased the deserters of several security guards in the mountain pass. Later, he learned from the mouths of the local extremists that they had captured a team member who was injured in Yamaguchi.

According to the prisoner's account at the time, it was said that when Yamaguchi's squad leader Kiyono took them to escape, they found a drone that had been reconnaissance in the night sky for a long time. Later, they shot down the drone and intercepted something from it. Those chasing The Hua Leopard team pursued it desperately, just to get this thing back.

After learning this information, Kuroda once had a special call with the head of the Black Hawk Hire Group, George, to study the matter. The two agreed that the team leader Qingye must have discovered the peculiarity of the drone, so he designed the drone to shoot down. , and found something unusual in it. The high-tech things on the drone are nothing more than batteries and nighttime reconnaissance systems. It is impossible for the reconnaissance system to not see abnormalities on the ground, so the trouble is that the battery has an extraordinary place.

From this, it can be speculated that the battery must have an extremely unusual power, otherwise the fierce leopard team members would never have taken such a big risk to penetrate into the battlefield of the neighboring government forces and armed forces, and risked an attack. There are hundreds of extremists in the camp to kill the prisoners, which is obviously to silence and avoid the leakage of classified information.

And the other party must continue to chase and kill Qingye and take away the secret battery from them. Therefore, Kuroda and George agreed that this battery must be a high-energy battery beyond the current level of technology.

And it must be a military research institution that developed this kind of military equipment, so Kuroda specifically instructed Endo to put the focus of the Takahashi family reconnaissance on the military research institute. The most cold gems on Lingxiu Mountain may have been taken away by these research institutions. These mysterious things contain many unknown must have extremely high scientific research and economic value.

Just when Kuroda and Takahashi were conspiring, Wan Lin and several Hua Leopards were standing on the training ground of the Special Forces Brigade with guns, staring sharply at a group of training campers.

At this time, more than 30 training team members were lying on a low barbed wire surface, holding the automatic rifle tightly in one hand, and using their hands and feet to crawl forward quickly. The low barbed wire was irregularly bound with sharp barbs. The backs of many crawling players had been scratched by the sharp barbs on the net, and there were bloodstains on the torn training uniforms.

The entire low-pile net is more than 200 meters long. Not only has the distance been lengthened, but the height is also much lower than that of the low-pile nets that are usually trained. The barbs bound on the wire nets almost rubbed the backs of every team member, moving quickly. As long as he raised his body a little, he would immediately be drawn with a bright red bloodstain on his back by a sharp barb.

Just as the team members were desperately crawling forward with sweat on their faces, a burst of machine gunfire suddenly sounded, and the two fire snakes almost brushed the top of the low-pile net and flew over. The sound of gunshots, "Quick, quick, quick! Don't be crawling like a snail!" A rough shout followed.


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